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Vikipedijos forume galima diskutuoti su kitais projekto dalyviais apie Vikipedijos projektą visais jums rūpimais klausimais, ypač susijusiais su Vikipedijos vidaus tvarka. Forumas nėra skirtas pagalbos dėl naudojimosi Vikipedija prašymams (tam galima pasinaudoti puslapiu Vikipedija:Pagalbos biuras) ar klausimams apie dalykus, nesusijusius su Vikipedija (tam galima pasinaudoti puslapiu Vikipedija:Informacijos biuras).

Naują temą galima įrašyti pasinaudojus šia nuoroda.



Datos[redaguoti vikitekstą]

Norėjau pasidomėti kodėl visos datos yra kreipiamos į metus/datas. Suprantu kai 2021 straipsnyje yra minimos tarkim 2020 m. vasaros olimpinės žaidynės, tai ir tame straipsnyje logiška 2021 naudoti. Bet kam dėti nuorodas į 2021 mažesnės reikšmės straipsniuose, jei jie neminimi 2021? Wolfmartyn (aptarimas) 22:22, 29 rugpjūčio 2021 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Čia iš tradicijos taip. Visiškai sutinku, tikrai nėra prasmės. --Obivan Kenobi (aptarimas) 22:39, 29 rugpjūčio 2021 (EEST)[atsakyti]
Na taip, tokia tradicija. Aš asmeniškai dėlioju tik dėl nuoseklumo, nes man keistai atrodytų, jei pusė straipsnių turėtų tokias nuorodas, kita pusė – ne. Tačiau dedu ne visur, parenku reikšmingesnes pagal savo nuožiūrą (gimimo/mirties data, įkūrimas ir t.t.). Iš esmės jau rašiau kažkur, kad pritarčiau „delinkinimui“, jei bendruomenė prieitų prie tokio klausimo, ar tai būtų visiškas delinkinimas kaip pas anglus, ar kažkas kaip pas vokiečius, kai asmenybių straipsniuose apibrėžime nurodomos mirties/gimimo datos ir pan...--Nestea (aptarimas) 15:46, 30 rugpjūčio 2021 (EEST)[atsakyti]
Na, kaip tik pats Wolfmartyn to šiais metais jau buvo klausęs, matyt, pamiršo... Iš techninės pusės tai botui čia nesunki užduotis, nors keitimų prireiktų daug. --Homo ergaster (aptarimas) 20:19, 30 rugpjūčio 2021 (EEST)[atsakyti]
Tvarkingumui nereikia kad arba visi žodžiai straipsnyje turėtų nuorodas, arba kad nė vienas neturėtu. Manau kad datos nėra išimtis ir specialių taisyklių joms nereikia. Greičiausia nėra prasmės negalvojant dėtį nuorodą į metų straipsnį kur nėra jokios papildomos informacijos nurodančio straipsnio tema. Botais trint gal ir neverta, nes prarasim nuorodas ir iš įvykių kurie metų straipsniuose aprašyti. AudriusA (aptarimas) 21:49, 30 rugpjūčio 2021 (EEST)[atsakyti]
Manau, Nesteos variantas dėti tik svarbiausiose vietose yra priimtinas ir atitinka Wolfmartyno mintį dėl nuorodų tik tais atvejais, jei tas įvykis datos/metų straipsnyje aprašytas. Panašiai, turbūt, kaip pas vokiečius. --Obivan Kenobi (aptarimas) 22:21, 30 rugpjūčio 2021 (EEST)[atsakyti]
Apskritai su tuom nuorodom slidus reikalas - kiek žmonių, tiek nuomonių ir skirtingų rašymo stilių... Būna, kas deda daugiau nuorodų, kas mažiau, kas, pvz., visai raudonų nuorodų nededa, kas - per daug. Pasitaiko ir tokių dalykų kaip: susiliejančios nuorodos, vietoje vienos, konkretesnės (banginių medžioklė; 19921996 m. Seimo narys), arba italas Giuseppe Garibaldi (18071882); arba akivaizdžiame žodžių junginyje nuoroda į vieną žodį; besikartojančios nuorodos, dėl kurių margumyno darosi sunku skaityti (Hainuvkos apskritis, istorijos skiltis) ir t. t. ir pan. Kai kada pratrinu tas perteklines (neretai ir pasikartojančias) nuorodas, bet visko ir visur turbūt nesutikrinsi. Kažkokios tvarkos gal ir norėtųsi, bet turbūt per mažai žmogiškųjų resursų tam, net ir pagelbstint botams, o kas liečia datų nuorodas - tai čia toks daug diskutavimo reikalaujantis klausimas... Metų straipsniuose galima būtų praignoruoti, tokia vienintelė išimtis ir yra padaryta pas anglus (Wikipedia:Bots/Requests for approval/Cleanbot, Wikipedia:Full-date unlinking bot).--Nestea (aptarimas) 14:23, 3 rugsėjo 2021 (EEST)[atsakyti]
Sutinku su Nestea dėl nuoseklumo - bet straipsnio ribose, t.y. jei straipsnyje jau daug datų, ir visos [[2021]], tai dedu ir aš. Patinka ir {{data|2021|8|31}} šablonas, kuris automatiškai sudaro nuorodas į metus bei mėnesį+dieną. Bet į naujai sukurtus straipsnius datų nuorodų nededu. Tuo tarpu kiti kolegos uoliai ištaiso mano datas į linkus :) Tai vat ir norėjau vėl pasidomėti, kuom vadovaujamės.Wolfmartyn (aptarimas) 23:32, 31 rugpjūčio 2021 (EEST)[atsakyti]

