MainWP Dashboard – The WordPress Manager for Professional Website Maintenance


The MainWP WordPress Manager Dashboard plugin allows you to control unlimited WordPress sites from your own private self-hosted WordPress install.

The MainWP WordPress management system is a free and open source. The system is designed for WordPress professionals who realize that WordPress management for yourself or your clients is more than just plugin and theme updates.

And, just because it is free does not mean it’s not effective. MainWP allows you to control virtually all of your daily WordPress maintenance tasks at absolutely no cost.

The Dashboard plugin allows you to connect and control all the WordPress sites you administer, even those on different hosts and servers.

MainWP is the perfect solution for WordPress consultants, marketers, developers, WordPress shops, or anyone with multiple WordPress sites.

How does MainWP work?

First, Install and Activate this MainWP Dashboard plugin on a WordPress site you will use for controlling all other sites; this is your Dashboard Site. We highly recommend this be a new, clean WordPress installation and not on one of your operating sites. Using a clean site helps to eliminate any unnecessary plugin conflicts or security issues.

Next, Install and Activate the MainWP Child plugin on a WordPress site you want to connect to your MainWP Dashboard. WordPress sites connected to your Dashboard are referred to as Child sites.

Lastly, you securely connect your child site to your MainWP Dashboard. Once connected, your Dashboard can control most aspects of the Child site.

Still not sure how MainWP works? Review these detailed steps on installing your Dashboard and connecting your first Child site.

How is MainWP free? What’s the catch? How will you continue to pay development costs?

We make money by selling Extensions.

Extensions enhance your MainWP Dashboard with additional features. The catalog of MainWP Extensions includes additional features for backups, marketing, SEO, maintenance, security, monitoring, and other tools to help you build a better network.

Everything below and more is included in with MainWP at absolutely no charge, no tricks, no hidden fees, no nickel and diming you for every little feature and absolutely no gotchas!

Some Included MainWP Features:

Easy Management

The MainWP WordPress management system takes the hassle out of managing your themes and plugins. The MainWP Dashboard allows easy review of which of your WordPress sites have themes and plugins that need updating.

Just one click will update all of your plugins and themes across all your sites.

Effortless Upgrades

Do you have a busy schedule and dread all of the work you’ll be putting into upgrading to WordPress’s latest version? Worry no more! With the click of a button from your MainWP WordPress Manager Dashboard, all of your WordPress sites will be upgraded to the latest stable version.

One-Click Access

Do you have too many WordPress sites to remember? Accessing all of your WordPress sites is now a breeze with our intuitive one-click access. With the click of a button, you’re instantly and securely logged in and ready to work in that WordPress site!

Automated Updates

Using the Trusted Plugin and Theme option in your MainWP Dashboard will automatically update all Plugins and Themes you trust with no further interaction. Your MainWP Dashboard will alert you by email with available updates and then auto-update them the next day.

Abandoned Plugin and Theme Alerts

When a plugin or theme hasn’t had an update in a long time, we tend to forget about it, which could lead to security or compatibility issues. Your MainWP Dashboard will alert you of possibly abandoned plugins or themes so that you can look for a more updated plugin or theme.

Multiple Reliable Backup Options

The MainWP Dashboard offers multiple backup options. We have integrated some of the most popular backup plugins and released them as Free Backup Extensions this allows you to use the backup plugins you know and trust directly from your MainWP Dashboard.


Your MainWP Dashboard is hosted on your own WordPress install and not on our private servers. We do not keep records of your actions, sites, passwords, or anything else. Why that’s important!


We have 100% respect for your privacy. The developers do not have access to any of your WordPress sites or information. Why that’s important!

Ignore Updates

Is there a plugin or theme that you do not want to update for compatibility or other issues? Just tell your MainWP Dashboard to ignore it, and it will no longer alert you of the update.

Content Management

With the power of the MainWP WordPress management system, publishing content to sites is now as easy as possible. Pick your site from a list, write content, and publish, without the hassles of logging into each and every site. It’s just as easy to manage links, comments, and spam using our mass publish and delete functions.

Bulk Posting

Posting content to multiple websites can prove difficult with WordPress alone. With the MainWP Dashboard, posting content to multiple blogs couldn’t be more natural. Create the content, select your blogs, and enjoy the time you saved.

Open Source Code

Both the MainWP WordPress Manager Dashboard and Child plugin are fully open source and GPL compliant with no obfuscated code, so you always know what is running on your server. Both plugins are also maintained on GitHub for easy code access.

Discovery Protection

MainWP protects you from your competitors, search engines, or anyone else with prying eyes. No one will ever know you are using the MainWP WordPress management system unless you tell them.

Customize MainWP

Extensions offer custom functions and features so that each user can tailor their WordPress management experience to their needs.

Developer? Code your own Extensions

Building on WordPress’s core principles, the MainWP plugin allows third-party developers to “hook” into it, so anything you want can be developed for your MainWP Dashboard. You can find more information in the Develop MainWP Extensions page. Build around a proven WordPress Management System!

More Information

MainWP Documentation

MainWP Community

MainWP Support

MainWP Videos

MainWP Extensions

Develop MainWP Extensions

MainWP on Github


  • Quick Setup Wizard
  • Add New Site Screen
  • Manage Sites Screen
  • Install Plugins Screen
  • Install Themes Screen
  • Add New User Screen
  • Manage Posts Screen
  • MainWP Settings Screen
  • Global Dashboard Screen


Note: MainWP is not tested on or designed for multisite installs.

However, we have reports that most functions work correctly, but support will be limited. We DO NOT recommend installing the MainWP Dashboard plugin on a multisite install.

  1. We HIGHLY recommend a NEW WordPress install for your MainWP Dashboard.

Using a new WordPress install will help cut down on Plugin Conflicts and other issues caused by trying to run your MainWP Main Dashboard from an active site. Most hosting companies provide free subdomains (“”), and we recommend creating one if you do not have a specific dedicated domain to run your MainWP Dashboard.
If you are not sure how to set up a subdomain, contact your hosting companies support.

You can even install your MainWP Dashboard on a WordPress site located on your local computer using DesktopServer, WAMP or any other setup that allows you to run WordPress locally.

  1. Once you have set up the separate WordPress install, you can install the MainWP Dashboard plugin following your normal installation procedure, either the Automatic process by searching MainWP or by uploading the MainWP plugin to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.

  2. Once installed then Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress

  3. Add your first child site to the MainWP Dashboard – Documentation

  4. Set your MainWP Settings – Documentation


Do I need any other plugins for MainWP?

Yes, you need to install the MainWP Child Plugin on the sites you want to control with the Dashboard plugin.

