[…] announced a 5th birthday party for WordPress in San Francisco, and welcomed birthday events around the world. So here’s a […]
We’ll be partying in Sydney: blog, facebook. Rock on WordPress!
5 years already? Congratulations and Happy Birthday to WordPress
Awesome! Except I can’t join in the fun because of school.
[…] will be turning 5 years old in just two days! There will be a WordPress birthday party to be held at — you guessed it — San Francisco, where good ol’ Matt […]
[…] you’ll be in San Francisco on Tuesday of next week, May 27, founder Matt Mullenweg is inviting you to a party. A WordPress […]
Happy Birthday, enjoy your time
I’m glad that I shared the last two years with you :), keep it up guys
congratulations and happy birthday
Congratulations to WordPress!
Keep up the good job! We <3 WordPress.
Happy birthday to you!
Cool! Five years is a long time on the web. By the way, the reason you are unlucky at cards is because you let everyone know what you are thinking by using Twitter.
Congratulations! I’ll be there with my heart. Kisses
Happy Birthday! and ???? in Chinese!
Happy Birthday WordPress. Matt, thanks for meeting with the group from Temple last week. We were all inspired by your tenacity and innovation.
Happy Birthday WordPress
hail, hail, hail to wordpress!
battle on Matt!!!
I can’t join the parteh but Happy BDay WP!
WP is a fab platform. Thanks Matt and all the team and have a great party. Here’s to the next 5.
[…] Yesterday, may 27th, was WordPress’ 5th birthday. Matt Mullenweg of Automattic.com announced a WordPress Party along with others in the works around the world to celebrate the […]
Happy Birthday WordPress… still lovin’ it!!
Yay. Happy 5th anniversary to WordPress!
Remarkable progress in only 5 years, Matt. Kudos.
Wow… is this also no CSS day? So we’re celebrating two things at once?
Happy Birthday WordPress! Congratulations to all the Team mambers and WordPress users!
Happy Birthday!
good article thank you
Awesome! Except I can't join in the fun because of school!!!
29 replies on “WordPress Party!”
[…] announced a 5th birthday party for WordPress in San Francisco, and welcomed birthday events around the world. So here’s a […]
We’ll be partying in Sydney: blog, facebook. Rock on WordPress!
5 years already? Congratulations and Happy Birthday to WordPress
Awesome! Except I can’t join in the fun because of school.
[…] will be turning 5 years old in just two days! There will be a WordPress birthday party to be held at — you guessed it — San Francisco, where good ol’ Matt […]
[…] you’ll be in San Francisco on Tuesday of next week, May 27, founder Matt Mullenweg is inviting you to a party. A WordPress […]
Happy Birthday, enjoy your time
I’m glad that I shared the last two years with you :), keep it up guys
congratulations and happy birthday
Congratulations to WordPress!
Keep up the good job! We <3 WordPress.
Happy birthday to you!
Cool! Five years is a long time on the web. By the way, the reason you are unlucky at cards is because you let everyone know what you are thinking by using Twitter.
Congratulations! I’ll be there with my heart. Kisses
Happy Birthday! and ???? in Chinese!
Happy Birthday WordPress. Matt, thanks for meeting with the group from Temple last week. We were all inspired by your tenacity and innovation.
Happy Birthday WordPress
hail, hail, hail to wordpress!
battle on Matt!!!
I can’t join the parteh but Happy BDay WP!
WP is a fab platform. Thanks Matt and all the team and have a great party. Here’s to the next 5.
[…] Yesterday, may 27th, was WordPress’ 5th birthday. Matt Mullenweg of Automattic.com announced a WordPress Party along with others in the works around the world to celebrate the […]
Happy Birthday WordPress… still lovin’ it!!
Yay. Happy 5th anniversary to WordPress!
Remarkable progress in only 5 years, Matt. Kudos.
Wow… is this also no CSS day? So we’re celebrating two things at once?
Happy Birthday WordPress! Congratulations to all the Team mambers and WordPress users!
Happy Birthday!
good article thank you
Awesome! Except I can't join in the fun because of school!!!