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Polyglots Training Discussion: Building a Translation Style Guide + Glossary

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Hosted By
Erica V.
Polyglots Training Discussion: Building a Translation Style Guide + Glossary


🔵 Target Audience:
WordPress translation contributors who are interested in creating or improving their locale glossary and style guide. The audience is expected to have some experience in using

🔵 Event Summary:
Join us for a discussion on a module in the Translation Contributor Training course: Building a Translation Style Guide + Glossary. You can find a link to the course below:

In this workshop, participants will learn the basic concepts of glossary and style guide, and how to get started on creating them for their locale (language) team. Bring your questions and ideas!

🔵 Time:
This event is happening on Tuesday, September 28, 2021, at 15:00 UTC - Check this link to find the time in your local timezone:

🔵 Agenda:

  1. Go through key points of the module
  2. Discuss topics and questions brought by the audience (~50 minutes).