How can I create a community menu?

You can create a menu using the wiki markup language. Communities have a special block for that exact purpose. To turn it on, go to Manage, then open Sections and go to Wiki block.

Once the option is turned on, the Latest news section will appear in the group's information block. Using this section. you can create your group's menu.

You can read more about wiki markup here: Ïîìîùü ïî ðàçìåòêå ñòðàíèöû (available in Russian) or in one of the many communities about it, such as this one: Read more about how to create wiki pages here: Êàê ïîäêëþ÷èòü (available in Russian).

Keep in mind that public pages don't have a special "Wiki block" section. You'll need to create a wiki page with the menu first, post it on the wall and pin the post.
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