Do you have any documentation?

Yes, please review the documentation site.

I just want to start using MainWP, do you have a Quick Start Guide?

Yes, please read the Quick Start – Setting up your MainWP guide on the doc site.

Where do I go for support or to ask for help?

Please post in the MainWP Community

What is the difference between ManageWP and MainWP?

Essentially MainWP and ManageWP provide the same type of service but with different philosophies on WordPress management.

ManageWP is a Service as a Solution (SaaS) property owned by Godaddy. The SaaS system makes ManageWP a type of “Walled Garden” with limited customization options.

MainWP follows the tradition of WordPress and is open source, private, and fully extendable. The fact that MainWP is open source and extendable means you have almost unlimited customization option, this allows you to run your WordPress management business as you see fit.

How do I know my sites are secure using MainWP?

We take security very seriously at MainWP. We welcome any peer review of our 100% open source code to ensure nobody’s MainWP management system is ever compromised or hacked.

We also participate in the HackerOne bug bounty program; this allows ethical hackers to review MainWP code and directly share any vulnerability information with us in return for a monetary reward.

How do I customize MainWP for my needs?

If you want to make some basic changes to the look of your Dashboard, you can use our prebuilt Custom Dashbboard Extension, or if you want to dig in and build Extensions, you can learn all about Extension creation at

I have an idea for MainWP; how do I let you know?

Please follow the steps outlined in the MainWP Feature Requests so you can add your idea to the MainWP Community to be voted on.

I have more questions, do you have any other information?

Sure we have a quick FAQ with a lot more questions and answers here.


March 12, 2022
I needed a DSGVO compliant solution for managing my client's websites. MainWP is easy to use, has a lot of features even in the free version and just works great! I will migrate all my websites in a couple of days and switch to the lifetime plan 😀
March 11, 2022
It saves me so much time and has a broad functionality!
March 10, 2022
Having all the website information on one screen and being able to alter 1 website or all at once is excellent!!! It makes life so much easier and actually saves so much time too.
March 9, 2022
MainWP makes managing multiple sites an absolute breeze. I have 5 sites I am managing over two domains. MainWP's dashboard lets me check the status of all sites and I can manage updates and install them across the sites as needed. I just love its ease of use.
Read all 2,161 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“MainWP Dashboard – The WordPress Manager for Professional Website Maintenance” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“MainWP Dashboard – The WordPress Manager for Professional Website Maintenance” has been translated into 13 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “MainWP Dashboard – The WordPress Manager for Professional Website Maintenance” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


4.1.12 – 2-16-2022

  • Fixed: An error with creating DB tables on specific hosts
  • Fixed: An error with filtering sites when the No Groups filter selected
  • Fixed: Ignoring the status code 200 (OK) error
  • Fixed: Bug with listing sites with CLI command
  • Added: Additional checks to allow syncing of child sites when child site is missing logged in salt
  • Added: Info modal for MainWP Dashboards with no sites connected
  • Added: Lato font files included in the plugin directory
  • Added: Domain Monitor extension information
  • Added: Domain Monitor extension icon
  • Updated: Multiple error messages
  • Updated: Load fonts from the plugin directory instead of Google Fonts server

4.1.11 – 12-28-2021

  • Fixed: Incorrect error messages for multiple WP CLI commands
  • Fixed: Error that occurs on some setups when removing a child site
  • Fixed: Multiple PHP warnings
  • Updated: PHP 8 compatibility
  • Updated: Improved importing sites process by allowing CSV files with quote marks
  • Dev: Added sites-available-updates-count REST API endpoint – 11-9-2021

  • Fixed: An issue with triggering email notifications by extensions – 11-8-2021

  • Fixed: An issue with running scheduled tasks
  • Fixed: An issue with showing the Remove Site button in the wrong pages
  • Fixed: An issue with setting plugins and themes Trusted status
  • Added: Support for email notifications hooked by extension – 10-22-2021

  • Fixed: An issue with the Removal verification caused by the Update confirmations option

4.1.10 – 10-21-2021

  • Fixed: An issue with saving the OpenSSL.cnf file path option
  • Fixed: Incorrect color coding for the error message in the Quick Setup Wizard
  • Fixed: Letter capitalization in the Email Settings info message
  • Fixed: Button alignment problem on the basic security scan page
  • Fixed: Incorrect handle in the preview.js enqueue call
  • Fixed: Incorrect help documentation URLs
  • Fixed: Incorrect redirection after closing the View/Edit email template modal
  • Added: Remove Site button to the header element on the single site Overview and Edit page
  • Added: The message zone element to the site Edit page
  • Added: The Test Connection button to the Site Edit page
  • Added: Screen Options to all pages with sidebar element
  • Added: Sidebar position option to Screen Options
  • Added: ‘extra’ parameter in the mainwp_confirm function to require entering a word to confirm action
  • Added: Restore Info Messages button to the MainWP Tools page to restore dismissed info messages
  • Added: Info messages to pages where these were missing
  • Added: Accordion elements to the sidebar on the Extensions page
  • Added: ‘Maximum simultaneous sync requests’ and ‘Maximum simultaneous install and update requests’ checks to the System Report
  • Added: Option to hide unwanted columns to the Monitoring page Screen Options
  • Updated: Reworded multiple error messages
  • Updated: Moved the Manage Groups JS code to a separate file
  • Updated: Changed the TLS version option label from “Let’s Encrypt (TLS v1.2)” to “TLS v1.2”
  • Updated: Confirmation modal for the Disconnect Sites button in the MainWP Tools
  • Updated: Moved the Search Extensions field to the sidebar on the Extensions pages
  • Updated: Extensions API activation indicator appearance
  • Updated: Moved the sample_user.csv file to the plugin directory
  • Updated: Completely redesigned the Manage Groups page
  • Updated: Moved the ‘Save Note’ and ‘Edit Note’ button in the ‘Edit Notes’ modal
  • Updated: Moved the feedback message position to the top of the element in the Edit Notes modal
  • Updated: Renamed the ‘View Template’ button to ‘Edit Template’ button if a custom template is in use
  • Updated: Renamed the ‘Delete Template’ button to ‘Return to Default Template’ button
  • Updated: Moved the Screenshots page to the Grid sites view mode
  • Updated: Moved ‘Use WP Cron’ and ‘Optimize for shared hosting or big networks’ options to Advanced Settings
  • Updated: Removed the push to the bottom effect from the sticky header element
  • Removed: Unused JavaScript code
  • Removed: Unused CSS code
  • Removed: Sidebar Options section from the sidebar element – 10-1-2021

