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Creating pre-defined replies

The pre-defined replies are all separated out into language-aware files. the en.json file is the default, used on the global forums on, and is also the fallback if no locale-specific file exists.

File format

The file is a standard JSON formated file, with key-identifiers for each entry for more control.

Example format

	"wporg-1": {
		"label": "This is the title of your reply",
		"content": "This is the content of your reply"
	"wporg-2": {
		"label": "This is the title of your 2nd reply",
		"content": "This is the content of your 2nd reply"

Notice that the label and content entries are keys, and should not be changed, as they are required for the pre-defined replies controller to recognize the content correctly.

The wporg-1 and wporg-2 texts are incremental keys, indicating each individual new entry, just keep adding to the last number and you'll be fine.

Escaping output

Since this is JSON, you can put must types of content in, but be mindful of:

  • \n is used to add a line break to your content
  • Escape any " symbols inside your text by adding a \ infront of it, for example <a href=\"\">Link to WordPress</a>