The 2022 Community Wishlist Survey will happen in January[redaguoti vikitekstą]

SGrabarczuk (WMF) (talk) 03:23, 7 rugsėjo 2021 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Call for Candidates for the Movement Charter Drafting Committee ending 14 September 2021[redaguoti vikitekstą]

Movement Strategy announces the Call for Candidates for the Movement Charter Drafting Committee. The Call opens August 2, 2021 and closes September 14, 2021.

The Committee is expected to represent diversity in the Movement. Diversity includes gender, language, geography, and experience. This comprises participation in projects, affiliates, and the Wikimedia Foundation.

English fluency is not required to become a member. If needed, translation and interpretation support is provided. Members will receive an allowance to offset participation costs. It is US$100 every two months.

We are looking for people who have some of the following skills:

  • Know how to write collaboratively. (demonstrated experience is a plus)
  • Are ready to find compromises.
  • Focus on inclusion and diversity.
  • Have knowledge of community consultations.
  • Have intercultural communication experience.
  • Have governance or organization experience in non-profits or communities.
  • Have experience negotiating with different parties.

The Committee is expected to start with 15 people. If there are 20 or more candidates, a mixed election and selection process will happen. If there are 19 or fewer candidates, then the process of selection without election takes place.

Will you help move Wikimedia forward in this important role? Submit your candidacy here. Please contact strategy2030(_AT_) with questions.

Xeno (WMF) 20:01, 10 rugsėjo 2021 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Server switch[redaguoti vikitekstą]

SGrabarczuk (WMF) (Aptarimas) 03:45, 11 rugsėjo 2021 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Talk to the Community Tech[redaguoti vikitekstą]


Read this message in another languagePrašome padėti išversti į jūsų kalbą


As we have recently announced, we, the team working on the Community Wishlist Survey, would like to invite you to an online meeting with us. It will take place on September 15th, 23:00 UTC on Zoom, and will last an hour. Click here to join.



The meeting will not be recorded or streamed. Notes without attribution will be taken and published on Meta-Wiki. The presentation (first three points in the agenda) will be given in English.

We can answer questions asked in English, French, Polish, and Spanish. If you would like to ask questions in advance, add them on the Community Wishlist Survey talk page or send to [email protected].

Natalia Rodriguez (the Community Tech manager) will be hosting this meeting.

