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Translation of OnePress: English (Australia)

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1 2 3 23
Prio Original string Translation
Priority: high
OnePress Details

Theme Name of the theme


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Select a page which have content contain [gallery] shortcode or gallery blocks. Select a page which have content contain [gallery] shortcode or gallery blocks. Details
Select a page which have content contain [gallery] shortcode or gallery blocks.

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Secondary Color Secondary Colour Details
Secondary Color

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Page Title Cover Alignment Page Title Cover Alignment Details
Page Title Cover Alignment

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Page Title Alignment Page Title Alignment Details
Page Title Alignment

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Hide thumbnail placeholder Hide thumbnail placeholder Details
Hide thumbnail placeholder

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Hide placeholder if the post thumbnail not exists. Hide placeholder if the post thumbnail not exists. Details
Hide placeholder if the post thumbnail not exists.

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Enable Image Link Enable Image Link Details
Enable Image Link

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Disable the section navigation on mobile Disable the section navigation on mobile Details
Disable the section navigation on mobile

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Apply when the page display featured image as header cover. Apply when the page display featured image as header cover. Details
Apply when the page display featured image as header cover.

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yearly archives date format
Y Details
Context yearly archives date format

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Use excerpt metabox Use excerpt metabox Details
Use excerpt metabox

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Strip excerpt by more tag Strip excerpt by more tag Details
Strip excerpt by more tag

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Sections Navigation Sections Navigation Details
Sections Navigation

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More News Page More News Page Details
More News Page

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Changes requested
With warnings
1 2 3 23

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