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Sciencex Lite

Eftir Shahjahan Jewel

Útgáfa: 1.0.7

Síðast uppfært: nóvember 7, 2019

Active Installations: 500+

WordPress Version: 4.0 or higher

Vefur þemans

ScienceX Lite is an Education WordPress Theme specially curated for Profefssors and Research groups websites. Although, there are numerous WordPress themes available for education websites, any of them hardly fulfill the requirements a Professor or researchers personalized website. That's where ScienceX comes in. Experience gathered from working on several Professors and research groups website is what fueled this theme. Like every other websites, a research groups's website requires certain sections and functionalities. But unfortunately, most of the existing WordPress themes fail to meet those. That's why we developed ScienceX to fill that vacuum. A Premium version of this theme is available with unique features like Featured Projects, Publications Highlights, Education Timeline, Professional Appointments, Publications-Books-Journals index variants, Indexing by year, Book shop page, New Student Application pages etc. Check out the Pro version here:


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