Invitation link

See you! SGrabarczuk (WMF) (Aptarimas) 06:03, 11 rugsėjo 2021 (EEST)[atsakyti]

A proposed wikimeetup in Vilnius on September 28 or 29[redaguoti vikitekstą]

Hi, I would like to meet with some of you while I am still in Vilnius: Vikipedija:Naudotojų susitikimas#Vilnius,_September_28_or_29. Ping Barzdonas, Zemant, Prancuze as you seem to be, basing on quarry:query/58872 and Kategorija:Naudotojai iš Vilniaus, the only currently active Vilnius Wikipedians here, but of course others are welcome to join too. --Base (aptarimas) 17:10, 27 rugsėjo 2021 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Select You the question statements for candidates of Drafting Committee Movement Charter[redaguoti vikitekstą]

Into 2021-10-04 11:59:59 UTC you can select question statements for the candidates of Drafting Committee Movement Charter. ✍️ 02:26, 30 rugsėjo 2021 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Voting for the election for the members for the Movement Charter drafting committee is now open[redaguoti vikitekstą]

Voting for the election for the members for the Movement Charter drafting committee is now open. In total, 70 Wikimedians from around the world are running for 7 seats in these elections.

Voting is open from October 12 to October 24, 2021.

The committee will consist of 15 members in total: The online communities vote for 7 members, 6 members will be selected by the Wikimedia affiliates through a parallel process, and 2 members will be appointed by the Wikimedia Foundation. The plan is to assemble the committee by November 1, 2021.

Learn about each candidate to inform your vote in the language that you prefer: <>

Learn about the Drafting Committee: <>

We are piloting a voting advice application for this election. Click yourself through the tool and you will see which candidate is closest to you! Check at <>

Read the full announcement: <>

Go vote at SecurePoll on: <>


Movement Strategy & Governance Team, Wikimedia Foundation

Xeno (WMF) 05:25, 14 spalio 2021 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Ieškome pagalbos WikiGap renginiui[redaguoti vikitekstą]

Laba diena,

Švedijos ambasada Lietuvoje bei Baltojo Kaspino Festivalis organizuoja WikiGap renginį ( Ieškome vieno ar kelių lietuviškosios Vikipedijos administratorių / senbuvių, kurie galėtų renginio dalyviams pristatyti Vikipedijai tinkamų straipsnių ruošimo ir įkėlimo taisykles.

Pats renginys vyks lapkričio 30 dieną, jo metu kelsime jau paruoštus straipsnius, todėl dalyvius apmokyti norime gerokai anksčiau. Apmokymas vyktų online būdu, mes įsivaizduojame, kad truktų apie 30-60 minučių.

Renginys bei pats festivalis yra nekomerciniai, nemokami renginiai, todėl ieškome pagalbos savanoriškais pagrindais.

Jei Jūs arba kas nors, ką pažįstate, norėtų mums padėti, prašau susisiekti su manim.

Dėkui, Justina

Sveiki. Būtų gerai, kad dalyviai atidžiai susipažintų su tuo, kas pateikta Pagalba:Turinys. Beje, kokios tematikos straipsnius ketinama kurti? Ar bus verčiama iš kitų vikipedijų? --Homo ergaster (aptarimas) 11:12, 19 spalio 2021 (EEST)[atsakyti]
Dėkoju už patarimus, būtent Pagalbos skyreliu daugiausiai ir naudojamės. Deja, neradome kas mums padėtų iš senbuvių, todėl kol kas "apsimokome" patys.
Straipsnius kursime apie asmenybes - žymias Lietuvos moteris, todėl tikriausiai nebus verčiama, nes tiesiog nėra apie jas straipsnių kitomis kalbomis.
Stengiamės orientuotis į kokybę, ne kiekybę. Prašome patarti, jei pastebėsite, kad kažką darome ne taip, dėkoju. JustinaBa (aptarimas) 01:16, 29 lapkričio 2021 (EET)[atsakyti]

Valstybių vėliavų straipsniai[redaguoti vikitekstą]

Kaip vėliavų straipsnių pradinis sakinys turėtų būti rašomas? Dabar straipsnių pradiniai sakiniai ypač skiriasi, tai manau, kad būtų gerai juos standartizuoti. Dažniausiai straipsnis patenka į vieną iš trijų variantų:

  • XYZ vėliava – vienas iš oficialių XYZ valstybės simbolių.
  • XYZ vėliava – trispalvė, sudaryta iš trijų juostų.
  • XYZ vėliava buvo įteisinta 1234 m. sausio 1 d.

