Welcome to Plone 6!

Congratulations! You have successfully installed Plone.

Find out more about Plone

Plone is a powerful content management system built on a rock-solid application stack written using the Python programming language. More about these technologies:

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Plone is made possible only through the efforts of thousands of dedicated individuals and hundreds of companies. The Plone Foundation:


You can use this site to test Plone 6. These are the versions used in this demo:

  • Volto 15.0.0
  • Plone
  • plone.restapi
  • CMF
  • Zope
  • Python
  • PIL


  • volto-slate 5.3.3
  • @kitconcept/volto-blocks-grid 2.4.1
  • @eeacms/volto-object-widget 3.0.3

You can log in and use it as admin user using these credentials:

user: admin

password: admin

Disclaimer: This instance is reset every night, so all changes will be lost afterwards.

Happy hacking!

2022 - Plone Foundation