Research & Education (R&E) WG

What is the Research & Education WG?

Working Group Name:

Research and Education (R&E)


The purpose of this working group is to develop a set of profiles for the OpenID Connect specifications to ease the adoption of OpenID Connect in the Research and Education (R&E) sector. The profiles will take into account existing practices of federated identity management in the R&E sector, current international standards to represent users that belong to R&E institutions, as well as the existing international trust fabric based on R&E identity federations and multi-lateral trust exchange. The working group will also actively look for the engagement of the R&E international community.

Working Group Charter

The charter document can be found here:

Working Group Chairs

List of Proposed Specifications

  • OpenID Connect Research and Education Profile.
  • OpenID Connect Research and Education Claims.
  • OpenID Connect Entity metadata extension.


The easiest way to participate is to join the mailing list at

Please note that while anyone can join the mailing list as a read-only recipient, posting to the mailing list or actively contributing to the specification itself requires the submission of an IPR Agreement. More information is available at Please make sure to specify the working group as “Research & Education” or “R&E” in the “Initial Working Groups” field.

Meeting Venue and Schedule