  • Updated: OpenSSL version requirement to 1.1.0 or greater

4.1.9 – 9-23-2021

  • Fixed: Letter capitalization error on the Manage Extensions page
  • Fixed: An issue with escaping site notes field
  • Fixed: An issue with loading Boilerplate Posts and Pages excerpt
  • Added: Reset Page button to the Screen Options modal
  • Added: Info text to the Manage Groups page
  • Added: Info text to the Manage Sites page
  • Added: Enable/Disable toggle option to the Screenshots page
  • Added: Progress Bar to progress modals
  • Added: Tooltips to Manage Sites table data
  • Added: Timezone, Time and Date format options in General Settings
  • Added: Verify MainWP Child has been installed option to the Add Site form
  • Updated: Add Site form layout
  • Updated: Screenshots preview icon in the Manage Sites table
  • Updates: Screenshots page layout
  • Updated: Usability improvements of the login form on the Manage Extensions page
  • Updated: PHP minimal requirement on the Server Information page
  • Updated: Reduced the number of default Manage Sites columns
  • Updated: Reversed the checkbox options for hiding and unhiding Overview widgets and Manage Sites columns
  • Updated: Renamed the Global Options to General Settings page
  • Updated: Renamed the Advanced Options to Advanced Settings page
  • Updated: Merged General Settings and Optimization sections in Settings – 9-2-21

  • Fixed: An error with overwriting openssl.cnf file path
  • Fixed: Undefined offset notice in page-mainwp-server-information.php on line 259
  • Fixed: An error with dismissing the promo notification that shows after the first 30 days of MainWP plugin usage
  • Fixed: An error with striping slashes from the openssl.cnf file path form field
  • Added: Dismiss button to the warning message that shows when openssl.cnf file path is not correct
  • Added: Walkthrough button to the first step of the quick setup wizard
  • Updated: Notification text that shows after removing a child site

4.1.8 – 8-30-21

  • Fixed: An issue with counting available updates on specific setups
  • Fixed: An issue with loading categories in the New Posts screen
  • Fixed: An issue with triggering updates on specific setups
  • Fixed: Multiple cosmetic and usability issues
  • Added: Screenshot feature (page) to the Sites section
  • Updated: Quick Setup Wizard design
  • Removed: Redundant options from the Add Site form
  • Removed: Redundant options from the Quick Setup Wizard

4.1.7 – 6-29-21

  • Fixed: An issue with basic security checks count
  • Fixed: An issue with sending the Daily Digest email on some setups
  • Fixed: Multiple cosmetic and usability issues
  • Fixed: An issue with loading accordion JS library
  • Fixed: An issue with filtering sites in the Sites table
  • Fixed: An issue with sending the Daily Digest email on some setups
  • Fixed: An issue with detecting Abandoned Plugins and Themes
  • Fixed: An issue with progress indicator for Security fix process
  • Fixed: Multiple PHP warnings
  • Added: Improvement for detecting premium plugins and themes Updates
  • Added: Ability to select items to update on individual site Updates page
  • Added: Support for the new Vulnerability checker API

4.1.6 – 4-15-21

  • Fixed: Database error caught on specific setups
  • Fixed: An issue with sending Daily Digest email to multiple email addresses
  • Added: New REST API endpoints for the Site route
  • Added: Accordion elements to the sidebar
  • Added: Sidebar Options element to the sidebar
  • Added: Function to trigger Check for Abandoned plugins and themes process
  • Added: “mainwp_fetch_urls_chunk_size” filter to set chunk size in the fetch URLs process
  • Added: “mainwp_log_action” action as support for logging to Actions log
  • Updated: Auto-redirection rule after logging into a MainWP Dashboard site
  • Updated: Manage Plugins and Manage Themes table design
  • Updated: Unset the Scripts and Stylesheets version information security checks – 3-19-21

  • Fixed: wp_mail declaration issue

4.1.5 – 3-18-21

  • Fixed: An issue with sending double Daily Digest email
  • Fixed: An issue with SSL verification feature when adding a child site
  • Fixed: An issue with the groups filter on the Manage Sites screen
  • Fixed: Multiple PHP notices
  • Updated: Sites table filters saves per user basis
  • Updated: Unset specific data in REST API requests – 1-28-21

  • Fixed: An issue with sites selection when triggering updates
  • Fixed: A typo (PR470 – thanks Dustin Dauncey)
  • Fixed: PHP error
  • Added: New actions in Extension cards elements

4.1.4 – 1-21-21

  • Fixed: An issue with loading the Refresh favicons progress bar
  • Fixed: An issue with the auto-reconnect feature
  • Fixed: An issue with missing primary keys for multiple database tables
  • Fixed: Multiple PHP warnings
  • Fixed: Multiple typos and incorrect links
  • Added: Ability to select available updates to process
  • Added: New actions and filters
  • Updated: The mainwp_getwebsitesbyurl hook
  • Updated: Multiple cosmetic and usability improvements
  • Preventative: Multiple security improvements – 12-8-20

  • Fixed: An issue with Reconnecting sites when using the Reconnect button in Connection Status widget
  • Fixed: An issue with the Test Connection feature on specific hosts
  • Updated: Site removal confirmation notice
  • Updated: Support for translating strings (PR459 – thanks Santiago Becerra)

4.1.3 – 12-3-20

  • Fixed: Multiple PHP warnings
  • Fixed: An issue with running scheduled tasks
  • Fixed: Multiple translation issues
  • Fixed: An issue with displaying date-picker
  • Added: REST API
  • Added: New MainWP CLI commands
  • Updated: Action logs to save records to the database table
  • Updated: Multiple cosmetic updates – 10-9-20

  • Fixed: An issue with Quick Site Shortcuts sidebar
  • Fixed: Semantic UI error related to the Help sidebar
  • Preventative: Multiple security improvements
  • Removed: The Enable Managed Client Reports for WooCommmerce option when not used
  • Removed: Usersnap integration

4.1.2 – 10-7-20

  • Fixed: An issue with scheduled actions
  • Fixed: Problems with importing users
  • Fixed: Encoding problems it Notes screen
  • Fixed: An issue with scheduling Posts and Pages
  • Fixed: An issue with loading categories in the Select Category section
  • Fixed: Multiple PHP Warnings and Notices
  • Added: Actions Log page to the Status section
  • Added: Feature to catch response from the child site if the connection fails
  • Preventative: Multiple security improvements

4.1.1 – 9-11-20

  • Fixed: An issue with WP CLI commands
  • Fixed: An issue with sending multiple notification emails
  • Fixed: An error with displaying site groups in the Site Infor widget
  • Fixed: Semantic UI error
  • Fixed: Usability error caused by JavaScript error
  • Added: target=”_blank” attribute to multiple links
  • Updated: Default values for the Monitoring feature

