Cookie Notice & Compliance for GDPR / CCPA


Cookie Notice provides a simple, customizable website banner that can be used to help your website comply with certain cookie consent requirements under the EU GDPR cookie law and CCPA regulations and includes seamless integration with Cookie Compliance to help your site comply with the latest updates to existing consent laws.

Cookie Compliance is a fully featured Consent Management Platform (CMP) that provides automated compliance features and enhanced design controls in a state-of-the-art web application. Cookie Compliance enables websites to take a proactive approach to data protection and consent laws. It is the first solution to offer Intentional Consent, a new consent framework that incorporates the latest guidelines from over 100+ countries, and emerging standards from leading international organizations like the IEEE and European Center for Digital Rights ( Cookie Compliance provides a beautiful, multi-level experience and includes new choices and controls for site visitors to better understand and engage in data privacy decisions.

Our Cookie Compliance web application introduces a more ethical, proactive way to capture and manage consent. This early version of the emerging Intentional Consent framework is a result of’s ongoing work with top Fortune 500 companies, governments, and standards organizations, who believe that the imbalanced relationship between consumers and corporations is unsustainable when it comes to data privacy and consent online. We are making it available for all website owners and operators who share this belief and support our mission to eliminate the dark patterns in online consent.
Matt Sinderbrand – Chief Platform Officer,

Cookie Notice (plugin only)

Cookie Notice provides a simple, customizable website banner to help your website comply with certain cookie consent requirements.

Banner features:

  • Mensaxe de aviso personalizable
  • Consent on click, scroll or close
  • Opcións de caducidade de varias cookies
  • Ligazón á páxina de Política de Privacidade
  • Sincronización da páxina de Política de privacidade de WordPress
  • Compatible con WPML e Polylang
  • Amigable co SEO

Cookie Compliance (plugin + web application)

Cookie Compliance gives you access to the most up-to-date formatting guidelines and technical compliance requirements for over 100 countries and legal jurisdictions.

Banner features:

  • Intentional Consent provides 3 equal buttons to give site visitors the ability to accept none, some, or all cookies through packaged choices called Data Access Levels. Data Access Levels improve consent conversion and eliminate the dark pattern of deceptive, non-equal choices in the first layer. Complies with equal choice principle prescribed under GDPR and other data protection laws.
  • Consent duration selector gives visitor control over how long their consent remains valid for your site. Enables your site to align with recent guidelines from EU Data Protection Authorities, which state that cookie consent should be valid for no longer than a period of 6 months.
  • Cookie purpose categories make it easy for website visitors to customize their consent by category. Complies with affirmative, opt-in consent requirements prescribed under GDPR and other data protection laws.
  • Consent metrics displays the visitor’s consent record and a list of blocked / allowed 3rd parties directly in the expanded level of the banner. Complies with latest guidance from EU Data Protection Authorities like CNIL (France) and ICO (UK).
  • Customizable Privacy Paper provides helpful information to improve visitor comprehension and understanding of the data sharing risks and benefits. Allows you to summarize core components of your sites privacy notice and aligns with the informed principle prescribed by GDPR rules for valid consent capture.
  • Configurable Privacy Contact allows you to provide contact information for a business’ data privacy admin, as well as helpful links to data subject request forms and other data privacy resources. Aligns with the informed principle prescribed by GDPR rules for valid consent capture.

Web Application features:

  • Consent analytics dashboard shows event data for number of visits and provides a “trust score” to help you track how site visitors are setting their consent. Make adjustments to your banner to improve your cookie acceptance rate and monitor progress via the consent activity graph.
  • Default configurations for GDPR, CCPA and more help to remove dark patterns and allow for quick and easy deployment of the consent banner without any guesswork. Customize the design of any default configuration to match the look and feel of your site.
  • Automatic script blocking blocks all non-essential cookie scripts and iFrames by default and complies with valid consent rules under GDPR and other data protection laws; in order to be compliant, your site must record visitor consent before setting or sending cookies.
  • Consent record storage automatically stores a record of each consent and makes these records available for export. Complies with proof-of-consent requirements prescribed under GDPR and other data protection laws.
  • Multilingual support automatically translates all banner text strings and allows you to provide custom translations for every text field to ensure visitors get a consistent consent experience.
  • Multidomain management allows you to manage additional Free or Professional domains under a single account and enables you to customize banner configuration and design for each domain independently.

