Enhanced Media Library


The plugin will be handy for those who need to manage a lot of media files.


Categorize by Anything!

  • Unlimited categories & tags for media items
  • Unlimited custom taxonomies: create in a few clicks
  • Unlimited third-party taxonomies: assign to the media library

Configurable Filters

  • Show / hide data, author, taxonomy filters
  • Per taxonomy filters
  • Configurable outcome of the filtering: include / exclude child categories

Enhanced Media Library

  • Show captions: title, filename, or caption field for each media item
  • Bulk selection: no special mode anymore, faster editing
  • Drag’n’Drop re-order right in the media library
  • Infinite scroll and manageable loads per page options

Dynamic Galleries / Playlists

Additional parameters for the [gallery] and [playlist] shortcodes:

  • media_category or any other taxonomy
  • monthnum
  • year
  • limit of media items to show

MIME Types Management

Add or remove file types, allow or disallow uploading. The plugin incorporates a file type into media filters if you wish.

Feels Native to WordPress

We spent hours to make Enhanced Media Library operates as though it were native WordPress functionality. All plugin features are incorporated into WordPress UI seamlessly.


  • Core hooks just work for media taxonomies and media items
  • All taxonomies supported: custom and code-registered
  • REST API supported out of the box
  • No custom tables in the database
  • Deactivation makes no harm to data: all media items and taxonomies remain after deactivation

Export / Import / Restore Plugin Settings

If you need to move your media library to another website you should export and import WordPress content with WordPress built-in export/import. But to make the Enhanced Media Library work on the new site with the same settings you are provided with the export/import feature.

Multisite compatible

Network activate the plugin and choose which options will be available to your admins. In the PRO version, the license key should be activated once for the whole network.

More about the basic version on wpUXsolutions.com

Enhanced Media Library PRO

Additional comfort and even more convenient way to organize WordPress media library:

  • Unlimited & Super-Fast Bulk Edit
  • User-friendly dynamic galleries / playlists: all options set with dropdowns and checkboxes, no “coding”
  • Advanced search: filter media items by just typing the first letters of its name in the search field
  • Auto-Categorize for post media items

More about the premium version on wpUXsolutions.com


Support is free for both versions of the plugin. “PRO”-users do not have priority. We do our best to respond in 24 hours if not sooner.

Compatible with the Plugins:

Please let us know if you find any issue with the plugins from the list above or others.


Please notice that you use Enhanced Media Library with other plugins that add media categories, media folders, or manage MIME Types at your own risk. We cannot guarantee their compatibility because of the different approaches to the same functionality. We do not recommend using other media library (folder) plugin at the same time with the Enhanced Media Library. Please choose the one you prefer.

Useful Links


  • Plugin Settings: WordPress General Media Settings

  • Plugin Settings: Media Items Order & Enhanced Media Shortcodes

  • Plugin Settings: Media Taxonomies & Filters

  • Plugin Settings: MIME Types settings

  • Plugin Settings: Export, Import, Restore, Cleanup

  • Media Taxonomies are just usual WordPress taxonomies

  • Media categories and tags in Nav Menu

  • Media Library Grid Mode

  • Media Library List Mode

  • Editing individual image / media items

  • Filter-based image gallery


  1. Upload plugin folder to ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory

  2. Activate the plugin through Plugins menu in WordPress admin

  3. Adjust plugin’s settings on Settings > Media

  4. Enjoy Enhanced Media Library!


January 11, 2022
Super intuitive enhancement to the core media library: - conforms to WP UX standards. - easily supports all taxonomies from Media Library Asst and any other folder/category vendor, so it's perfect for cross-plugin category and tag management. The pro version bulk edit pays for itself in one bulk edit session. I won't quote price and terms here, but this vendor's premium price model is the fairest I've seen for any vendor in the media library group. Support is direct from the vendor and I've never had to wait more than a few hours for a response. Overall - the best media library and taxonomy manager I've used for WordPress.
August 26, 2021
I use this plugin to auto-generate lists of file downloads by category. Very useful for organizations with lots of committees, reports, and meeting minutes. This isn't built in yet, but they offer some suggestions in their FAQ that helped as I was writing my own shortcode function. Support was very quick to respond to my one small complaint and made updates with changes.
August 14, 2021
I am writing this review on 14 August 2021. I made multiple requests and the technical support was provided within 24 hours. One issue required an update to the plugin. That was provided the next day. The support is terrific.
July 28, 2021
When the plugin works, it works perfectly and suits my needs. But when a new WordPress version comes out, it's the second time that the plugin has some bugs, and it just takes too long for a new version to come along. The annyoing thing is, that the developper doesn't write anything (for example "I am aware of the problem and will provide a fix in the next days"), so one just doesn't know if it will be fixed or not.
Read all 288 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Enhanced Media Library” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Enhanced Media Library” has been translated into 11 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Enhanced Media Library” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



