Support » Plugin: AntiVirus » Safe Browsing Alarms

  • Resolved 38saibot



    since 2 weeks, I get Mails from the addon, saying “Safe Browsing Alarm” with a link to the Google Safe Browsing Alarm diagnostic page. But this tells me only “No data available”.

    So what is the reason that I get these Mails?
    I did not change anything the last days. The only thing was, that wordpress did an automatic update to 4.9.9.
    Could this be the reason? And how to solve it?
    I know, switching off the Safe Browsing Mail in the options is possible, but not a solution.

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  • Plugin Support Simon Kraft


    Hi @38saibot,

    thank you for raising this. We published an update (Version 1.3.10) last week to address this issue.
    The reason, you (and many others) got this, was an outdated integration of the Safe Browsing Service, causing false alerts. This issue was fixed with last weeks update.

    Please get in touch with us again, if you still experience this issue with version 1.3.10 🙂

    Thread Starter 38saibot


    Thanks for the quick response. So I will do the update.

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