Kuris labiausiai tinka? Etoza (aptarimas) 23:12, 23 spalio 2021 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Standartizuoti išties reikėtų. Turėtų būti pirmasis variantas (kadangi tai aiškus apibrėžimas). Ta pati problema dažna ir valstybių herbų straipsniuose. --Homo ergaster (aptarimas) 23:28, 23 spalio 2021 (EEST)[atsakyti]

Learn how Movement Strategy Implementation Grants can support your Movement Strategy plans[redaguoti vikitekstą]

Movement Strategy Implementation grants now provide more than $2,000 USD to put Movement Strategy plans into action. Find out more about Movement Strategy Implementation grants, the criteria, and how to apply.

MNadzikiewicz (WMF) (talk) 13:30, 29 October 2021 (UTC)

Meet the new Movement Charter Drafting Committee members[redaguoti vikitekstą]

The Movement Charter Drafting Committee election and selection processes are complete.

The committee will convene soon to start its work. The committee can appoint up to three more members to bridge diversity and expertise gaps.

If you are interested in engaging with Movement Charter drafting process, follow the updates on Meta and join the Telegram group.

With thanks from the Movement Strategy and Governance team

17:53, 5 lapkričio 2021 (EET)

Global ban proposal for Musée Annam[redaguoti vikitekstą]

Apologies for writing in English. Prašome padėti išversti į jūsų kalbą There is an on-going discussion about a proposal that Musée Annam be globally banned from editing all Wikimedia projects. You are invited to participate at Requests for comment/Global ban for Musée Annam on Meta-Wiki. Ačiū! NguoiDungKhongDinhDanh (Aptarimas) 16:22, 27 gruodžio 2021 (EET)[atsakyti]

Upcoming Call for Feedback about the Board of Trustees elections[redaguoti vikitekstą]

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki.

The Board of Trustees is preparing a call for feedback about the upcoming Board Elections, from January 7 - February 10, 2022.

While details will be finalized the week before the call, we have confirmed at least two questions that will be asked during this call for feedback:

  • What is the best way to ensure fair representation of emerging communities among the Board?
  • What involvement should candidates have during the election?

While additional questions may be added, the Movement Strategy and Governance team wants to provide time for community members and affiliates to consider and prepare ideas on the confirmed questions before the call opens. We apologize for not having a complete list of questions at this time. The list of questions should only grow by one or two questions. The intention is to not overwhelm the community with requests, but provide notice and welcome feedback on these important questions.

Do you want to help organize local conversation during this Call?

Contact the Movement Strategy and Governance team on Meta, on Telegram, or via email at msg(_AT_)

Reach out if you have any questions or concerns. The Movement Strategy and Governance team will be minimally staffed until January 3. Please excuse any delayed response during this time. We also recognize some community members and affiliates are offline during the December holidays. We apologize if our message has reached you while you are on holiday.


Movement Strategy and Governance

Ačiū. Xeno (WMF) 19:56, 27 gruodžio 2021 (EET)[atsakyti]

Wiki Loves Folklore is back![redaguoti vikitekstą]

Prašome padėti išversti į jūsų kalbą

Wiki Loves Folklore Logo.svg

You are humbly invited to participate in the Wiki Loves Folklore 2022 an international photography contest organized on Wikimedia Commons to document folklore and intangible cultural heritage from different regions, including, folk creative activities and many more. It is held every year from the 1st till the 28th of February.

You can help in enriching the folklore documentation on Commons from your region by taking photos, audios, videos, and submitting them in this commons contest.

You can also organize a local contest in your country and support us in translating the project pages to help us spread the word in your native language.

Feel free to contact us on our project Talk page if you need any assistance.

