Recent Tweets Widget


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Recent Tweets Widget plugin for Twitter API v1.1 with Cache. It uses the new Twitter API v1.1 and stores tweets in the cache. It means that it will read status messages from your database and it doesn’t query for every page load so you won’t be rate limited. You can set how often you want to update the cache.


  • The widget
  • How it looks on frontend page


  1. Unzip the downloaded zip file.
  2. Upload the recent-tweets folder and its contents into the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation
  3. Activate Recent Tweets Widget from Plugins page.
  4. Go to your Widgets menu, add * Recent Tweets widget to a widget area.
  5. Visit in a new tab, sign in with your account, click on Create a new application and create your own keys if you haven’t already.
  6. Fill all your widget settings.
  7. Enjoy your new Twitter feed! 🙂

Preguntas frecuentes

How can I get Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Access Token and Access Token Secret?

You will need to visit, sign in with your account and create your own keys.


15 de Outubro, 2019
Worked fine for a couple of years, suddenly this week causes a huge layout problem with ANY theme and WP 5.2.4. Disabling this plugin completely fixes the problem.
3 de Xullo, 2019
This plugin is fantástic, i'm public my recent tweets in my blog!!!!!
13 de Abril, 2018
Very good widget, shame it's not SSL ready - it contains http hardcoded links, so by using it you automatically agree to have your HTTPS website being not fully protected.
23 de Outubro, 2017
Once you figured out how to get the API key and other secret codes, the widget (find it in the appearance > widgets ) is pretty straight forward. I would love to be able to modify the look of the tweets but those features are not there yet.
8 de Agosto, 2017
This plugin has been compromised. It is redirecting to a spam site. Deactivating the plugin resolved the issue.
Ler todas as 29 opinións

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Rexistro de cambios


Add translation support.


Minor widget CSS change.


Update compatible WordPress version.


  • Updated twitter logo
  • Removed line break before time link and use css instead
  • Fixed some undefined array key and undefined notices
  • Fix for redeclaring OAuthException class


  • Fix widget for WP 4.3


  • Fix bug on settings page


  • Settings page and other updates


  • PHP 5.5 deprecated preg_replace() function fix
  • Added gettext calls for easier translation


  • Fix for special 4 byte UTF8 characters


  • Header output issue fix


  • Some styling issues were fixed
  • Now the script checks if a function already exists
  • Special function naming are applied so function dupes are also prevented
  • Exclude replies option has been added


  • The first version of this plugin! Enjoy! 🙂