PTE Request for Jetpack – WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth

I’ve suggested translations for Jetpack – WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth and would like to have these reviewed. I am an active member in wordPress community spending regularly hours in solving support tickets, coreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. tickets, metaMeta Meta is a term that refers to the inside workings of a group. For us, this is the team that works on internal WordPress sites like WordCamp Central and Make WordPress. tickets and in translations contribution. I’d also like to become a PTEProject Translation Editor A Project Translation Editor (often referred to as PTE) is a person, who has access to validate strings on a specific project (for example BuddyPress, WooCommerce or Twenty Fourteen) for one specific locale. A project translation editor can approve strings that are added by translation contributors. Per project translation, editors are appointed by a general translation editor after a request by the project author or by the contributors themselves. and like to take responsibilities of PTE.

If you have any questions, just comment here. Thank you!


PTE Request for Cookies and Content Security Policy

I am the pluginPlugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party author for Cookies and Content Security Policy. We have a great translation editorTranslation Editor Translation editors can approve translations for projects. The GTE (General Translation Editor) and LM (Locale Manager) roles can add new users with the "Project Translation Editor" role that can approve translations for specific projects. There are two different Translation Editor roles: General Translation Editor and Project Translation Editor that I’d like to be able to approve translation for my plugin. Please add the following The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization. users as translation editorsTranslation Editor Translation editors can approve translations for projects. The GTE (General Translation Editor) and LM (Locale Manager) roles can add new users with the "Project Translation Editor" role that can approve translations for specific projects. There are two different Translation Editor roles: General Translation Editor and Project Translation Editor for their respective localesLocale Locale = language version, often a combination of a language code and a region code, for instance es_MX denotes Spanish as it’s used in Mexico. A list of all locales supported by WordPress in


If you have any questions, just comment here. Thank you!


PTE Request for Multicollab – Google Doc-Style Editorial Commenting for WordPress

I’ve suggested translations for Multicollab – Google Doc-Style Editorial Commenting for WordPress and would like to have them reviewed. I am an active member in wordPress community spending regularly hours in solving support tickets, coreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. tickets, metaMeta Meta is a term that refers to the inside workings of a group. For us, this is the team that works on internal WordPress sites like WordCamp Central and Make WordPress. tickets and in translations contribution. I’d also like to become a PTEProject Translation Editor A Project Translation Editor (often referred to as PTE) is a person, who has access to validate strings on a specific project (for example BuddyPress, WooCommerce or Twenty Fourteen) for one specific locale. A project translation editor can approve strings that are added by translation contributors. Per project translation, editors are appointed by a general translation editor after a request by the project author or by the contributors themselves. and like to take responsibilities of PTE.

Name :- Multicollab – Google Doc-Style Editorial Commenting for WordPress
URL :-

If you have any questions, just comment here. Thank you!


PTE Request for Jetpack – WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth

I’ve suggested translations for Jetpack – WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth and for, The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization., LifterLMS – WordPress LMS PluginPlugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party, Multiple Images WidgetWidget A WordPress Widget is a small block that performs a specific function. You can add these widgets in sidebars also known as widget-ready areas on your web page. WordPress widgets were originally created to provide a simple and easy-to-use way of giving design and structure control of the WordPress theme to the user., WooCommerce, Booster for WooCommerce, Giga Store, WordPress 4.2.x, WordPress 5.7.x, WordPress 5.8.x, WordPress 5.9.x – Development and would like to have them reviewed. I am an active member of the WordPress community spending regular hours solving support tickets, coreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. tickets, metaMeta Meta is a term that refers to the inside workings of a group. For us, this is the team that works on internal WordPress sites like WordCamp Central and Make WordPress. tickets, and translations contributions. I’d also like to become a PTEProject Translation Editor A Project Translation Editor (often referred to as PTE) is a person, who has access to validate strings on a specific project (for example BuddyPress, WooCommerce or Twenty Fourteen) for one specific locale. A project translation editor can approve strings that are added by translation contributors. Per project translation, editors are appointed by a general translation editor after a request by the project author or by the contributors themselves. and take responsibility for PTE.
Name :- Jetpack – WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth
URL :-

If you have any questions, just comment here. Thank you!


