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MySQL Database Service, High Availability und Disaster Recovery

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Die Vorbereitung Ihrer Anwendungen auf ein Disaster-Recovery-Szenario ist für unternehmenskritische Produktionssysteme sehr wichtig. Die Implementierung einer robusten Hochverfügbarkeitsarchitektur, die den Dienst im Falle eines IT-Ausfalls oder einer Beschädigung aufrechterhalten kann, ist von größter Bedeutung.

In diesem Webinar erklären wir Ihnen, wie Sie verschiedene Hochverfügbarkeitsarchitekturen für die Disaster Recovery mit dem Oracle MySQL Datenbankdienst in der Cloud einrichten können. Wir werden uns ansehen, wie man primäre und sekundäre Knoten mit automatischer Datenreplikation in anderen Rechenzentren konfiguriert und wie man das Netzwerk, Routertabellen und Sicherheitslisten einrichtet.

Verpassen Sie nicht diese Gelegenheit, Ihre Fragen direkt an das MySQL-Team zu stellen!

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Migrating from Aurora to Oracle MySQL HeatWave Database Service

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

See how you can easily migrate your data from Amazon Aurora to MySQL HeatWave Database Service and start saving now.

Learn the quick steps and best practices for your database migration.

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MySQL Database Service, High Availability and Disaster Recovery (in Arabic)

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Preparing your applications for a disaster recovery scenario is very important for mission critical production systems. Implementing a robust high availability architecture that can keep the service running in case of IT failure or damage is paramount.

In this webinar, we will explain how to setup different high availability architectures for disaster recovery with MySQL Database Service. We will look at how to configure primary and secondary nodes with automatic data replication in other data centers, and how to setup the network, router tables and security lists.

Do not miss this opportunity to ask your questions directly to the MySQL team!

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MySQL Database Service, High Availability and Disaster Recovery

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Preparing your applications for a disaster recovery scenario is very important for mission critical production systems. Implementing a robust high availability architecture that can keep the service running in case of IT failure or damage is paramount.

In this webinar, we will explain how to setup different high availability architectures for disaster recovery with MySQL Database Service. We will look at how to configure primary and secondary nodes with automatic data replication in other data centers, and how to setup the network, router tables and security lists.

Do not miss this opportunity to ask your questions directly to the MySQL team!

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MySQL Database Service, Alta disponibilità e Disaster Recovery

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Predisporre le vostre applicazioni per gli scenari di disaster recovery è davvero importante. È fondamentale implementare una robusta architettura di alta disponibilità, che mantenga i servizi funzionanti in caso di problemi o guasti nel comparto IT.

In questo webinar spiegheremo come configurare differenti architetture di alta disponibilità e disaster recovery per MySQL Database Service. Vi mostreremo come configurare nodi primari e secondari con replica dei dati automatica tra differenti data center, come pianificare la configurazione di rete, le tabelle di routing e le security list.

Non perdete questa opportunità di porre le vostre domande direttamente al team MySQL!

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MySQL for Beginners (in Arabic)

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

MySQL is the world's most popular open source database. It powers the most-trafficked websites in the world such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. It's also one of the easiest databases to use and it's perfect for beginners.

In this session, you'll learn about:

  • Which tools are essential and where to download them.
  • Basic steps to install and configure MySQL Server.
  • How to load a sample database and execute basic queries.
  • How to avoid common pitfalls.

In addition, we'll briefly discuss the next steps for building and connecting applications to your database. Finally, we’ll demonstrate how you can easily launch MySQL in the cloud to speed up the entire getting-started process.

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MySQL für Einsteiger

Thursday, March 31, 2022

MySQL ist die beliebteste Open-Source-Datenbank der Welt. Sie ist die Grundlage für die meistbesuchten Websites der Welt wie Facebook, Twitter und YouTube. Sie ist außerdem eine der am einfachsten zu bedienenden Datenbanken und eignet sich perfekt für Einsteiger.

In dieser Sitzung erfahren Sie mehr über:

  • Welche Tools unverzichtbar sind und wo Sie sie herunterladen können.
  • Grundlegende Schritte zur Installation und Konfiguration des MySQL-Servers.
  • Wie Sie eine Beispieldatenbank laden und grundlegende Abfragen ausführen.
  • Wie Sie häufige Fallstricke vermeiden.