Cookie Compliance proactive approach:

For all businesses, the resources required to stay ahead of the latest regulations increases with the passage of each new law. With enforcement of compliance violations increasing daily, we believe it is critical for us as a trusted consent vendor to do everything in our power to help you stay ahead of these laws and remove the risk to your business

Cookie Compliance covers all current and upcoming regulations:

  • GDPR (EU)
  • ePrivacy Directive (EU)
  • ePrivacy Regulation (EU)
  • PECR (UK)
  • LGPD (Brazil)
  • PIPEDA (Canada)
  • PDPB (India)
  • CCPA (California, US)
  • VCDPA (Virginia, US)
  • Colorado Privacy Act (US)
  • CPRA (California, US)

Cookie Compliance incorporates all recent formatting guidance:

  • European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS)
  • ICO (United Kingdom)
  • CNIL (France)
  • GPDP (Italy)
  • BfDl (Germany)
  • AEPD (Spain)
  • European Center for Digital Rights (

Cookie Compliance targets dark patterns

Dark Patterns are user interface (UI) techniques that push site visitors to make decisions (such as agreeing to the installation of cookies on their devices) that they might not otherwise make. The most common Dark Pattern is the lack of an equal “reject all” button on the first layer of the consent notice. Dark Patterns are explicitly banned under GDPR and other data protection laws.

As a part of our proactive approach, Cookie Compliance is configured by default to prevent Dark Patterns through our unique Intentional Consent design.


  • Cookie Notice settings, Compliance itegration inactive
  • Cookie Notice settings, Compliance itegration active
  • Cookie Compliance dashboard overview
  • Cookie Compliance settings


  1. Instale Cookie Notice xa sexa a través do directorio de plugins de WordPress. org ou cargando os arquivos no seu servidor
  2. Active o plugin a través do menú “Complementos” en WordPress
  3. Vai á configuración de Cookie Notice e configura as túas opcións.
  4. Click “Add Compliance features” button to start Cookie Compliance integration.
  5. Create Cookie Compliance account and select plan.
  6. Log in to Cookie Compliance web application anytime to customize the settings.

Preguntas frecuentes

Is Cookie Notice free?

Yes! Cookie Notice is a free software.

Is Cookie Compliance free?

Yes, but with limits. Cookie Compliance includes both free and paid plans to choose from depending on your needs and your website traffic.

Does the Cookie Notice make my site fully compliant with GDPR?

No. The plugin-only version DOES NOT include technical compliance features such as automatic script blocking, consent purpose categories, or consent record storage. These features are only available through the Cookie Compliance integration.

Does the Cookie Compiance integration make my site fully compliant with GDPR?

Yes! The plugin + web appliaction version includes technical compliance features to meet requirements for over 100 countries and legal jurisdictions.


17 de Marzo, 2022
Stopped working when I updated, and now it seems impossible to get it working again. Very unclear navigation, as another reviewer stated, the plug-in seems to be merely an ad for their paid service. Which is impossible to locate as there are no obvious links and shows no pricing.
17 de Marzo, 2022
Didn't understand what's the purpose of this plugin, I tried working with this plugin, but the essential actions are locked because you need to sign in first. When you try to register an account it gives an error leaving you with a useless plugin installed. Thank you for wasting my time.
16 de Marzo, 2022
I am a novice to wordpress. I selected this plugin as I thought it was easy to use. Some steps were easy, but when I came to the autoblocking part I could not make it work. I also tried to ask support, they I got in a couple of days, but the suggested solution was not even coherent with what my setting page was showing. So I decided to uninstall it and I move to another cookie consent plugin that I made work much faster (few hours of config).
1 de Marzo, 2022
I gave you 1 star because I had to install and uninstall your plugin. Show your prices before we install it. 1 star for making me waste my time.
13 de Febreiro, 2022
We've been using it fou couple of years now and we're satisfied!
Ler todas as 2.937 opinións

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Rexistro de cambios


  • Fix: Undefined notice in WP dashboard
  • Fix: Close icon event not firing
  • Tweak: Remove aria-label from the close icon
  • Tweak: CSS tweaks in the admin