4.1 – 9-9-20

  • Fixed: Problem with running automated sites checks
  • Fixed: Multiple cosmetic and usability problems
  • Fixed: Multiple PHP Warnings
  • Added: Over 500 hooks
  • Added: Basic uptime monitoring feature
  • Added: Email settings feature
  • Added: Quick sites shortcuts sidebar
  • Added: phpDocs blocks for code documentation
  • Added: Child site preview feature
  • Added: The Update Everything action to the Bulk Actions menu on Manage Sites page
  • Updated: Refactored the code to meet WordPress coding standards
  • Updated: Multiple usability and cosmetic updates
  • Updated: Multiple performance improvements
  • Updated: WordPress 5.5 compatibility
  • Updated: Multiple text notifications
  • Updated: Default order of items in Manage Plugins and Manage Themes tables
  • Updated: Sites filters options on the Manage Sites page
  • Updated: Plugin installation process indicator
  • Updated: The Updates table to show plugin and theme status
  • Preventative: Multiple security improvements
  • Removed: Unused files
  • Removed: Unused code – 8-6-20

  • Fixed: WordPress 5.5 compatibility – 2-3-20

  • Fixed: An issue with loading Manage Sites table with AJAX
  • Fixed: An issue with dismissing the broken email functionality warning messages
  • Added: link to MainWP Community to the header element
  • Updated: renamed the “assets” directory to “assets.”
  • Updated: multiple cosmetic improvements
  • Updated: removed some steps from the quick setup wizard – 1-22-20

  • Updated: multiple notification texts

4.0.7 – 1-17-20

  • Fixed: encoding problem in error messages
  • Fixed: encoding problem posts categories selection
  • Fixed: multiple cosmetic problems
  • Added: a new feature to easily copy system report
  • Added: site ID parameter in the sync request
  • Updated: multiple notification texts
  • Updated: multiple layout tweaks
  • Preventative: security improvements

4.0.6 – 12-9-19

  • Fixed: an issue with sending daily email notifications
  • Fixed: an issue with backup type selection
  • Fixed: MySQL 8 compatibility problems
  • Fixed: multiple typos
  • Added: ‘mainwp_check_current_user_can’ filter
  • Added: feature to check if the site can send emails
  • Added: support for the Pro Reports extension
  • Preventative: security improvements

4.0.5 – 11-15-19

  • Fixed: an issue with daily sync frequency
  • Fixed: multiple PHP warnings
  • Fixed: multiple typos
  • Added: ‘mainwp_ui_use_wp_calendar’ filter to replace Semantic UI date picker with the WordPress default one
  • Added: ‘mainwp-users-manage-roles’ filter to add support for searching users with custom roles
  • Added: ‘mainwp_deletesite’ filter
  • Updated: multiple usability and cosmetic updates
  • Updated: multiple text notifications
  • Preventative: security improvements

4.0.4 – 10-7-19

  • Fixed: An issue with applying extensions settings when adding a new site.
  • Fixed: issues with the Custom Post Types extension
  • Fixed: multiple PHP warnings
  • Fixed: problem with loading styles and scripts in Custom Post Types
  • Fixed: problem with sites selection
  • Added: new Quick Setup Wizard steps
  • Updated: multiple usability and cosmetic updates

4.0.3 – 9-20-19

  • Fixed: broken Reconnect button in the Connection Status widget
  • Fixed: An issue with saving the MainWP Child auto-update feature option in the QuickStart Wizard
  • Fixed: multiple typos
  • Fixed: various cosmetic issues
  • Fixed: An issue with ignoring individual updates
  • Fixed: redirection to Quick Start Wizard for new installations
  • Added: Twitter brag notifications
  • Added: additional links in the actions menu in the Posts, Pages and Users table
  • Added: ‘mainwp-widgets-screen-options’ filter for managing extensions widgets on the Overview page
  • Added: option to set a specific time for automatic daily synchronization
  • Added: option to set automatic daily synchronization frequency
  • Added: Support for the MainWP Custom Dashboard Extension
  • Updated: improved hiding unwanted Manage Sites table columns
  • Updated: default value for the “Are you planning to use MainWP for backups?” option

4.0.2 – 9-6-19

  • Fixed: An issue with incorrect backups count number in the Client Reports system
  • Fixed: multiple cosmetic issues
  • Fixed: multiple typos
  • Fixed: An issue with short appearance for feedback message after reconnecting site
  • Fixed: An issue with displaying the Screen Options button in wrong screens
  • Added: The ability to disable update confirmations only for single updates
  • Added: The option to show sites favicons
  • Added: warning and button to the header element if any updates detected on the MainWP Dashboard site
  • Added: groups info in the Site Info widget
  • Added: individual site info about abandoned plugins and themes
  • Updated: Connection status widget view saves the last selection

4.0.1 – 9-3-19

  • Fixed: a
    n issue with incorrect plugin info links
  • Fixed:
    an issue with clearing and preloading WP Rocket cache
  • Fixed: displaying child sites in the Manage Sites issue on some setups
  • Fixed: the extensions settings synchronization issue
  • Fixed: multiple typos
  • Fixed: multiple cosmetic issues
  • Added: option to disable updates confirmations popups
  • Added: the option to add plugins to favorites after upload
  • Updated: notification in the Manage Sites table when there are no results for selected filters
  • Updated: extensions installation modal logic
  • Updated: multiple text notifications

4.0 – 8-27-19

  • Fixed: various functionality problems
  • Fixed: various performance problems
  • Fixed: various cosmetic problems
  • Fixed: various usability problems
  • Added: Semantic UI framework integration
  • Added: DataTables JS library integration
  • Added: multiple DataTables extensions JS libraries integration
  • Added: Dragula JS library integration
  • Added: the Usersnap bug reporting system as optional
  • Added: the option to hide the Update Everything button
  • Updated: multiple performance improvements
  • Updated: plugin UI/UX redesign
  • Updated: Updates Overview widget simplified
  • Updated: the Updates page redesigned to provide easier updates management
  • Updated: redesigned Sites table
  • Updated: disabled the “Managed Client Reports for WooCommerce” settings page by default and added the option to enable it
  • Updated: extensions icons
  • Updated: notifications texts
  • Updated: email notification template
  • Removed: The “Hide MainWP Child plugin from search engines” option since enabled by default with MainWP Child 4.0
  • Removed: redundant options from the MainWP Settings section
  • Removed: unused files
  • Removed: unused code

