Community Guidelines

A+E Networks® encourages community engagement and values connecting with our global audiences online. Discuss, share and discover ideas and information through our social platforms, while connecting with like-minded entertainment fans. We welcome your questions and comments, but in order to keep our conversations on point, we’ve established some simple guidelines.

  1. Don’t post any material that is abusive, defamatory, threatening, racist, obscene, false or illegal.
  2. Please use appropriate, non-offensive language.
  3. Do not post (or post links to) advertisements, commercial solicitations (including pitches) or other spam or malicious software.
  4. Please review and make sure all of your activity on our page complies with the platform’s policies.
A+E Networks® reserves the right to remove any comments or content that doesn’t adhere to these guidelines or with any other applicable Terms and Conditions, rules or laws. We may also block users who violate the rules or otherwise abuse our online community. We reserve the right to delete any content or ban users we feel has violated these rules.