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Thursday, March 24, 2022, 0238 (UTC)
Flight recorder for fatal China Eastern flight 5735 crash found
Flight recorder for fatal China Eastern flight 5735 crash found

One of the flight data recorders from the downed China Eastern Airlines flight 5735 has been found, aviation officials announced Wednesday.

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China Eastern jet with 132 onboard crashes in Guangxi
China Eastern jet with 132 onboard crashes in Guangxi

Today, China Eastern Airlines Flight 5735 crashed in the mountains of Guangxi near Wuzhou with 123 passengers and nine crew.

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Japanese PM Kishida visits India, discusses business partnership
Japanese PM Kishida visits India, discusses business partnership

On Saturday, Prime Minister of Japan Fumio Kishida held bilateral talks with his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi for a two-day official visit.

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Scientists announce decoy-proof Ebola antibodies
Scientists announce decoy-proof Ebola antibodies

Findings published Thursday in Cell reveal the development of a new antibody treatment for the deadly disease caused by the Ebola virus and its relatives.

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Bandit ringleader arrested in Nigeria
Bandit ringleader arrested in Nigeria

Thursday, police in Nigeria arrested Ahmed Yunusa, known as "Yellow Ashana", an alleged highwayman in Kaduna State.

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