3.5.3 – 12-7-18

  • Fixed: An issue with special characters in passwords
  • Fixed: An issue with displaying WP-Admin footer
  • Fixed: incorrect charset in notification emails
  • Fixed: An issue with displaying Yoast SEO data on some setups
  • Fixed: An issue with displaying extensions activation status in the Extensions widget

3.5.2 – 11-27-18

  • Fixed: An issue with connecting new sites caused by recent OpenSSL update
  • Fixed: An issue with marking plugins as Trusted
  • Fixed: An issue with activation notices for 3rd party plugins

3.5.1 – 11-14-18

  • Fixed: an issue with generating incorrect URL for the Test Connection feature
  • Fixed: an issue with redirecting to the Overview page
  • Fixed multiple PHP warnings
  • Fixed: an issue with updating stagings sites
  • Added: support for custom extension icons
  • Added: a new feature for refreshing site favicons
  • Added: multiple security enhancements
  • Added: mainwp_getmainwpdir hook
  • Added: mainwp_updated_site hook
  • Added: mainwp_synced_all_sites hook
  • Added: mainwp_left_menu_sub hook
  • Added: mainwp_subleft_menu_sub hook
  • Added: mainwp_removed_extension_menu hook
  • Added: mainwp_extensions_top_header_after_tab hook
  • Added: support for the upcoming 3rd party extension

3.5 – 9-27-18

  • Fixed: multiple PHP warnings
  • Fixed: an issue with special characters used in HTTP passwords
  • Fixed: session start issues
  • Added: mainwp_detect_premiums_updates filter as a support for detecting updates for Premium plugins that don’t use standard WP update API
  • Added: mainwp_text_format_email hook to change MainWP notification emails to clean text format
  • Added: a new option for fixing security issues ‘Scripts and Stylesheets registered version’
  • Added: support for the security fix option
  • Added: support for the new UpdraftPlus plugin options
  • Updated: support for detecting premium plugins updates

3.4.9 – 7-23-18

  • Fixed: connection issues caused by HTTP Basic Authentication on some setups
  • Fixed: issues with Themes widget actions
  • Fixed: conflict with the Divi theme
  • Fixed: a few cosmetic issues
  • Fixed: An issue with the number of total updates calculation

3.4.8 – 6-26-18

  • Fixed: syncing issues detected on specific hosts
  • Fixed: multiple issues caused by deprecated functions
  • Fixed: the issue with saving the SSL Version settings
  • Added: Export Sites feature
  • Added: Disconnect Sites feature
  • Added: mainwp_update_pluginthme_max filter for managing the maximum number of updates to fix update issues on specific setups
  • Improved: PHP 7.2 compatibility

3.4.7 – 4-17-18

  • Fixed: An issue with displaying a plugin name in the available updates section
  • Fixed: WP Cli issues caused by a conflict with the MainWP Team Control Extension
  • Fixed: An issue with syncing plugin data when the plugin contains UTF8 character in the title
  • Fixed: MainWP Dashboard and the Postman plugin conflict
  • Updated: multiple cosmetic updates

3.4.6 – 2-21-18

  • Fixed: an issue with encoding some special characters
  • Added: multiple security enhancements

3.4.5 – 1-22-18

  • Fixed: An issue with missing hook parameter
  • Fixed: An issue with database encoding which caused incorrect display of some special characters
  • Fixed: An issue with passing metadata for featured images
  • Fixed: An issue with caching the Username and Password field values on the Test Connection page
  • Fixed: An issue with resetting User passwords on child sites
  • Fixed: the sync popup layout issue
  • Fixed: An issue with displaying extensions changelogs
  • Fixed: multiple typos
  • Fixed: multiple incorrect URLs
  • Fixed: multiple cosmetic issues
  • Added: a new feature to open any Overview widget as a popup
  • Added: a new ‘mainwp_disablemenuitems’ hook

3.4.4 – 12-4-17

  • Fixed: An issue with the Unfix function for the removed readme.html security issue
  • Fixed: An issue with permissions for cookie files
  • Fixed: An issue with displaying site notes
  • Fixed: conflict with the SecuPress plugin
  • Fixed: An issue with the auto-installation of the extensions on specific server setups
  • Added: Support for the upcoming Extension
  • Added: The ability to search posts and pages by keyword in the title and/or body
  • Added: the mainwp_getallposts hook for fetching posts and pages
  • Added: the mainwp_updatescheck_disable_sendmail hook for disabling email notifications for available updates
  • Added: Support for the WordPress proxy setting for curl requests
  • Added: WP Admin and Open action links to the Connection Status widget
  • Updated: individual site mode navigation layout
  • Updated: sort method on the Manage Plugins and Themes page
  • Updated: confirmation messages for performing the update process
  • Updated: various layout updates

3.4.3 – 8-24-17

  • Fixed: An issue with saving Posts and Pages status
  • Fixed: multiple minor issues related to the Client Reports extension
  • Fixed: An issue with the Password field
  • Fixed: An issue with running updates on WP Engine hosted sites
  • Fixed: connection issue with WP Engine hosted sites
  • Added: Screen Options (show/hide columns) for the Manage Posts and Manage Pages pages
  • Added: the new ‘mainwp_limit_updates_all’ hook for the support of limiting the number of updates to be performed at once
  • Added: a new Advanced Options setting to force IPv4 usage
  • Added: a new Advanced Options setting to allow custom configuration for the OpenSSL.cnf
  • Added: a new WP CLI command to list all plugins and themes (for example wp mainwp plugin –list-all and wp mainwp theme –list-all)
  • Added: Support for the new Yoast SEO features in the Manage Posts and Manage Pages table
  • Added: pull request to allow 0 as a non-default value in the Import Sites feature – Thanks viawest-davidsix
  • Added: pull request to fix incorrect changelog URLs and CSS classes – Thanks Filoz
  • Added: new CSS classes for each table row in the Manage Sites table
  • Updated: the Media Upload popup box layout for the Add Media feature on the Add Post and Add Page pages
  • Updated: various cosmetic updates
  • Updated: compatibility with the new version of the Managed Client Reports for WooCommerce plugin

3.4.2 – 7-11-17

  • Fixed: An issue with sorting posts and pages by the publish date
  • Fixed: sync error caused by the WP-SpamShield plugin
  • Fixed: JavaScript (moment.js) conflict with the Gutenberg plugin
  • Fixed: An issue with sending email notifications about available updates for some users
  • Fixed: An issue with triggering unwanted backups
  • Fixed: a usability issue with displaying incorrect last sync time
  • Fixed: incorrect changelog links
  • Added: mainwp_updatescheck_disable_notification_mail hook to disable email notifications about available updates
  • Updated: the Update Everything process includes Translations updates
  • Updated: the Update process will not check for required backups if a primary backup system is not set