Kind regards,

Wiki loves Folklore International Team

--MediaWiki message delivery (aptarimas) 15:15, 9 sausio 2022 (EET)[atsakyti]

Feminism and Folklore 2022[redaguoti vikitekstą]

Prašome padėti išversti į jūsų kalbą

Greetings! You are invited to participate in Feminism and Folklore 2022 writing competion. This year Feminism and Folklore will focus on feminism, women biographies and gender-focused topics for the project in league with Wiki Loves Folklore gender gap focus with folk culture theme on Wikipedia.

You can help us in enriching the folklore documentation on Wikipedia from your region by creating or improving articles focused on folklore around the world, including, but not limited to folk festivals, folk dances, folk music, women and queer personalities in folklore, folk culture (folk artists, folk dancers, folk singers, folk musicians, folk game athletes, women in mythology, women warriors in folklore, witches and witch hunting, fairy tales and more. You can contribute to new articles or translate from the list of suggested articles here.

You can also support us in organizing the contest on your local Wikipedia by signing up your community to participate in this project and also translating the project page and help us spread the word in your native language.

Learn more about the contest and prizes from our project page. Feel free to contact us on our talk page or via Email if you need any assistance...

Thank you.

Feminism and Folklore Team,

Tiven2240 --07:49, 11 sausio 2022 (EET)[atsakyti]

Request for sources: Lycée international français de Vilnius[redaguoti vikitekstą]

I'd like to write an article in English about the Lycée international français de Vilnius, but I havent yet found any published newspaper articles mostly about the school. Do you know of some resources in Lithuanian?

Thanks WhisperToMe (aptarimas) 09:25, 14 sausio 2022 (EET)[atsakyti]

  • Old source (2012) from this article TAMV about foreign schools in V: [1]
  • 2021: [2], [3]
  • Education ministry, [4].
Vilensija (aptarimas) 20:00, 14 sausio 2022 (EET)[atsakyti]

Call for Feedback about the Board of Trustees elections is now open[redaguoti vikitekstą]

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki.

The Call for Feedback: Board of Trustees elections is now open and will close on 7 February 2022.

With this Call for Feedback, the Movement Strategy and Governance team is taking a different approach. This approach incorporates community feedback from 2021. Instead of leading with proposals, the Call is framed around key questions from the Board of Trustees. The key questions came from the feedback about the 2021 Board of Trustees election. The intention is to inspire collective conversation and collaborative proposal development about these key questions.

Join the conversation.


Movement Strategy and Governance

Xeno (WMF) 03:04, 15 sausio 2022 (EET)[atsakyti]

Subscribe to the This Month in Education newsletter - learn from others and share your stories[redaguoti vikitekstą]

Dear community members,

Greetings from the EWOC Newsletter team and the education team at Wikimedia Foundation. We are very excited to share that we on tenth years of Education Newsletter (This Month in Education) invite you to join us by subscribing to the newsletter on your talk page or by sharing your activities in the upcoming newsletters. The Wikimedia Education newsletter is a monthly newsletter that collects articles written by community members using Wikimedia projects in education around the world, and it is published by the EWOC Newsletter team in collaboration with the Education team. These stories can bring you new ideas to try, valuable insights about the success and challenges of our community members in running education programs in their context.

If your affiliate/language project is developing its own education initiatives, please remember to take advantage of this newsletter to publish your stories with the wider movement that shares your passion for education. You can submit newsletter articles in your own language or submit bilingual articles for the education newsletter. For the month of January the deadline to submit articles is on the 20th January. We look forward to reading your stories.

Older versions of this newsletter can be found in the complete archive.

More information about the newsletter can be found at Education/Newsletter/About.

For more information, please contact spatnaikŠ

About This Month in Education · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery · For the team: ZI Jony (Talk), Šeštadienis 20:47, 19 kovo 2022 (UTC)

Unhandled requests for renaming[redaguoti vikitekstą]


Can someone please handle the files in Kategorija:Paveikslėlių pervadinimai?Jonteemil (aptarimas) 23:06, 24 sausio 2022 (EET)[atsakyti]

Movement Strategy and Governance News – Issue 5[redaguoti vikitekstą]

Movement Strategy and Governance News
Issue 5, January 2022Read the full newsletter

Welcome to the fifth issue of Movement Strategy and Governance News (formerly known as Universal Code of Conduct News)! This revamped newsletter distributes relevant news and events about the Movement Charter, Universal Code of Conduct, Movement Strategy Implementation grants, Board elections and other relevant MSG topics.