Release Date – January 09, 2022


  • Infinite scroll and manageable loads per page options added
  • SVG full support ensured
  • Taxonomy archive pages improved – are now fully disabled and not indexed if chosen
  • Compatibility with SimpLy Gallery Blocks plugin added


Release Date – August 26, 2021


  • Media Library Grid Mode: “More Details” / “Less Details” button improved to remember the latest choice after page reload
  • Better third-party admin menu compatibility
  • Compatibility for Impreza theme categories added


Release Date – August 8, 2021


  • Enfold theme masonry gallery (latest version) compatibility ensured


  • Edit image wrong link fixed for the Grid mode


Release Date – August 5, 2021


  • WordPress 5.8 compatibility ensured


  • A minor ACF-related bug fixed


Release Date – April 10, 2021


  • A critical bug of v2.8.4 fixed (FooGallery related)
  • A few minor bugs fixed


Release Date – April 9, 2021


  • A bug with a category checkbox not showing unchecked after deselecting a category fixed
  • A bug with taxonomy archive pages are being actually empty instead of 404 fixed



Release Date – March 9, 2021


  • Taxonomy archive pages mechanism improved. When the pages are disabled (404) they are no more accessible by friendly URLs


  • WordPress 5.7 compatibility ensured


Release Date – December 9, 2020


  • WordPress 5.0 – 5.6 minor compatibility issues resolved


Release Date – October 29, 2020


  • Enfold theme compatibility error fixed
  • The bug with ACF’s panel expand fixed
  • Minor bugs fixed


  • Allowed MIME Types upload improved
  • Scroll to a selected media item improved (Media Library Grid Mode)
  • PRO only: Faster Select All


Release Date – October 11, 2020


  • Critical WP core compatibility issues fixed
  • Gallery and Playlist editing bug fixed
  • Image uploading issue fixed


  • ACF attachment custom fields – better compatibility
  • Enfold Theme: added [av_masonry_gallery] shortcode compatibility with media category parameters like media_category='10', tag='21'
  • PRO only: The bulk Save Changes button is disabled by default since v2.8 for new plugin installations. All changes are being made on the fly. If you prefer the button, you can enable it at Settings > Media Taxonomies > Bulk Edit > Save Changes button.


My sincere apologies to everyone hurt by the absence of EML updates last year. The plugin is not abandoned, its development will continue.


Release Date – September 13, 2018


  • Compatibility with Smush (WP SmushIt) plugin ensured


Release Date – September 11, 2018
v2.7 bugfixes


  • [playlist] broken shortcode bug fixed
  • “Image not uploading”, “Can’t add featured image”, “Media library right sidebar gone” and possibly some other situations common bug fixed.
  • PRO only: hidden filters bug fixed
  • A few minor bugs fixed, some minor code improvements made


Release Date – September 10, 2018


  • Better workflow for saving categories in both single item and bulk edit: everything is being saved on the fly by default (Save Changes button is now optional)
  • Better layout for the Media Library
  • [gallery] and [playlist] shortcodes now understand media category slugs, not only IDs
  • Multisite “Unify Media Settings over Network” option added


  • Taxonomy fields are now always at the end of other fields in Attachment Details
  • Admin Menu Editor compatibility added


  • Multisite performance issue fixed
  • Admin titles for plugin settings pages fixed
  • Natural sort order bug – not showing media items with the same titles – fixed
  • data[caption_type] not found bug fixed


Release Date – May 23, 2018
Addresses various issues of all previous 2.6.x versions


  • Various multisite bugs fixed, including the user deletion bug
  • A bug causing memory leak on websites with thousands of users fixed
  • A few bugs causing admin crash in PHP less than 5.5 fixed
  • PRO only: a few update issues fixed including persistent update message bug


  • Elementor CSS-compatibility added (a temporary solution, we are still working on the full compatibility)


Release Date – May 18, 2018


  • Filter by authors added
  • “Filters to show” option added: show/hide filters by File Type Date, Author, Media Taxonomies
  • “Include children” option added: include (or not) media items of child media categories when filtering
  • PRO only: Search options added: what to (or not to) include to the default search: Titles, Captions, Descriptions, Authors, Media Taxonomies
  • “Show caption” option added for the Grid Mode
  • Full multisite support added (documentation is coming)


  • Natural sort order for galleries and archive pages ensured
  • Plugin’s menu improved
  • Plugin options are re-grouped to be more consistent
  • PRO only: Updating mechanism improved
  • Media taxonomies creation mechanism revised to allow non-ASCII characters like Chinese in taxonomy names
  • Taxonomy archive pages disabled by default since this version (for new installations)
  • A lot of small security improvements


  • Custom order for a taxonomy archive page fixed
  • Position of WordPress core messages in the Grid Mode fixed
  • A lot of small bugs fixed

Previous releases…