3.4.1 – 5-15-17

  • Fixed: an issue with displaying Last Sync time
  • Fixed: an issue with triggering MainWP native backup system backups
  • Added: $information parameter in the mainwp_website_updated hook

3.4 – 5-11-17

  • Fixed: an issue with encoding HTML tags in Notes view
  • Fixed: an issue with abandoned Themes and Plugins checks
  • Fixed: an issue with detecting Extension updates
  • Fixed: a database query issue while performing updates
  • Fixed: various PHP Warnings and Errors
  • Fixed: redirect issue for users that don’t have permission to access MainWP Dashboard
  • Fixed: an issue with sorting Posts and Pages by Date
  • Fixed: multiple layout issues
  • Fixed: an issue with email notificatios for available updates
  • Fixed: multiple translation issues
  • Added: MainWP Side menu
  • Added: mainwp_before_save_sync_result filter
  • Added: mainwp_get_all_pages_data filter
  • Added: mainwp_get_all_posts_data filter
  • Added: mainwp_updatescheck_sendmail_at_time filter
  • Added: mainwp_website_updated action
  • Added: mainwp_added_new_site action
  • Added: mainwp_update_site action
  • Added: mainwp_delete_site action
  • Added: multiple cosmetic improvements
  • Updated: multiple text notifications

3.3.1 – 2-23-17

  • Fixed: An issue with displaying Vulnerability data on individual Overview page when the Extension is not installed
  • Updated: the Vulnerability Extension info on the MainWP Extensions page.

3.3 – 2-22-17

  • Added: Check HTTP header response after update feature
  • Added: Backup Extensions support for the Require backup before update feature
  • Added: Support for the MainWP Vulnerability Checker Extension
  • Updated: links to MainWP Documentation
  • Performance: removed excessive queries
  • Preventative: security improvements

3.2.3 – 1-19-17

  • Fixed: An issue with selecting Posts, Pages and Users
  • Fixed: An issue with selecting Plugins and Themes on the Manage Plugins and Manage Themes page
  • Fixed: security checking issue
  • Fixed: multiple PHP Warnings and Notices
  • Added: site Info widget in the individual site overview page
  • Added: PHP Version column in the manage sites table
  • Added: Sync Now button for all online sites in connection status widget
  • Added: verification when a user tries to delete Plugins, Pages, Posts, Themes and Users
  • Added: The ability to sort Manage Sites table by WP, Plugin and Theme updates column
  • Added: Coding for future WooCommerce Extension
  • Preventative: Security improvements – 1-5-17

  • Fixed: an issue with connecting HTTPS sites caused by the Select2 library bug – 12-30-16

  • Fixed: a fatal error on PHP versions less than 5.5
  • Added: a message for users on PHP versions less than 5.5 to upgrade

3.2.2 – 12-30-16

  • Fixed: An issue with adding a new child site when a group is not selected
  • Fixed: An issue with updating translations in the Updates Overview widget
  • Fixed: An issue with sorting sites by a group name in Manage Sites table
  • Fixed: An issue with creating groups on the Add New Site form
  • Added: The ability to dismiss the Tour notices – Trello Card
  • Added: plugin changelog link into the email notification
  • Added: new Font Awesome version font-awesome
  • Added: hook mainwp_format_email to custom notification email
  • Added: site note preview feature – Trello Card
  • Added: new columns in the Manage Sites table WP Core, Plugins, Themes updates number – Trello Card
  • Added: icon for trusted plugins and themes in the Updates and Updates Overview sections – Trello Card
  • Added: Sync Now button for all sites in the Connection Status widget – Trello Card
  • Updated: load Select2 Javascript library only on MainWP Dashboard pages
  • Updated: auto-request extensions update information
  • Updated: display child site favicon feature
  • Updated: Select2 library
  • Updated: site connection process (MD5 encryption not supported)
  • Updated: multiple functions refactored
  • Removed: unused Google js API reference
  • Preventative: Security improvements

3.2.1 – 12-01-16

  • Fixed: An issue with saving site groups on the Add New site form
  • Fixed: An issue with false alert with PHP Max Execution time set to -1
  • Fixed: issue with allowed tags in the notes popup
  • Fixed: An issue with opening a site WP-Admin section
  • Fixed: An issue with updating site URL on the Site Edit page
  • Fixed: An issue with the Fix All (security issues) button in the Security Issues widget
  • Added: support for %sitename% and %site_url% tokens for directory path settings for the UpdraftPlus extension
  • Added: Support for the new Edit Posts and Pages process
  • Added: ‘mainwp_create_post_custom_author’ hook
  • Added: Add and Edit Site hooks
  • Added: Last Update time stamp in the Notes column of the Manage Sites table
  • Updated: auto-request extensions update information
  • Updated: PHP recommendation bumped to 5.6
  • Removed: Test Connection action from the action row of the Manage Sites table
  • Removed: Links for opening Child Site WP Admin in an iframe

3.2 – 10-26-16

  • Fixed: An issue with loading themes on the Auto Updates page
  • Fixed: Multiple typos and grammar issues
  • Fixed: An issue with displaying disconnected sites in the Sync Status widget
  • Fixed: An issue with activating backup extensions from the QuickStart Wizard
  • Fixed: An issue with displaying extensions in incorrect categories
  • Fixed: Potential security issues reported by HackerOne
  • Added: The MainWP Welcome page
  • Added: Help tab on all MainWP Dashboard page
  • Added: MainWP Blogroll widget
  • Added: Helpful Links widget
  • Added: Updates per group selection in the Update Overview widget and Updates page
  • Added: Help tours on all MainWP Dashboard plugin pages
  • Added: Scheduled filter in the Recent Posts widget
  • Added: Scheduled filter in the Recent Pages widget
  • Added: Ability to move columns in the MainWP tables
  • Added: Ability to move and collapse all Option Boxes in the MainWP pages
  • Added: New checks in the Server Information page
  • Added: Ability to enable/disable auto-updates for Plugins, Themes and WP Core separately
  • Added: Ability to set multiple email addresses for notifications
  • Added: Option on the Settings page to enable legacy backups feature
  • Added: Ability to edit users directly from Dashboard
  • Added: Select style to all select form fields
  • Added: General UI improvements
  • Added: Sites selection to cached search results
  • Updated: Add New Site page layout
  • Updated: Groups selection field on the Add New Site page
  • Updated: Manage Groups page
  • Updated: The Select Sites metabox layout
  • Updated: Extensions page layout
  • Updated: Extensions widget layout
  • Updated: Dashboard page renamed to Overview
  • Updated: Right Now widget renamed to Update Overview
  • Updated: Sync Status Widget renamed to Connection Status
  • Updated: Future status renamed to Scheduled on the Search Posts box
  • Updated: Future status renamed to Scheduled on the Search Pages box
  • Updated: The Sync and Update popup box style
  • Updated: The Auto Updates page layout
  • Updated: MainWP native backups deactivated for new users
  • Updated: Tabs order on the MainWP Settings page
  • Updated: Form fields type on the MainWP Advanced Options page
  • Updated: Data return options moved to Manage Posts and Manage pages with the ability to set separately
  • Updated: Manage Users page layout
  • Updated: Search Users mechanism
  • Updated: Import Sites feature extracted to a separate page
  • Updated: Import Users feature extracted to a separate page
  • Updated: General CSS styles
  • Updated: Extension icons optimized for faster loading and plugin size-reduction
  • Updated: Email Notification template
  • Updated: Notes dialog
  • Updated: Plugins Widget style
  • Updated: Themes Widget style
  • Removed: How to widget
  • Removed: Help widget
  • Removed: Unreferenced CSS classes
  • Removed: Basic SEO stats
  • Removed: Documentation page – 9-8-16