  • Fix: Uncrawlable close notice link
  • Tweak: WordPress 5.9 compatibility
  • Tweak: Prevent displaying the notice in an iframe
  • Tweak: Send site language to a web app on signup


  • Fix: Missing variable definition in frontend


  • New: Option to hide banner for logged in users (Compliance only)


  • Tweak: Additional sanitization applied


  • Fix: WordPress 5.8 widgets compatibility


  • Fix: HTML attributes removed from text strings
  • Tweak: Improved sanitization of options


  • Tweak: Improved escaping of button labels


  • Fix: Security bug related to compliance caching


  • New: Introducing Cookie Compliance Free plan


  • Fix: Undefined constant HOURS_IN_SECONDS
  • Fix: Button style none adding CSS classes “cn-set-cookie cn-button”
  • Tweak: Switched the behavior of close icon from accept to reject
  • Tweak: Minified frontend and admin js files


  • Fix: Cookies accepted function issue when Compliance activated


  • Tweak: UI/UX improvements


  • Fix: Pending Compliance update blocking the notice
  • Fix: PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information
  • Tweak: UI/UX fixes for the settings screen


  • New: Introducing Cookie Compliance for GDPR/CCPA


  • Tweak: Speed up Corona Banner loading by moving JS file to footer with async parameter
  • Tweak: Improve buttons CSS padding
  • Tweak: Accessibility improvements on links


  • Fix: Unable to select Privacy policy link
  • Fix: Blank Cookies policy link in a message
  • Fix: Undefined index: on_click
  • Tweak: Adjusted default opacity back to 100


  • New: Introducing Corona Banner that displays data about Coronavirus pandemia and five steps recommended by the WHO (World Health Organization)
  • New: Option to set bar opacity
  • New: Accept the notice with close icon
  • Fix: Policy link added to message without policy option enabled


  • Fix: Problems with iOS and OK/Reject button
  • Tweak: Added Separate cookie expiry for Reject, props Carlos Buchart


  • Fix: The body css class always set to “cookies-refused”
  • Tweak: Improve IE & Safari CustomEvent and ClassList support
  • Tweak: Change the plugin js init event


  • New: Option to accept the notice with any page click
  • Tweak: Remove jQuery dependency
  • Tweak: Swtich from jQuery to CSS3 animations
  • Tweak: Improve the CSS and HTML structure


  • Fix: HTML tags stripped from cookie message
  • Fix: Link target not accepted in inline privacy link


  • New: Option to select the privacy policy link position
  • Tweak: Do not relad the page on refuse button click
  • Tweak: Added aria-label attribute to cookie notice container


  • Axuste: elimina a cookie WP Super Cache na desactivación
  • Axuste: elimina a versión do plugin da db ao desactivar


  • Axuste: soporte mellorado de WP Super Cache
  • Axuste: problema de estilo de contedor CSS e consulta de medios para dispositivos móbiles


  • Corrixido: O texto do botón revogar ignorado en shortcode
  • Corrixido: o botón revogar consentimento non se mostra automaticamente na posición superior
  • Axuste: engade un analizador de shortcode para o contido de [cookies_accepted], grazas a dsturm


  • Novo: opción para revocar o consentimento do usuario
  • Novo: bloqueo de script estendido a cabeceira e pé de páxina
  • Novo: sincronización coa páxina de política de privacidade de WordPress 4.9.6
  • Novo: opción de clase de botón personalizado
  • Axuste: agregouse a opción de expiración de cookies de 1 hora


  • Novo: introducindo shortcode [cookies_accepted] [/cookies_accepted]
  • Corrixido: problema de caducidade de cookies infinitas


  • Corrixido: bucle de redirección infinito con desprazamento activado


  • Corrixido: aliñar ao centro o div nalgúns temas
  • Axuste: lista estendida de etiquetas HTML permitidas no código de rexeitamento
  • Axuste: CSS e JS minimizados


  • Novo: opción de volver cargar a páxina despois de que as cookies sexan aceptadas


