Welcome to Gentoo, a highly flexible, source-based Linux distribution.

Gentoo accepted into Google Summer of Code 2022 (Mar 10, 2022)

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Do you want to learn more about Gentoo and contribute to your favourite free software project?! Once again, now for the 10th time, we have been accepted as a mentoring organization for this year’s Google Summer of Code!

The GSoC is an excellent opportunity for gaining real-world experience in software design and making oneself known in the broader open source community. It also looks great on a resume. Some initial project ideas can be found here, but new projects ideas are also welcome. For new projects time is of the essence: they have to be worked out, discussed with the mentors, and submitted before the April 19th deadline. It is strongly recommended that contributors refine new project ideas with a mentor before proposing the idea formally.

Potential GSoC contributors are encouraged to e-mail the GSoC admins with their name, IRC nickname, and the desired project, and discuss ideas in the #gentoo-soc IRC channel on Libera Chat. Further information can be found on the Gentoo GSoC 2022 wiki page. Those with unanswered questions should also not hesitate to contact the Summer of Code mentors via their mailing list.

Format of download file signatures has changed (Feb 17, 2022)

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We have simplified the format of the downloadable file (i.e. stage 3 and iso image) signatures. Now, each of these files is accompanied by a detached GnuPG signature where the file itself is signed. The signing key remains unchanged; see our web page on release media signatures for the fingerprints.

An unsigned DIGESTS file remains available as well.

New packages at the Gentoo packages database

dev-cpp/sdbus-c++ High-level C++ D-Bus library
net-im/cawbird Twitter client
dev-lua/lua-unbound A binding to libunbound for Lua
dev-lua/readline A simple interface to the readline and history libraries
www-apps/sfpg A web gallery in one single PHP file

Fresh documentation on the Gentoo wiki

Virt-manager started by Unassailable
GitLab-Pages started by Carelvd
Mutt/de started by Favere
Audacity started by Flexibeast
Logitech bolt started by Nathanlkoch