Rezultati pretraživanja
  1. prije 16 sati

    Day 8/100 of Python. After a deserved rest in the weekend, we're back!

  2. prije 10 sati

    Day 1) Learned about:- - print() function - String Concatenation - input() function - Comments - len() function - variables - variable naming - Indentation & Syntax Error (1/2)

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  3. Osobe Vidi sve

  4. 21. ožu

    Day 84 Get user's location by js

  5. prije 22 sata

    Day 15/100 - ✨ Created this Dice Game Using JavaScript Tomorrow I Will do another Challenge! Here's a Pic -

  6. prije 19 sati

    Day 8 still practicing python strings and enjoying all the way.

  7. 21. ožu

    Day 3 Today, I was able to write my first game in python — a guessing game.

  8. 18. ožu

    Day 11 of , What I learned today: 🌻Boolean Values 🌻If, while and for 🌻Guess number program 🌻Create process map for Data Science track in progress.

  9. 21. ožu

    Day 5... Started the CSS already.... I hope I don't get distracted 🧐🧐 and finish today

  10. 21. ožu

    Day 8 of Build a Calculator app using useState and useEffect Check it 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

  11. prije 17 sati

    Day 18: today i’ve learned 1-Arrays 2-Foreach Loop

  12. 21. ožu

    When learning a new technology, framework or programming language focus on the fundamentals and put your knowledge into action.

  13. 21. ožu

    Use underscores to break long numbers and make them more readable in JavaScript

  14. 20. ožu

    Day 13 / I don't know what I am doing.

  15. prije 17 sati

    Day 17 Coded for 1 hour today Continued building the Cafe menu. Almost done. I love how it looks.

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  16. 21. ožu

    Day 78 of For the last few days I learned JS with the help of the Grasshopper app, mdn and some youtube videos. Time to continue with some practical project.

  17. 21. ožu

    Good Monday.... Starting an today, I will be learning HTML, CSS and mostly JavaScript at , Frontend dev. libraries= 132 JavaScript= 294 Responsive web design= 189 Total lessons is= 615🤔🤔 But I will take 5-10 lessons per day and that gives 123days

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  18. 21. ožu
  19. 21. ožu

    Turns out day 4/100 was a rest day… so instead of breaking a chain we’ll call it rest day

  20. 21. ožu

    Day 23 March 20 The Calculator project Adding two numbers made possible. Now have to work on other operations.

  21. 21. ožu

    Honestly investing in your training is super important and I cannot recommend enough for any students! A small investment will have a huge return! Plus you'll meet amazing people, build cool code and have lots of fun!

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