PTE Request for Product Recommendation Quiz for eCommerce

I am the pluginPlugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party author for Product Recommendation Quiz for eCommerce. We have a number of great translation editorsTranslation Editor Translation editors can approve translations for projects. The GTE (General Translation Editor) and LM (Locale Manager) roles can add new users with the "Project Translation Editor" role that can approve translations for specific projects. There are two different Translation Editor roles: General Translation Editor and Project Translation Editor that we’d like to be able to approve translation for our plugin(s). Please add the following The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization. users as translation editors for their respective localesLocale Locale = language version, often a combination of a language code and a region code, for instance es_MX denotes Spanish as it’s used in Mexico. A list of all locales supported by WordPress in


If you have any questions, just comment here. Thank you!


I am the plugin author…

I am the pluginPlugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party author for Product Recommendation Quiz for eCommerce. We have a number of great translation editorsTranslation Editor Translation editors can approve translations for projects. The GTE (General Translation Editor) and LM (Locale Manager) roles can add new users with the "Project Translation Editor" role that can approve translations for specific projects. There are two different Translation Editor roles: General Translation Editor and Project Translation Editor that we’d like to be able to approve translation for our plugin. Please add the following The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization. users as translation editors for their respective localesLocale Locale = language version, often a combination of a language code and a region code, for instance es_MX denotes Spanish as it’s used in Mexico. A list of all locales supported by WordPress in


If you have any questions, just comment here. Thank you!


PTE Request for Wp-Adv-Quiz

I’ve suggested translations for this Wp-Adv-Quiz and would like to have them reviewed. I’d also like to become a PTEProject Translation Editor A Project Translation Editor (often referred to as PTE) is a person, who has access to validate strings on a specific project (for example BuddyPress, WooCommerce or Twenty Fourteen) for one specific locale. A project translation editor can approve strings that are added by translation contributors. Per project translation, editors are appointed by a general translation editor after a request by the project author or by the contributors themselves..

Name: Wp-Adv-Quiz

If you have any questions, just comment here. Thank you!


PTE Request for Yoast SEO

Dear polyglots,

as far as I can see, there are already some PTEs for this important pluginPlugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party and many stringsString A string is a translatable part of the software. A translation consists of a multitude of localized strings. are in a “waiting”-status because nobody seems to approve them.

So I want to request to become a PTEProject Translation Editor A Project Translation Editor (often referred to as PTE) is a person, who has access to validate strings on a specific project (for example BuddyPress, WooCommerce or Twenty Fourteen) for one specific locale. A project translation editor can approve strings that are added by translation contributors. Per project translation, editors are appointed by a general translation editor after a request by the project author or by the contributors themselves. for german, too. As I already do for many other plugins, I would create and approve new translation on a regular daily basis to keep that important plugin up to date.

Name: Yoast SEO

If you have any questions, just comment here. Thank you!


PTE Request for Yoast SEO

I’ve suggested translations for this pluginPlugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party and would like to have them reviewed. I’d also like to become a PTEProject Translation Editor A Project Translation Editor (often referred to as PTE) is a person, who has access to validate strings on a specific project (for example BuddyPress, WooCommerce or Twenty Fourteen) for one specific locale. A project translation editor can approve strings that are added by translation contributors. Per project translation, editors are appointed by a general translation editor after a request by the project author or by the contributors themselves..

Name: Yoast SEO

If you have any questions, just comment here. Thank you!


PTE Request for Plezi


As we can read on your documentation :

We don’t have permissions to let us write and approve some translations on our Plezi pluginPlugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party. Can you let our developper to use make translate feature on The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization. and also let him to validate for us all transations ?

Name: Plezi

— en_GB

User : @webwaveofficial
User url :

As we can see, he is only able to suggest some translations, not validating those.

If you have any questions, please let us know, thanks!


I made a plugin with…

I made a plugin with existing localization on for free: I migrated to block.json and made all changes by comparing it to the output of `npx wordpress/create-block todo-list`. I read through the Block Editor guide on internationalization , but there seem to be a few differences to the way it works in the todo-list example.

The result is that all my `__` php functions work and translate all stringsString A string is a translatable part of the software. A translation consists of a multitude of localized strings.. But my `__` JavaScriptJavaScript JavaScript or JS is an object-oriented computer programming language commonly used to create interactive effects within web browsers. WordPress makes extensive use of JS for a better user experience. While PHP is executed on the server, JS executes within a user’s browser. function does not translate any of the translation on The platform for contributing to the translation of WordPress core, themes and plugins.