This Newsletter will be distributed quarterly, while more frequent Updates will also be delivered weekly or bi-weekly to subscribers. Please remember to subscribe here if you would like to receive these updates.

  • Call for Feedback about the Board elections - We invite you to give your feedback on the upcoming WMF Board of Trustees election. This call for feedback went live on 10th January 2022 and will be concluded on 16th February 2022. (continue reading)
  • Universal Code of Conduct Ratification - In 2021, the WMF asked communities about how to enforce the Universal Code of Conduct policy text. The revised draft of the enforcement guidelines should be ready for community vote in March. (continue reading)
  • Movement Strategy Implementation Grants - As we continue to review several interesting proposals, we encourage and welcome more proposals and ideas that target a specific initiative from the Movement Strategy recommendations. (continue reading)
  • The New Direction for the Newsletter - As the UCoC Newsletter transitions into MSG Newsletter, join the facilitation team in envisioning and deciding on the new directions for this newsletter. (continue reading)
  • Diff Blogs - Check out the most recent publications about MSG on Wikimedia Diff. (continue reading)

Xeno (WMF) 05:27, 29 sausio 2022 (EET)[atsakyti]

Updates on the Universal Code of Conduct Enforcement Guidelines Review[redaguoti vikitekstą]

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki.

Hello everyone,

The Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees released a statement on the ratification process for the Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) Enforcement Guidelines.

The Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) provides a baseline of acceptable behavior for the entire movement. The UCoC and the Enforcement Guidelines were written by volunteer-staff drafting committees following community consultations.

The revised guidelines were published 24 January 2022 as a proposed way to apply the policy across the movement. There is a list of changes made to the guidelines after the enforcement draft guidelines review. Comments about the guidelines can be shared on the Enforcement Guidelines talk page on Meta-wiki.

To help to understand the guidelines and process, the Movement Strategy and Governance (MSG) team will be hosting Conversation Hours on 4 February 2022 at 15:00 UTC, 25 February 2022 at 12:00 UTC, and 4 March 2022 at 15:00 UTC. Join the conversation hours to speak with the UCoC project team and drafting committee members about the updated guidelines and voting process.

The timeline is available on Meta-wiki. The voting period is March 7 to 21. All eligible voters will have an opportunity to support or oppose the adoption of the Enforcement guidelines, and share why. See the voting information page for more details.

Many participants from across the movement have provided valuable input in these ongoing conversations. The UCoC and MSG teams want to thank the Drafting Committee and the community members for their contributions to this process.


Movement Strategy and Governance
Wikimedia Foundation

Xeno (WMF) 05:55, 4 vasario 2022 (EET)[atsakyti]

Newcomer task[redaguoti vikitekstą]

Kas čia tie „Newcomer task“? Neva taiso klaidas, bet redagavimo komentaras „‎Pataisiau stiliaus klaidas, keliatą gramatikos“... --Homo ergaster (aptarimas) 11:08, 5 vasario 2022 (EET)[atsakyti]

Leadership Development Task Force: Your feedback is appreciated[redaguoti vikitekstą]

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki.

The Community Development team at the Wikimedia Foundation is supporting the creation of a global, community-driven Leadership Development Task Force. The purpose of the task force is to advise leadership development work.

The team is looking for feedback about the responsibilities of the Leadership Development Task Force. This Meta page shares the proposal for a Leadership Development Task Force and how you can help. Feedback on the proposal will be collected from 7 to 25 February 2022.

Xeno (WMF) 04:35, 9 vasario 2022 (EET)[atsakyti]

Ukraine's Cultural Diplomacy Month: We are back in 2022![redaguoti vikitekstą]

UCDM 2022.png

Prašome padėti išversti į jūsų kalbą

Hello, dear Wikipedians!

