Kirki Customizer Framework


NEW – Kirki PRO is now available!

Kirki allows theme developers to build themes quicker & more easily.

With over 30 custom controls ranging from simple sliders to complex typography controls with Google-Fonts integration and features like automatic CSS & postMessage script generation, Kirki makes theme development a breeze.

Features ✅

  • Increased Performance
  • Simplified API
  • Automatic CSS Generation
  • Automatic postMessage Generation
  • Partial Refresh
  • Conditional Logic
  • GDPR Compliance
  • Improved Page Speed
  • & more!

Controls 🎛️

Kirki PRO Extensions 🏆

Create the WordPress experience your customers deserve with Kirki PRO Extensions.

PRO Features

  • Tabs
  • Responsive Controls
  • Input Slider
  • Headlines & Dividers
  • Margin & Padding Controls

Learn more about Kirki PRO.

Documentation 📖

You can find detailed documentation on how to use Kirki on


Simply install as a normal WordPress plugin and activate.

If you want to integrate Kirki in your theme or plugin, please read the instructions on our documentation site.


31 de Decembro, 2021
After the update my site is no longer working theme: regn roll back to 3.1.9 version thks
31 de Decembro, 2021
New update changed my font in the frontend. The old font is displayed in the Customizer (backend) Fix it pls, or tell me how.
Ler todas as 70 opinións

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Rexistro de cambios

See the changelogs here.