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Translation of Stable (latest release): Galician

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Install & Setup WP Mail SMTP Pro plugin Instala e configura o plugin WP Mail SMTP Pro Details
Install & Setup WP Mail SMTP Pro plugin

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Follow this link to <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">get a Mailgun API Key</a>. Generate a key in the "Mailgun API Keys" section. Segue esta ligazón para <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">obter unha clave API de Mailgun</a>. Xera unha clave na sección «Claves API de Mailgun». Details
Follow this link to <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">get a Mailgun API Key</a>. Generate a key in the "Mailgun API Keys" section.

%s – API key URL.


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  • Singular:
    The following DB table is still missing.
  • Plural:
    The following DB tables are still missing.
  • Singular:
    A seguinte táboa da BD aínda falta.
  • Plural:
    As seguintes táboas da BD aínda faltan.
Singular: The following DB table is still missing.
Plural: The following DB tables are still missing.

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Code Snippets by WPCode Code Snippets de WPCode Details
Code Snippets by WPCode

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Triple-check the plugin settings and consider reconfiguring to make sure everything is correct. Maybe there was an issue with copy&pasting. Revisa tres veces os axustes do plugin e considera volver a configuralo para asegurarte de que todo estea correcto. Pode que exista un problema por copiar e pegar. Details
Triple-check the plugin settings and consider reconfiguring to make sure everything is correct. Maybe there was an issue with copy&pasting.

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Make sure you are not sending emails with too many recipients. Example: single email should not have 10+ recipients. You can install any WordPress e-mail logging plugin to check your recipients (TO, CC and BCC). Asegúrate de que non esteas enviando correos electrónicos a moitos destinatarios. Exemplo: un único correo electrónico non debería ter máis de 10 destinatarios. Podes instalar calquera plugin WordPress de rexistro de correos electrónicos para revisar os teus destinatarios (TO, CC e BCC). Details
Make sure you are not sending emails with too many recipients. Example: single email should not have 10+ recipients. You can install any WordPress e-mail logging plugin to check your recipients (TO, CC and BCC).

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Dismiss email alert block Descartar o bloque de alertas por correo electrónico Details
Dismiss email alert block

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<a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Upgrade to Pro</a> and get instant alert notifications when they fail. <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Actualiza á versión Pro</a> e consigue avisos de alerta instantáneos cando fallen. Details
<a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Upgrade to Pro</a> and get instant alert notifications when they fail.

%s – URL to


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  • Singular:
    We detected %d failed email in the last 30 days.
  • Plural:
    We detected %d failed emails in the last 30 days.
  • Singular:
    Detectamos %d correo electrónico fallidos nos últimos 30 días.
  • Plural:
    Detectamos %d correos electrónicos fallidos nos últimos 30 días.
Singular: We detected %d failed email in the last 30 days.
Plural: We detected %d failed emails in the last 30 days.

%d – number of failed emails.


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Error icon Icona de erro Details
Error icon

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The Email Test tab was moved to <a href="%s">WP Mail SMTP > Tools</a>. A pestana de proba de correo electrónico moveuse a <a href="%s">WP Mail SMTP > Ferramentas</a>. Details
The Email Test tab was moved to <a href="%s">WP Mail SMTP > Tools</a>.

%s: Tools page URL.


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%1$sFollow this link%2$s to get a Mailgun API Key. Generate a key in the "Mailgun API Keys" section. %1$sSigue esta ligazón%2$s para obter unha clave API de Mailgun. Xera unha clave na sección «Claves API de Mailgun». Details
%1$sFollow this link%2$s to get a Mailgun API Key. Generate a key in the "Mailgun API Keys" section.

Link to the Mailgun API settings.


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Mailgun API Key Clave API de Mailgun Details
Mailgun API Key

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The following plugin will be installed for free: O seguinte plugin instalarase gratis: Details
The following plugin will be installed for free:

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Improve your website's SEO ranking with our toolkit. Mellora o posicionamento SEO da túa web co noso kit de ferramentas. Details
Improve your website's SEO ranking with our toolkit.

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