  • Axuste: Mover as funcións js de cookies frontend antes de que estea lista a chamada a documentación, grazas a fgreinus
  • Axuste: axuste o manexo funcional do código javascript
  • Corrixido: Chhromium data de caducidade infinita non válida
  • Corrixido: eliminada a función screen_icon() en desuso


  • Axuste: Engadir aria landmark role=”banner”
  • Axuste: Estender cn_cookie_notice_args coa clase botón

  • Corrixido: problema de carga del repositorio con 1.2.36


  • Corrixido: Soporte de tradución de cadeas para WMPL 3.2+
  • Corrixido: Global var posible conflito con outros complementos
  • Axuste: Agregar a matriz $options ao filtro “cn_cookie_notice_output”, grazas a chesio.
  • Axuste: Se eliminaron los archivos de traducción locales a favor de las traducciones del repositorio de WP.


  • Axuste: Use html_entity_decode nun bloque de código non funcional
  • Axuste: optimización de colocación da función get_pages()
  • Axuste: Capacidade de administración de notificacións de cookies que se pode filtrar


  • Corrixido: Problema de validación HTML de href baleiro en ligazóns


  • Novo: tradución grega grazas a Elias Stefanidis


  • Corrixido: Botón de aceptar cookies oculto en el contenedor de aceptación del mensajes de cookies


  • Novo: campo de código Javascript non funcional
  • Corrixido: Problema de almacenamento en caché de Javascript minimizado


  • Corrixido: Erro de jQuery despois de aceptar cookies


  • Axuste: Agregar clase ao elemento do corpo cando se mostra
  • Axuste: Actualización da tradución en italiano


  • Nova: opción para configurar o desprazamento


  • Axuste: Eliminar correctamente o evento de desprazamento, limitar os posibles conflitos
  • Axuste: Actualización da tradución en italiano


  • Corrixido: Acepta cookies na opción de desprazamento que non está marcada.
  • Corrixido: aviso call_user_func() na versión inferior do WP



  • Nova: opción de negarse a aceptar cookies
  • Novo: evento jQuery personalizado setCookieNotice
  • Axuste: A tradución ao italiano actualizouse, grazas a Luca Speranza



  • Axuste: Tradución sueca actualizada, thx a Ove Kaufeldt



  • Novo: opción para seleccionar a colocación de scripts, cabeceira ou pé de páxina


  • Nova: tradución en danés, grazas a Lui Wallentin Gottler

  • Corrixido: Solución rápida para 1.2.18 print_r en código


  • Nova: Máis información
  • Axuste: IDs HTML adicionais, para unha personalización máis flexible



  • Axuste: Falta tradución holandesa debido a un erro tipográfico


  • Nova: tradución en danés, grazas a Hans C. Jorgensen
  • Corrixido: A barra de avisos non é visible se non se seleccionou animación


  • Nova: tradución en húngaro, grazas a Surbma



  • Novo: tradución en esloveno, grazas a Thomas Cuk



  • Novo: tradución ao italiano, grazas a Luca
  • Axuste: Compatibilidade confirmada con WP 4.0

  • Axuste: Activa HTML no texto da mensaxe de cookies
  • Nova: opción de doar para este complemento 🙂



  • Nova: tradución ao francés, grazas a Laura Orsal
  • Novo: Eliminar a configuración do complemento na desactivación como opción


  • Novo: tradución alemá, grazas a Alex Ernst


  • Novo: tradución ao español, grazas a Fernando Blasco


  • Novo: engadíronse ganchos de filtro para personalizar onde e como se visualiza o aviso sobre cookies


  • Novo: tradución en portugués, grazas a Luis Maia


  • Corrixido: Lea máis ligando ao idioma predeterminado do sitio en WPML e Polylang


  • Axuste: melloras da UI para WP 3.8


  • Corrixido: Non se garda a cookie en IE
  • Corrixido: erro de Aviso escondido baixo da barra de administrador
  • Axuste: Compatibilidade con WPML e Polylang


  • Novo: método de configuración de cookies reescrito en JS puro
  • Corrixido: Compatibilidade con WP Super Cache e outros complementos de caché


  • Novo: tradución ao holandés, grazas a Heleen van den Bos


  • Axuste: Modificouse o modo de configuración de cookies de AJAX a JS


Versión inicial