Außerdem besprechen wir kurz die nächsten Schritte zur Erstellung und Anbindung von Anwendungen an Ihre Datenbank. Schließlich zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Sie MySQL einfach in der Cloud starten können, um den gesamten Einführungsprozess zu beschleunigen.

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MySQL para principiantes

Tuesday, April 05, 2022

MySQL es la base de datos open source más popular del mundo. Soporta las webs con mayor tráfico del planeta como Facebook, Twitter y YouTube. Además de ser una de las bases de datos más fáciles de usar, es ideal para principiantes.

En esta sesión usted aprenderá:

  • Cuáles son las herramientas esenciales y dónde descargarlas.
  • Pasos básicos para instalar y configurar un servidor MySQL.
  • Cómo cargar datos de prueba y ejecutar consultas básicas.
  • Cómo evitar errores comunes.

También hablaremos sobre cómo construir y conectar aplicaciones a su base de datos. Finalmente, mostraremos cómo lanzar MySQL fácilmente en la nube para ahorrar tiempo en este paso inicial.

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MySQL Security from Data Protection to Regulation Compliance

Thursday, April 07, 2022

In the era of data breaches, security issues can bring lots of headaches to any organization. Besides fines from authorities, bad reputation can put many customers away. Being able to protect important data from external threats, as well as control the increasing number of people who have internal access to the database systems means minimizing risks and ensuring that monitoring and prevention is in place.

Furthermore, to protect sensitive data and privacy of personal information, governments and industry organizations have developed multiple privacy regulations and data protection laws (GDPR, PCI DSS, HIPAA).

Discover how the latest MySQL Enterprise Edition includes the most comprehensive set of advanced features, management tools, and technical support to achieve the highest levels of MySQL security.

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Oracle MySQL HeatWave Melts the Competition With Machine Learning Processing

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

MySQL HeatWave now leapfrogs the industry by native support for machine learning with HeatWave ML. It enables MySQL customers to run machine learning training, inference and explanations on data stored in MySQL database without the need for extracting the data or the model outside the service. It is highly optimized for MySQL HeatWave and is offered at no additional cost to the users and existing ML tools and applications can connect via standard SQL drivers. Join this session to learn more about this differentiated technology and how it is integrated, faster, cheaper, scalable and more secure than competitive offerings.

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Oracle MySQL for Fintech and Financial Services

Thursday, April 21, 2022

MySQL is the #1 open source database used in Financial services and Fintech.

The webinar will cover:

  • Market trends
  • Open Source for Fintech (FINOS)
  • The Fintech ecosystem
  • How Fintechs are enhancing financial services: Digital payment, Neobanks, Loans & financing, money transfers, peer to peer payments, alternative lending, robo investment advisors, Blockchain & cryptocurrency.
  • Technology Requirements for Fintechs
  • MySQL Enterprise Edition and MySQL HeatWave for Fintech & Financial Services
  • Uses cases
  • Customer testimonials

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MySQL for Beginners (Italian)

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

MySQL è il database open source più popolare al mondo. Sostiene i siti web più trafficati al mondo, come Facebook, Twitter e YouTube. È anche uno dei database più semplici da utilizzare ed è perfetto per chi muove i primi passi coi database.

In questa sessione avrai modo di apprendere:

  • Quali sono gli strumenti essenziali e dove scaricarli
  • I passi basilari per installare e configurare MySQL
  • Come caricare un database d’esempio ed eseguire le prime query
  • Come evitare i comuni errori

In aggiunta avremo modo di discutere brevemente i passi successivi, per creare e collegare un’applicazione al tuo database. Al termine, ti mostreremo acnhe quanto è facile costruire ed utilizzare MySQL nel cloud, così da velocizzare i tuoi primi passi.

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Débuter avec MySQL

Tuesday, May 03, 2022

MySQL est la base de données open source la plus populaire au monde. MySQL est un élément majeur de la stratégie base de données des sites Web les plus fréquentés au monde, tels que Facebook, Twitter et YouTube. C'est également l'une des bases de données les plus faciles à utiliser, elle est donc parfaite pour les débutants.

Dans cette session, vous découvrirez:

  • Quels sont les outils indispensables et où les télécharger.
  • Les étapes pour installer et configurer votre serveur MySQL.
  • Comment télécharger une base de données de test et exécuter les requêtes élémentaires.
  • Comment éviter les pièges courants.

Nous aborderons aussi les étapes pour créer et connecter des applications à votre base de données. Enfin, nous vous montrerons comment facilement utiliser MySQL dans le cloud.

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