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Sérgio Gomes
TODO: insert witty remark.
TODO: insert witty remark.


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A collection of timeless classics in the sound of a neglected, beautiful instrument.
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Originally shared by ****
An optional parameter  useTimezoneReporting in report.generate call of v1.3 of the AdSense Management API, will allow report to be generated in a local timezone. By default, the value is false, which maps to PTZ timezone.

#adsenseapi   #tips  
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Some brilliant guys are adding touch functionality to standard MIDI keyboards. Really cool idea!
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Two brothers made this awesome 80s-style music video on occasion of their (third) brother getting married. Hilarity ensues :)
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Originally shared by ****
Don't forget to update your AdSense Management API application to the latest version. The v1.0 and v1.1 will be sunset on August 12.

#adsenseapi   #adsense  
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First game :-)
+Jose Alcérreca +Paul Matthews

I just scored 4,292 points in 7x7! Just try and beat my score #7x7
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And it's cheaper, too!
Originally shared by ****
The PS4 doesn't have draconian DRM? I guess that's what I'll be buying then.
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Well, all that's missing now is for someone to build a working gunblade ;)
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