Caitlyn Crites

Visual Designer

Caitlyn is an artist who brings 10 years of chaotic-yet-versatile creative experience to EFF. She’s painted murals and festival installations, built puppets, designed a typeface, made chalk signs for local businesses, and worked as an in-house designer at tech companies large and small. As someone who partially owes her career to lurking around concept art blogs in the early 2000s, she believes in the internet’s vast potential to share knowledge, art, and interdisciplinary connection even with its flaws (and overabundance of Javascript). Her EFF work includes Who Has Your Face?, Cover Your Tracks, art for DEFCON, and a multi-year streak of illustrating The Foilies–which, to her great amusement, has given her the chance to have a drawing of a dumpster fire and a toilet in national syndication.

To see more of what she's made, check out her website.

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