  • Fixed: Grammar issues
  • Fixed: Cosmetic issues
  • Removed: Unused Code

3.1.8 – 9-6-16

  • Fixed: CSS issues with update notices
  • Added: Updates page
  • Added: Missing info for MainWP Buddy and Custom Post Types Extensions
  • Updated: Right Now widget style – 8-19-16

  • Fixed: Issue where some server setups were unable to use the Manage Plugins feature

3.1.7 – 8-18-16

  • Fixed: Issues with PHP 7 – The MainWP Dashboard is now PHP 7 friendly! 🙂
  • Fixed: Themes Installation (upload) page layout issue
  • Security Fix: Fixed minor XSS vulnerabilities (thanks hat_mast3r via Hackerone)
  • Security Fix: Fixed minor CSRF vulnerability where the admin can hide MainWP (thanks jaypatel via Hackerone)

3.1.6 – 8-2-16

  • Fixed: PHP Warnings
  • Fixed: Issues with escaping HTML attributes
  • Fixed: Copyright footer year (thanks dipakcg)
  • Fixed: Spelling issues (thanks jorrit)

3.1.5 – 6-12-16

  • Fixed: Issue with displaying double sites in the Status row of the Right Now widget
  • Fixed: Issue with displaying restricted sites by the Team Control extension
  • Fixed: Incorrect tooltip text for the Backups on Server tooltip
  • Fixed: Issue with extensions auto-activation in the Quick Setup process
  • Fixed: PHP Notices
  • Fixed: Variable naming issue that throws a ReferenceError
  • Added: Maximum sync request settings in Advanced Options
  • Added: Support for the new version of the MainWP Rocket Extension
  • Added: Support for the new version of the MainWP iThemes Security Extension
  • Added: Support for the upcoming Extension

3.1.4 – 5-11-16

  • Added: Backup process timeout to prevent updates from failing

3.1.3 – 4-28-16

  • Fixed: Available updates sorting issue
  • Fixed: Incorrect OpenSSL.cnf file name and OpenSSL warning on the Server Information page
  • Fixed: Quick Setup Wizard loop bug
  • Fixed: Fatal error introduced by incorrect class name
  • Fixed: Incorrect URL
  • Fixed: Favorites extension bug
  • Added: Bulk Settings Manager promo notice
  • Added: Support for publishing Image Galleries in Posts and Pages
  • Added: French translation files
  • Added: MU-Plugins support in Plugin overview
  • Added: Extra feedback on test connection
  • Updated: Auto Backup process to exclude zip files, known backup locations, non WordPress directories to prevent timeout issues
  • Updated: Disabled auto-complete for the HTTP Auth Username and Password fields
  • Updated: Update process to not run in case backup process is running
  • Updated: Quick Start Wizard steps
  • Removed: Plugin and Theme conflicts check feature
  • Removed: Unused old code
  • Cosmetic: Removed slashes added in sitenames with quotes

3.1.2 – 3-15-16

  • Fixed: Slashes added in sitenames when using quotes
  • Fixed: Multiple mixed content warnings
  • Fixed: Conflict with wpMandrill and Postman SMTP plugins
  • Added: Support for the new Team Control feature
  • Tweaked: Page loading times and syncing times reduced

3.1.1 – 3-3-16

  • Fixed: Fix All Security Issues feature not running in a non-English language
  • Fixed: JavaScript conflict with download monitor plugin
  • Fixed: Potential XSS/CSRF issues
  • Added: Server Information items
  • Updated: API URL
  • Tweaked: Reduce server load when updating themes/plugins in bulk

3.1 – 2-17-16

  • Fixed: Not all plugin and theme updates in the email notification
  • Fixed: PHP notices
  • Fixed: Typo’s
  • Fixed: Update issue for the iThemes Security Pro and the Monarch plugin
  • Fixed: Issue with localhost setups (Quick Setup Wizard)
  • Added: Basic WP-CLI support MainWP WP-CLI Commands
  • Added: WordPress translation updates for child sites
  • Added: Add/Remove to MainWP Menu function for Extensions
  • Added: Server self-connect check in the Server Information page
  • Added: Auto install the plugin and apply extension settings when adding a new site
  • Added: Support for the new API management
  • Updated: API Manager messages

3.0.2 – 1-22-16

  • Fixed: Bug that was stripping long plugin and theme names
  • Fixed: Issue adding sites when SSL is set to no

3.0.1 – 1-18-16

  • Updated: Extensions Icons
  • Fixed: Issue with reconnecting child site with a unique ID
  • Fixed: PHP Warning
  • Fixed: Issue with displaying Twitter brag messages
  • Fixed: Issue with Available Updates in an email notification
  • Fixed: Backup task javascript error
  • Fixed: Setup wizard loop on a multisite setup
  • Added: Warning message for multisite setup
  • Added: Hooks to enable extension logging

