Beylik of Dulkadir

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Dulkadirids / Dulkadiroğulları
Map of the Anatolian beyliks around 1330. Dulkadir was located in south east Anatolia.
Map of the Anatolian beyliks around 1330. Dulkadir was located in south east Anatolia.
Common languagesTurkish
Sunni Islam
• 1337
Zeyneddin Karaca Bey
• 1522
Dulkadir Ali Bey
Historical eraLate Medieval
• Established
• Disestablished
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Ottoman Empire

The Anatolian beylik of Dulkadir (Modern Turkish: Dulkadiroğulları Beyliği), was one of the frontier principalities established by the Turkoman clans Bayat, Afshar and Begdili after the decline of Seljuk Sultanate of Rûm.

The tribes of the Dulkadiroğlu Principality Turkmens who settled in the Maraş region, XVI. at the turn of the century.

Ağcakoyunlu, Alcı/Elci, Anamaslı (Karacalı), Avcı, Bertiz, Bostancıyan, Varsak, Cerid, Çağırgan, Çimeli, Demrek, Dışcıyan, Dokuz, Döngeleli, Eymir, Gurbet, Gündeşli, Karacalı, Kavurgalı, Kızıllı and Ali Beyli, Koyuncuyan, Küreciyan, There are twenty-seven different tribes, namely Küşne, Osmanlı, Pechenek, Tahirli. had gathered. There were a total of 757 tribes connected to these tribes (BOA.TD/998: 461).

Tribes of Dulkadirs in Kars-ı Maraş;

Demircili, Karamanlı, Kavurgalı, ((Selmanlı)) (Salmanlı), Zâkirli tribes and Çobanlı, Hatablı, Karı Kışlalı, Mesudlu, Keçelik and Kemalli tribes (BOA.TD/998: 488-510).

Tribes of Turkmens from Dulkadir in Maraş and Kars-ı Maraş dated 1580;

Agcakoyunlu, Anamasli, Avci/Evci, Avşar, Cerid, Çağırganlı, Çimeli, Dokuz, Döngeleli, Eşkinciyan, Eymir, Gurbetân, Gündeşli, Kara Yuvalı, Kızıllı, Koyuncuyan, Küreciyan and Küşne tribes (KKA.TD/116).

Since the Dulkadir lords ruled Bozok with the governors they appointed from the dynastic family, the Dulkadirli tribes, who made the region their home, were also generally

They were named after their boybeys (Sümer 1973: 312). Gentlemen, Çandır and its close They lived in Kozan (Şahruh Bey Barracks) village.

(BOA.TD/218: 31),

Bozok mosques, masjids, mosques, which were built especially during the time of Alaüddevle Bey and his son Şahruh Bey. They opened them up for settlement by cheering them up with zawiyas and other zoning activities (Koç 2013)

XV. Dulkadirli people settled in Yozgat and neighboring regions since the beginning of the century. tribes;

Kızılkocalı, Selmanlı (Salmanlı), Süleymanlı, Ağcalı, Chicekli, Zakirli, Mesudlu, Agcakoyunlu, Kavurgali, Demircili, Sham Bayati, Soklen, Hisar Beyli and Karali tribes. (Yellow 2015:29, Aries 2013:561).

Bozok region tribes of Dulkadirs; Agcakoyunlu, Agcali, Ali Beyli, Cicek, Deli Alili, Demircili, Hisar Beyli, Karamanli, Karamanli, Kavurgali, Kizilkocali, Mesudlu, Sekili, Selmanlı (Salmanlı), Söklen, Süleymanli, Sham Bayati, Tecirli, Zâkirli tribes.


The capitals of the beylik were located around the town of Elbistan in Kahramanmaraş Province of Turkey in different eras.

As a buffer state[edit]

For a while, the Beylik of Dulkadiroğulları had an influence extending from Kırşehir to Mosul, but with the rise of the Ottomans, they became a buffer state between the Ottomans and the Mamluk Sultanate (Cairo) of Egypt. They became part of the Ottoman Empire in early 16th century. Until the mid-19th century, the region centered on the town of Elbistan in Kahramanmaraş Province of Turkey was often referred to as Dulkadiroğulları (or Zulkadriyye ) State in Ottoman documents[citation needed].

The Dulkadir dynasty also gave many brides to the Ottoman dynasty. Emine Hatun, the daughter of Nasreddin Mehmed Bey, the fifth ruler of Dulkadiroğulları State, was Mehmed I's third consort, and thus the mother of Ottoman Sultan Murad II. Their marriage served as an alliance between the Ottomans and this buffer state. Their son Murad II is the ancestor of all succeeding Sultans. Similarly, Mükrime Hatun, the daughter of Süleyman Bey, the sixth ruler of Dulkadiroğulları State, was the third wife of Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II. Moreover, Ayşe Hatun, the daughter of Alaüddevle Bozkurt, the eleventh ruler of the Dulkadir State, was the wife of Ottoman Sultan Bayezid II, and consequently the stepmother of Selim I.

List of rulers[edit]

  1. Zeyneddin Karaca Bey (1337–1353)[1]
  2. Garseddin Halil Bey (1353–1386)
  3. Şaban Süli Bey (Sevli Bey) (1386–1398)
  4. Sadaka Bey (1398–1399)
  5. Nasireddin Mehmed Bey (1399–1442)
  6. Dulkadiroğlu Süleyman Bey (1442–1454)
  7. Melik Arslan Bey (1454–1465)
  8. Şah Budak Bey (1465–1467)
  9. Şehsuvar Bey (1467–1472)
  10. Şah Budak Bey (second reign) (1472–1480)
  11. Alaüddevle Bozkurt Bey (1480–1515)
  12. Dulkadiroğlu Ali Bey (1515–1522)

See also[edit]


  1. ^ Yeni Rehber Ansiklopedisi, Türkiye Gazetesi, 1993 (in Turkish)