What I tried and checked:

1. block.jsonJSON JSON, or JavaScript Object Notation, is a minimal, readable format for structuring data. It is used primarily to transmit data between a server and web application, as an alternative to XML. contains `”textdomain”: “simpletoc”`
2. edit.js contains `import { __ } from ‘wordpress/i18nInternationalization Internationalization (sometimes shortened to I18N , meaning “I - eighteen letters -N”) is the process of planning and implementing products and services so that they can easily be adapted to specific local languages and cultures, a process called localization. This is the process of making software translatable. Information about Internationalization for developers can be found in the Developer’s handbooks.’;`
3. plugin.php contains `Text Domain: simpletoc`

I did not change it, but I use the __ function like this:

                    label={__("Remove heading", "simpletoc")}

The sad thing is that it worked before in version 4.8 without block.json but I want to avoid reverting to that. Amazingly, the description in block.json does get translated but not the `__` functions in the code. I tried to use some things before doing that:

In the init hook I tried to use

    function register_simpletoc_block()
      wp_set_script_translations( 'simpletoc-js', 'simpletoc' );
      register_block_type( __DIR__ . '/build' , [
        'render_callback' => __NAMESPACE__ . '\\render_callback'
    add_action( 'init', 'register_simpletoc_block' );

I tried this but it does not work either:

    wp_set_script_translations( 'simpletoc', 'simpletoc' );


    wp_set_script_translations( 'simpletoc-toc-editor-script-js', 'simpletoc' ); 

since this is the script in the edit page of GutenbergGutenberg The Gutenberg project is the new Editor Interface for WordPress. The editor improves the process and experience of creating new content, making writing rich content much simpler. It uses ‘blocks’ to add richness rather than shortcodes, custom HTML etc.

<script src='http://localhost/wp-content/plugins/simpletoc/build/./index.js?ver=d2bfa87b84057817ab1ccfd2e596ca3a' id='simpletoc-toc-editor-script-js'></script>

But since I do not set “simpletoc-js” anymore, I have no idea if this is necessary. It would be really great if someone could explain or at least help me to debug this.

This is always empty:

    <script id='simpletoc-toc-editor-script-js-translations'>
    ( function( domain, translations ) {
    	var localeData = translations.locale_data[ domain ] || translations.locale_data.messages;
    	localeData[""].domain = domain;
    	wp.i18n.setLocaleData( localeData, domain );
    } )( "simpletoc", { "locale_data": { "messages": { "": {} } } } );

If I install my old 4.8 pluginPlugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party this part contains data from as usual.

– This tag works:
– This tag does not (block.json)

What am I missing? Can somebody please help?


Requesting a New Locale: (Bolivia)

LocaleLocale Locale = language version, often a combination of a language code and a region code, for instance es_MX denotes Spanish as it’s used in Mexico. A list of all locales supported by WordPress in es_BO
Country code: bo
Plural forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);
Language native name: Español de Bolivia
Sub-domain: The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization.
Site Title: Español de Bolivia
Site Description: WordPress en español de Bolivia
Admin Username(s): abby010


Serbian Bosnia and Herzegovina

We need also the Serbian Language (Bosnia and Herzegovina) so for the Serbian language, we have 2 types.
Serbian Cyrillic
Serbian Latin

Also, I think we are missing Serbian (Serbia) Latin this can be easily done with but we still need full WP translation on it.

And you need to add 2 more:
Serbian Cyrilic (Српски језик – Босна и Херцеговина)
Serbian Latin (Srpski jezik – Bosna i Hercegovina)

Can you plese add this and we can do some global translation?


Locale: syl

Country code: BD
Plural forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);
Language native name: ꠍꠤꠟꠐꠤ
Sub-domain: The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization.
Site Title: ꠍꠤꠟꠐꠤ ꠅꠄꠣꠞ꠆ꠒꠙ꠆ꠞꠦꠡ
Site Description: ꠍꠤꠟꠐꠤ ꠜꠣꠡꠣꠄ ꠅꠄꠣꠞ꠆ꠒꠙ꠆ꠞꠦꠡ
Admin Username(s): joyahm


Request for a new locale language(Sidamooo Afoo)

we are Requesting a New LocaleLocale Locale = language version, often a combination of a language code and a region code, for instance es_MX denotes Spanish as it’s used in Mexico. A list of all locales supported by WordPress in language translation support.
language name: Sidamooo Afoo (country: Ethiopia)
looking forward for your positive support.
