This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

WP Admin Bar Control


Style Admin Bar. Add Plugins list to your Admin Bar. Activate and Deactivate plugins without page reload and moving to plugins page.

Change Admin Bar color.

Show/Hide Admin Bar

Two Style type to show, as DropDown and InLine


  • Change Bar color and hide Wl Logo from Bar
  • Add Custom link to Bar
  • Plugins group style: Group
  • Plugins group style: InLine
  • Full Admin page


  1. Upload wp-admin-bar-control to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


Can I Activate and Deactivate plugins without page reload and moving to plugins page?



December 20, 2019
The plugin works flawlessly and, so far, without any glitches. It has a very well thought out set of features that improves the admin bar. I got it because I needed a way to create bookmarks in the admin bar to some deeply buried settings. Edit: As of December 2019, all the custom links disappear at random. No word from the developer about this issue.
July 2, 2019
This plugin broke my website. Automatically logged me out and would not let me access my website at all. It may just be a matter of updating the plugin. I just want others to be aware. Luckily, I was able to go in through FTP and delete the files from my server to remedy the issue. If you would like me to try the plugin again, after an update of course, please contact me.
April 9, 2019
I installed and tested this plugin. It does what it says. But in my humble opinion, it's missing one key feature to stand out from the crowd. It is now possible to "Hide Admin Bar for": 1. Admin page 2. Admins and Users 3. Users only and 4. No one. The purpose of the last one escapes me. On the other hand, it would be a huge step in the right direction if it were possible to let the plugin do its work on a per "user" bases or at least on the base or "role". It would be immensely powerful and very usable/useful for anyone making websites that are handed over a client. Or has multiple people working on a website in different capacities. A bit like this plugin which, unfortunately, hasn't been updated for quite some time now. Maybe this can be incorporated in your roadmap.
March 28, 2019
This really is a handy little plugin. All it does is allow you to add shortcuts/links to the back-end admin top menu bar (plus colour styling and icon options) ... but it's *exactly* what I've been looking for. No fuss, no frills. The developer is incredibly fast at responding to user requests. What more could you want? Well done, Alex - you deserve your 5-star rating!
Read all 5 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“WP Admin Bar Control” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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  • Some fixes


  • Fixes


  • Added many features


  • Added all user roles to check


  • Added “Auto hide”
  • Added “Custom CSS”


  • Fix one bug


  • Added some new features


  • Fixed trouble with FontAwesome icons, thx adamnz
  • Slim paddings a bit 🙂


  • Added support FontAwesome icons to “Custom Link”


  • Bar Text color
  • Bar Icons color
  • Dynamically change colors
  • Added support WordPress 5


  • Fixed error


  • Admin panel color fix


  • Fixed error for unchecked plugin and change icons for Active/Not Active Plugins


  • Fixed bugs with “Remove from Bar”


  • Initial release