• Social Impact Reports

    Our reporting offers key information about our social impact progress

    • Read Report

      FY21 Progress Made Real Report

      This reports the groundwork we are laying and progress we have made in working toward the goals in Progress Made Real — Our Social Impact Plan for 2030.

    • 2021 Diversity & Inclusion Report

      2021 Diversity & Inclusion Report

      Learn how we are building a workforce that is inclusive and represents the diverse and global customers we serve.

    • 2020 Supply Chain Sustainability Progress Report

      2020 Supply Chain Sustainability Progress Report

      We manage responsible business practices in one of the world’s largest supply chains. This report details the key actions and progress from our focus on sustainability.

    • Reporting Frameworks

      Reporting Frameworks

      View our framework reporting per GRI standards, standards by SASB, and WEF's core Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics. Our GRI Index provides mapping of GRI disclosures to the TCFD's recommendations.

    • Progress Made Real Plan for 2030

      Our Social Impact Plan for 2030

      Released in November 2019, this plan articulates how we will create a positive and lasting social impact on people and the planet through 2030 and beyond — using our reach, technology and people.

    • 2020 Responsible Minerals Sourcing Report

      2020 Responsible Minerals Sourcing Report

      We support, respect and uphold the internationally-recognized human rights of all people and labor rights for the workers of those in our supply chain.

    • CDP Water Security Report

      2019 CDP Water Report

      Dell Technologies regularly submits a CDP water report that covers corporate efforts to help ensure a water-secure future.

    • CDP Climate Change Report

      2019 CDP Climate Change Report

      Dell Technologies regularly submits a CDP climate report that covers corporate efforts to reduce climate risks.