Wikimedia Ukraine, in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and Ukrainian Institute, has launched the second edition of writing challenge "Ukraine's Cultural Diplomacy Month", which lasts from 17 February to 17 March 2022. The campaign is dedicated to famous Ukrainian artists of cinema, music, literature, architecture, design and cultural phenomena of Ukraine that made a contribution to world culture. The most active contesters will receive prizes.

We invite you to take part and help us improve the coverage of Ukrainian culture on Wikipedia!--ValentynNefedov (WMUA) (aptarimas) 14:43, 21 vasario 2022 (EET)[atsakyti]

Wikipedia's policy is neutrality, I guess, so why this propaganda nonsence? Hugo.arg (aptarimas) 14:05, 24 vasario 2022 (EET)[atsakyti]
Gerb. Hugo.arg, kurioje vietoje įžvelgiate propagandą? --Obivan Kenobi (aptarimas) 14:33, 24 vasario 2022 (EET)[atsakyti]

Ne tiek kad propagandą, bet 'advocacy'. Šito Vikipedijoje neturėtų būti. Gal tegul, pvz., pasiūlo visuotinę Pakistano inciatyvą - tikiu, indams labai "patiktų". Aišku, čia šita bėda graužia Vikipediją (na, laimei, ne LT, o anglų labiau) jau seniau, su visokiom "moterų" iniciatyvom ir panašiai. Taip palengva imama prasilenkti su neutralumu, kai atsiranda visokios 'palaikomos' ir 'prerogatyvinės' temos. Hugo.arg (aptarimas) 18:18, 24 vasario 2022 (EET)[atsakyti]

Manau, kad perlenkiate lazdą ir pats tai suprantate. Beje, dėl Pakistano iniciatyvos — visada galite siūlyti. Galbūt ir pats prisidėčiau. --Viskonsas (aptarimas) 22:42, 26 vasario 2022 (EET)[atsakyti]
Thanks for informing us. Suteikta Atlikta --Viskonsas (aptarimas) 15:52, 24 vasario 2022 (EET)[atsakyti]

Wiki Loves Folklore is extended till 15th March[redaguoti vikitekstą]

Prašome padėti išversti į jūsų kalbą
Wiki Loves Folklore Logo.svg

Greetings from Wiki Loves Folklore International Team,

We are pleased to inform you that Wiki Loves Folklore an international photographic contest on Wikimedia Commons has been extended till the 15th of March 2022. The scope of the contest is focused on folk culture of different regions on categories, such as, but not limited to, folk festivals, folk dances, folk music, folk activities, etc.

We would like to have your immense participation in the photographic contest to document your local Folk culture on Wikipedia. You can also help with the translation of project pages and share a word in your local language.

Best wishes,

International Team
Wiki Loves Folklore

MediaWiki message delivery (aptarimas) 06:50, 22 vasario 2022 (EET)[atsakyti]

Coming soon[redaguoti vikitekstą]

- Johanna Strodt (WMDE) 14:38, 28 vasario 2022 (EET)[atsakyti]

Remember to Participate in the UCoC Conversations and Ratification Vote![redaguoti vikitekstą]

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki.

Hello everyone,

A vote in SecurePoll from 7 to 21 March 2022 is scheduled as part of the ratification process for the Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) Enforcement guidelines. Eligible voters are invited to answer a poll question and share comments. Read voter information and eligibility details. During the poll, voters will be asked if they support the enforcement of the Universal Code of Conduct based on the proposed guidelines.

The Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) provides a baseline of acceptable behavior for the entire movement. The revised enforcement guidelines were published 24 January 2022 as a proposed way to apply the policy across the movement. A Wikimedia Foundation Board statement calls for a ratification process where eligible voters will have an opportunity to support or oppose the adoption of the UCoC Enforcement guidelines in a vote. Wikimedians are invited to translate and share important information. For more information about the UCoC, please see the project page and frequently asked questions on Meta-wiki.

There are events scheduled to learn more and discuss:

  • A community panel recorded on 18 February 2022 shares perspectives from small- and medium-sized community participants.
  • The Movement Strategy and Governance (MSG) team is hosting Conversation Hours on 4 March 2022 at 15:00 UTC. Please sign-up to interact with the project team and the drafting committee about the updated enforcement guidelines and the ratification process. See the Conversation Hour summaries for notes from 4 February 2022 and 25 February 2022.

