Planet MariaDB

Nowadays everything is getting digitalized and migration toward the cloud is at its peak. There is a high chance of data leaks if we don’t tighten the security of the Database servers. It is mandatory to secure the database by restricting access to Database. Although we have restricted the access. We need to monitor the … Continue reading Introduction to AWS MySQL Security on RDS : Network →… Read more
By Praveen GR
Source: Mydbops
I recently wrote two posts (here and here) on the trivial move optimization in RocksDB and now have a third post that provides examples via db_bench to demonstrate where it works, the impact of using compression on some levels and the complexity introduced by dynamic leveled. All of the examples use db_bench and the fillseq benchmark that inserts keys in ascending order. The four examples are:dynamic level enabled, compression disableddynamic level disabled, compression disableddynamic level enabled, compression enableddynamic level disabled, compression enabledConfigurationDynamic leveled is explained by this post, enabled by this configuration option and set on the db_bench command line… Read more
By Mark Callaghan
Source: Small Datum
In the past I used PMP a lot with some usage of perf. PMP was great for me because my focus was on stalls from IO and synchronization. PMP is simple but good for showing off-cpu stalls. As I catch up to modern performance tools I have begun to use flamegraphs with perf. However, I also started to share bogus flamegraphs because there is a bug and I did not validate that the flamegraphs matched the output from perf report. Fortunately, Domas pointed out the problem.The bug is FlameGraph issue 165 and the problem is that assumes that all stack traces… Read more
By Mark Callaghan
Source: Small Datum
Seppo Jaakola is going to present the topic “MariaDB Galera Cluster Security” at the Security MariaDB Server Fest (Wed 6 April 2022). I’m currently watching his talk. … Continue reading "Quick peek: MariaDB Galera Cluster Security talk" The post Quick peek: MariaDB Galera Cluster Security talk appeared first on…. Read more
By Anel Husakovic
If you’re wondering what the optimal settings for a newly installed Postgres database are, here are some simple steps to take to tune it right from the start. Matt Yonkovit discussed them with Charly Batista, Postgres Tech Lead at Percona during the live-streamed meetup. Watch the recording to see how Charly tunes a default installation of Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL 13. Most of the default settings have been defined long, long time ago, where one gigabyte of RAM was very expensive…. Read more
MySQL Shell For VS Code integrates the MySQL Shell directly into VS Code development workflows and was released last week. This extension to the popular VS Code platform enables interactive editing and execution of SQL for MySQL Databases and optionally the MySQL Database Service for several simultaneous sessions.  It is a preview release and not […]… Read more
By David Stokes
Source: Percona
In the previous blog, a background Deployment resource was created from a YAML file, consisting of a single container (MariaDB) that acts as a background container. … Continue reading "MariaDB & K8s: Communication between containers/Deployments" The post MariaDB & K8s: Communication between containers/Deployments appeared first on…. Read more
By Anel Husakovic
The utf8mb4 character set is the new default as of MySQL 8.0, and this change neither affects existing data nor forces any upgrades. Migration to utf8mb4 has many advantages including: It can store more symbols, including emojis It has new collations for Asian languages It is faster than utf8mb3 Still, you may wonder how migration […]… Read more
By Sveta Smirnova
Source: Percona
We are pleased to announce that Tungsten Clustering and Tungsten Replicator Versions 7.0 are now available! This major new release includes the fully REST-compliant, publicly-available Tungsten API v2.0, enhanced security, monitoring, performance, management, new commands, a new and improved Dashboard, and a new Dynamic Active/Active (DAA) topology. Tungsten v7.0 is the culmination of years of planning and work, and it lays the foundation for even more significant developments! Below are relevant links, as well as details about upgrading and highlights. Read the Release Notes: Tungsten Clustering v7.0 Release Notes Tungsten Replicator v7.0 Release Notes View the Documentation: Doc Page -… Read more
By Continuent Team
SHOW ANALYZE If you ever had to do query performance troubleshooting with MariaDB, you should be familiar with MariaDB’s ANALYZE for statements feature. … Continue reading "10.9 preview feature: SHOW ANALYZE and EXPLAIN FOR CONNECTION support" The post 10.9 preview feature: SHOW ANALYZE and EXPLAIN FOR CONNECTION support appeared first on…. Read more
By Sergey Petrunia
How developers can gain scalability with fully-reactive Java applications that consume relational databases, and step-by-step instructions on how to test your use case…. Read more
By Alejandro Duarte
Things happen, schedules change. I don’t want to bother you with details, so you’ll have to take my word for it: Events related to Russia invading Ukraine have caused us to delay our Security themed MariaDB Server Fest with a week, from Wed 30 March to Wed 6 April 2022. … Continue reading "Delaying Server Fest until Wed 6 April 2022" The post Delaying Server Fest until Wed 6 April 2022 appeared first on…. Read more
By Kaj Arnö
MariaDB 10.9 is a preview release of the popular open source database server and is considered alpha level code (pronounced: Not for production). It offers a glimpse of the evolution of the product and introduces some new features, at least for MariaDB.  Since I took a peek at the MySQL 8.0.28 release notes recently, it […]… Read more
By David Stokes
Source: Percona
MariaDB is pleased to announce the immediate availability of the MariaDB Connector/Java 3.0.4 GA release. Download Now Release Notes MariaDB … Continued… Read more
By Daniel Bartholomew
On 22nd March 2022 08:43 UTC, we became aware of the issue affecting Okta, a third-party identity provider that Percona uses for Initially, there was no statement from Okta, so our Security Operations team reviewed the information available from LAPSUS$ and other public sources. Based on the public information available about the issue, we […]… Read more
By David Busby
Source: Percona