GamiPress – wpForo integration


Gamify your wpForo forums thanks to the powerful gamification plugin, GamiPress!

This plugin automatically connects GamiPress with wpForo adding new activity events.

New Events

Reply Events

  • New reply: When an user replies on a topic
  • New reply on a specific topic: When an user replies on a specific topic
  • New reply on a specific forum: When an user replies on a topic of a specific forum
  • Delete a reply: When an user deletes a reply

Topic Events

  • New topic: When an user creates a new topic
  • New topic on a specific forum: When an user creates a new topic on a specific forum
  • Delete a topic: When an user deletes a topic

Like/Dislike Events

  • Like a post: When an user likes a post
  • Like a post on a specific topic: When an user likes a post on a specific topic
  • Like a post on a specific forum: When an user likes a post on a specific forum
  • Get a like on a post: When a post author gets a like on a post
  • Dislike a post: When an user dislikes a post
  • Dislike a post on a specific topic: When an user dislikes a post on a specific topic
  • Dislike a post on a specific forum: When an user dislikes a post on a specific forum
  • Get a dislike on a post: When a post author gets a dislike on a post

Vote Events

  • Vote up a post: When an user vote up a post
  • Vote up a post on a specific topic: When an user vote up a post on a specific topic
  • Vote up a post on a specific forum: When an user vote up a post on a specific forum
  • Get a vote up on a post: When a post author gets a vote up on a post
  • Vote down a post: When an user vote down a post
  • Vote down a post on a specific topic: When an user vote down a post on a specific topic
  • Vote down a post on a specific forum: When an user vote down a post on a specific forum
  • Get a vote down on a post: When a post author gets a vote down on a post

Answer Events

  • Answer a question: When an user answers a question
  • Answer a question on a specific forum: When an user answers a question on a specific forum
  • Get a question answered: When a question author gets a question answered

New Features

  • Drag and drop settings to select which points types, achievement types and/or rank types should be displayed on frontend reply author details and in what order.


  • Show user points, achievements and ranks on replies


From WordPress backend

  1. Navigate to Plugins -> Add new.
  2. Click the button „Upload Plugin“ next to „Add plugins“ title.
  3. Upload the downloaded zip file and activate it.

Direct upload

  1. Upload the downloaded zip file into your wp-content/plugins/ folder.
  2. Unzip the uploaded zip file.
  3. Navigate to Plugins menu on your WordPress admin area.
  4. Activate this plugin.


How can setup elements to be displayed at frontend on reply author details?

After installing GamiPress – wpForo integration, you will find the plugin settings on your WordPress admin area navigating to the GamiPress menu -> Settings -> Add-ons tab at box named „wpForo“.

Just choose the points types, achievement types and/or rank types to be displayed at frontend, setup the display options you want and click the „Save Settings“ button.


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Mitwirkende & Entwickler

„GamiPress – wpForo integration“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:




  • Bug Fixes
  • Fixed author ID passed on events „Get a like/dislike on a post“ and „Get a vote up/down on a post“


  • Bug Fixes
  • Make new achievements limit setting visible under achievements tab.


  • New Features
  • Added the ability to setup the number of achievements to display.


  • New Features
  • Added the ability to display the user earnings at frontend.
  • Added settings to manage which earnings show at frontend.
  • Added a screenshot to show frontend user earnings.


  • Initial release.