You can comment on Meta-wiki talk pages in any language. You may also contact either team by email: msg(_AT_) or ucocproject(_AT_)


Movement Strategy and Governance
Wikimedia Foundation

Xeno (WMF) 04:17, 2 kovo 2022 (EET)[atsakyti]

Universal Code of Conduct Enforcement guidelines ratification voting open from 7 to 21 March 2022[redaguoti vikitekstą]

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki.

Hello everyone,

The ratification voting process for the revised enforcement guidelines of the Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) is now open! Voting commenced on SecurePoll on 7 March 2022 and will conclude on 21 March 2022. Please read more on the voter information and eligibility details.

The Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) provides a baseline of acceptable behavior for the entire movement. The revised enforcement guidelines were published 24 January 2022 as a proposed way to apply the policy across the movement. You can read more about the UCoC project.

You can also comment on Meta-wiki talk pages in any language. You may also contact the team by email: ucocproject(_AT_)


Movement Strategy and Governance

Wikimedia Foundation

Xeno (WMF) 02:52, 8 kovo 2022 (EET)[atsakyti]

Invitation to Hubs event: Global Conversation on 2022-03-12 at 13:00 UTC[redaguoti vikitekstą]


The Movement Strategy and Governance team of the Wikimedia Foundation would like to invite you to the next event about "Regional and Thematic Hubs". The Wikimedia Movement is in the process of understanding what Regional and Thematic Hubs should be. Our workshop in November was a good start (read the report), but we're not finished yet.

Over the last weeks we conducted about 16 interviews with groups working on establishing a Hub in their context (see Hubs Dialogue). These interviews informed a report that will serve as a foundation for discussion on March 12. The report is planned to be published on March 9.

The event will take place on March 12, 13:00 to 16:00 UTC on Zoom. Interpretation will be provided in French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, and Portuguese. Registration is open, and will close on March 10. Anyone interested in the topic is invited to join us. More information on the event on Meta-wiki.

Best regards,

Kaarel Vaidla
Movement Strategy

03:31, 10 kovo 2022 (EET)

Wiki Loves Folklore 2022 ends tomorrow[redaguoti vikitekstą]

Wiki Loves Folklore Logo.svg

International photographic contest Wiki Loves Folklore 2022 ends on 15th March 2022 23:59:59 UTC. This is the last chance of the year to upload images about local folk culture, festival, cuisine, costume, folklore etc on Wikimedia Commons. Watch out our social media handles for regular updates and declaration of Winners.

(Facebook , Twitter , Instagram)

The writing competition Feminism and Folklore will run till 31st of March 2022 23:59:59 UTC. Write about your local folk tradition, women, folk festivals, folk dances, folk music, folk activities, folk games, folk cuisine, folk wear, folklore, and tradition, including ballads, folktales, fairy tales, legends, traditional song and dance, folk plays, games, seasonal events, calendar customs, folk arts, folk religion, mythology etc. on your local Wikipedia. Check if your local Wikipedia is participating

A special competition called Wiki Loves Falles is organised in Spain and the world during 15th March 2022 till 15th April 2022 to document local folk culture and Falles in Valencia, Spain. Learn more about it on Catalan Wikipedia project page.

We look forward for your immense co-operation.

Thanks Wiki Loves Folklore international Team MediaWiki message delivery (aptarimas) 16:40, 14 kovo 2022 (EET)[atsakyti]

Leadership Development Working Group: Apply to join! (14 March to 10 April 2022)[redaguoti vikitekstą]

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki.

Hello everyone,

Thank you to everyone who participated in the feedback period for the Leadership Development Working Group initiative. A summary of the feedback can be found on Meta-wiki. This feedback will be shared with the working group to inform their work. The application period to join the Working Group is now open and will close on April 10, 2022. Please review the information about the working group, share with community members who might be interested, and apply if you are interested.

Thank you,

From the Community Development team

Xeno (WMF) 04:20, 18 kovo 2022 (EET)[atsakyti]