Support » Plugin: Enable jQuery Migrate Helper » jQuery.fn.hover() is deprecated is false positive

  • Resolved Malae



    I found jQuery.fn.hover() is deprecated coming from a plugin in the jQuery migrate log file. I fixed the issue by changing to .on('mouseenter mouseleave' function()

    However, on notifying the plugin author, I was told that it was not listed in the jQuery API as deprecated and, after checking, found that it is not, althoug perhaps tthe use of hover as a shortcut is deprecated when used with .on

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  • Plugin Author Marius L. J.



    This is actually deprecated, which is why you’re getting a warning that it is deprecated from jQuery. Unfortunately it’s not well documented outside of reading the jQuery code it self, due to a lack of documentation-volunteers on the project at the time.

    The details of the deprecations can be found at though

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