Tag archive for "Bitcoin"


Bitcoin I tried to look this up yesterday but couldn't find any current numbers for the size of the testnet blockchain. So here are my stats, with txindex enabled. more

Faucet requests May 2020 I run a bitcoin testnet faucet. Testnet coins are supposed to be worthless, but there is scarcity and some people try to get as many as they can. I try to prevent this to keep the faucet running and useful for as many people as possible, for as long as possible. more

While migrating my website that also runs a bitcoin testnet faucet I decided to finally automate the bitcoind startup using supervisord. I had already done that in other locations but had forgotten some important settings. Bitcoind takes some time to start, and supervisord needs to know. I also had to … more

After installing the 0.16 release of bitcoin on my server that runs my testnet faucet, I was greeted with this error when starting it: bitcoind: "error while loading shared libraries: libgcc_s.so.1": cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. The problem is quite easy to fix, see below. more

I have used this script to export all private keys in a wallet. The blockchain does not have to be synced, but the wallet obviously has to be unlocked (with walletpassphrase). No warranty. more

FBTC Exchange closed


Anything to add? Please leave a comment or contact me. As I'm not involved with this exchange I can only use info readers send me. 2013-10-31 Coindesk seems to have access to new information: "Once the malicious software was able to obtain financial information from its victims, the four suspects … more

Open source web-based bitcoin wallet


Yesterday I released flaskwallet. It is the wallet I use every day to manage my various bitcoin and altcoin nodes. Flaskwallet was designed as a single-user system, no user management exists or is planned at the moment. Flaskwallet was written with the flask web framework. The code isn't as polished … more

What happened to bitcoin-24.com?


Bad: Licensing, Data leak, Password security, Accounting, DB integrity and Float arithmetic. Donations: [donatebitcoin] No BTC? 2020-04-16 Bitcoin24 and Corona Virus Who would have thought... seven years later and there are still things happening around Bitcoin24. The refund effort started by Jeff has made slow, steady progress over the years … more

Work for cryptocurrency


That's right. I have decided to work for bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as well as for cash. Due to the high volatility I would prefer small tasks that can be completed in a day or two. But bigger projects might work as well, just contact me for details. I had … more

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