

Flamingo é un plugin de almacenamento de mensaxes orixinalmente creado para Contact Form 7, que non garda as mensaxes enviadas.

Cando actives o plugin, verás Flamingo no menú da pantalla de administración de WordPress. Todas as mensaxes dos formularios de contacto lístanse e pódense buscar aí. Con Flamingo, xa non tes que preocuparte de perder mensaxes importantes debido a problemas ou erros na configuración do correo electrónico do servidor.

Para informacións máis detallada, visita a páxina de documentación de Contact Form 7.

Avisos de privacidade

Este plugin almacena na base de datos do servidor que aloxa a web os datos recollidos mediante formularios de contacto, incluíndo información persoal do remitente.


  1. Sube toda a carpeta de flamingo ao directorio /wp-content/plugins/.
  2. Active o complemento a través do menú ‘Complementos’ en WordPress.


28 de Outubro, 2021
I love this plugin. One thing I would like is that I don't like the sidebar in the admin panel to be overwhelmed. It would be nice if there is an option to place it within the ContactForm7 items in the side menu.
20 de Outubro, 2021
An absolutely first-rate and honest program - well designed and reliable. What is more, it is featured on the CF7 website. I considered this program and CFDB7. I was suspicious of the reviews on CFDB7 - only 400k installs and circa 1500+ 5-star reviews. At the time of writing, Flamingo has 700k installs and 100+ reviews. Having promoted software myself this seems much more realistic. CFDB7 also has a page comparing it with Flamingo and it makes a big thing about the number of reviews they have in comparison with Flamingo - which increases my suspicion even more. One thing that is worth bearing in mind is that when you launch an app you are inundated by dodgy 3rd world companies trying to sell you 1000+ 5-star reviews.
25 de Xuño, 2021
I have CF7 but I don't receive the messages. Flamingo resolves this problem for me. 🙂
4 de Xuño, 2021
If your site is regularly scanned with penetration testing tools like Arachni or Netsparker do not use this plugin. A single Netsparker scan can easily overwhelm a site with this plugin enabled. Performance degrades severely over the course of a pentest scan as "spam" messages build up. Submitting a new contact form slows down considerably because on the backend there seem to be an ever increasing number of database queries as the number of messages Flamingo stores goes up. Eventually it becomes like an amplification attack and it will overwhelm the backend WordPress database with too many queries. Submitting a single new contact form eventually produces thousands of queries on the backend to the database.
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Interesado no desenvolvemento?

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Rexistro de cambios


  • Fixed: Cron jobs clean-up on plugin deactivation was failing to work.


  • Address Book: Hides the Filter button if there is no working filter.


  • Outputs a local date/time in a CSV export file.
  • Removes load_plugin_textdomain() calls.
  • Removes a reference to $_wp_last_object_menu.
  • Removes the set-screen-option filter.
  • Inherits post_status from the previous admin page.
  • Avoids using wp_date() for MySQL DATETIME values.
  • Has been tested with WordPress 5.6.


  • Sets the post_date of an inbound message based on the submission timestamp.
  • Allows users to search and filter messages within the Spam subgroup.
  • Changes the visibility of the $found_items property to private and introduces the count() method as an alternative.
  • Changes the visibility of the $id property to private and introduces the id() method as an alternative.
  • Introduces the submission result in the inbound message viewer screen.
  • Stores the posted_data_hash value for search.


  • Security enhancement, CSV: Prefixes a field when its value begins with =, +, -, or @. See https://contactform7.com/2020/01/15/heads-up-about-spreadsheet-vulnerabilities/ for details.
  • New filter hook: flamingo_csv_field_prefix


  • Melloras da interface de usuario para amosar rexistros de JSON reCAPTCHA na páxina do editor de mensaxes entrantes.
  • Móvese á papeleira automaticamente despois de cada 30 días da creación de mensaxes de spam.