3.0 – 1-12-16

  • Fixed: Issue with “empty” Theme Conflicts
  • Fixed: Issue with including incorrect file when configuring cron jobs
  • Fixed: Stripe Slashes for site names issue
  • Fixed: Various PHP warnings
  • Fixed: Various PHP notices
  • Fixed: Verify certificates on test site page
  • Fixed: Translation issues
  • Fixed: Error Reporting issues on certain server setups
  • Fixed: SSL bug
  • Fixed: Google index stats reporting
  • Fixed: database error some user experienced when adding new sites
  • Added: Quick Setup wizard
  • Added: Information filter on the Child Server information Page
  • Added: Missing Extensions in the Available Extensions list
  • Added: Direct Cart link to the Order Now button in the Available Extensions list
  • Added: Section retirement notice on the Offline Checks feature
  • Added: Section retirement notice on the Offline Checks option on the Settings page
  • Added: How To widget on the main Dashboard page
  • Added: Select All and Select None button in the Extension Bulk Installation section
  • Added: Missing translation support
  • Added: Twitter promo notification for upgrade bulk actions in Manage Sites page
  • Added: Twitter promo notification for individual upgrades in the Right Now widget
  • Added: MainWP Settings info on the Server Information page
  • Added: Bulk Update WordPress Core action on the Manage Sites page
  • Added: New Table JS library for Plugins management
  • Added: New Table JS library for Themes management
  • Added: Hints for various Site Connection issues
  • Added: Filters for available Extensions in the Available MainWP Extensions box
  • Added: SSL version selection to site
  • Added: Allow to see MainWP child plugin in plugins search
  • Added: Ability to change site URL in Dashboard from Http to https via the site edit screen
  • Added: Dashboard widget showing sites not synced in last 24 hours
  • Added: Better notation in plugin code for non-MainWP Developers
  • Updated: Refactored code to meet WordPress Coding standards
  • Updated: API licensing management
  • Updated: Child Server Information page layout
  • Updated: Multiple buttons style
  • Updated: Main Sync Data button title
  • Updated: Font Awesome version
  • Updated: Notification message on Posts, Pages, Users, Themes and Plugins page
  • Updated: Layout on the Bulk Add Sites and Bulk Add Users page
  • Updated: Layout on the Manage Users Page
  • Updated: Layout on the Install Plugins page
  • Updated: Layout on the Install Themes page
  • Updated: Image icons replaced by Iconic Font on the Manage Sites page, Offline Checks page and in the Right Now widget
  • Updated: Manage Plugins and Manage Themes table layout
  • Updated: “Backups on External Sources” option label tweaked to “Backups on Remote Storage.”
  • Updated: form-table CSS class layout
  • Updated: “Hide MainWP Child Plugin” option box renamed to “Network Optimization”.
  • Updated: “Hide Network on Child Sites” option label renamed “Hide MainWP Child Plugin from Search Engines.”
  • Updated: “Optimize for Shared Hosting or Big Networks” moved to the Network Optimization” options box
  • Updated: Various small updates to match design consistency
  • Updated: Groups page layout
  • Updated: Reworded “Overwrite Existing” option label
  • Updated: Text messages on the Bulk Install and Activate section
  • Updated: mainwp-search-box class width
  • Updated: No-item message in the Scheduled Backups table
  • Updated: CSS to get a more responsive layout
  • Updated: Translation files
  • Updated: Text messages and input labels in the Bulk Install and Activate Extensions box
  • Updated: List of purchased Extensions is divided into Extension Groups
  • Updated: Sync in last 24-hour message
  • Updated: URL for displaying plugin information
  • Removed: Spinner Extension “Free” label
  • Removed: Redundant messages on the Add New User and Bulk Add Sites page
  • Removed: View Updates per Site option from the Settings page
  • Removed: Forum signup form from the Settings page
  • Removed: Unused images
  • Removed: Form fields custom styles
  • Removed: URL row from the Select Sites box
  • Removed: Get MainWP Extensions promo box from the Extensions page
  • Removed: License link in the Plugin links on the WP > Plugins page
  • Removed: Ignored theme/plugin updates from the daily reminder email
  • Improved: Speed of Extension page

2.0.30 – 12-7-15

  • Code changes for WP 4.4 Compatibility

2.0.29 – 9-22-15

  • Fixed: Bulk Actions at the bottom of Manage Sites page
  • Added: Option to view upgrades per site or per plugin/theme in the Dashboard Right Now widget
  • Added: Message in the Security Issues widget in case all issues have been fixed
  • Updated: Layout of the error message in the Right Now widget
  • Updated: Twitter brag message
  • Removed: Unused Code

2.0.28 – 9-10-2015

  • Fixed: Dashboard layout issue
  • Fixed: Typo
  • Added: Notice if MainWP Child plugin is not set to auto-update and a quick add button

2.0.27 – 9-7-2015

  • Added: Confirmation before Upgrading Plugins and Themes
  • Added: Scan child sites for known issues
  • Updated: Success message after adding a new child site and reconnecting a disconnected child site
  • Updated: Welcome Panel layout on the main and individual child site dashboard

2.0.26 – 8-31-2015

  • Fixed: Element title for the Available Updates status in the Manage Sites page
  • Added: Counts for Brag feature
  • Added: Unignore feature for Abandoned Plugins
  • Added: Unignore feature for Abandoned Themes
  • Added: Various info messages
  • Updated: Message format for Twitter messages
  • Updated: Various info messages
  • Updated: Default value for the Hide MainWP Footer option
  • Updated: Default status for the Plugins search
  • Updated: Default status for the Themes search
  • Updated: Ignored Plugins and Themes will not show up in email summary
  • Removed: MainWP Heatmap Extension from the “Available Extensions” list
  • Removed: News Widget

2.0.25 – 8-20-2015

  • Added: New message showing how many actions performed and the time it took with a Brag button
  • Added: Option to remove the message and brag button to Settings –> Dashboard Options
  • Fixed: Bug with the filter manage sites by an available update with ignored items

2.0.24 – 8-17-2015

  • Fixed: Compatibility issue with WordPress 4.3
  • Updated: Default value for the Abandoned Plugins & Themes Tolerance

2.0.23 – 8-7-2015

  • Fixed: Potential security issue
  • Fixed: Incorrect URL in Email template
  • Fixed: Syntax error in the Right Now widget
  • Fixed: Incorrect URL for the FileSystem tooltip icon
  • Fixed: An issue with loading JS and CSS scripts
  • Fixed: An issue with Heatmaps not loading
  • Added: MultiSite detection on the Server Information page
  • Added: max_input_time detection on the Server Information page
  • Added: Tools page under the Settings page
  • Added: Establish New Connection feature on the Tools page
  • Added: Dashboard Options page under the Settings page
  • Added: Option to hide MainWP Dashboard custom footer
  • Added: Option to hide MainWP Dashboard tip
  • Added: Abandoned Plugins detection feature
  • Added: Abandoned Themes detection feature
  • Updated: Extensions API management system
  • Updated: Use Child Site favicons option moved from General Option to Dashboard Options page
  • Updated: CSS style
  • Updated: Responsive CSS style

2.0.22 – 7-22-2015

  • Fixed: Bug where extensions updates were failing when updating in bulk
  • Fixed: Bug with extensions updates detection
  • Fixed: Bug with displaying slashes if an apostrophe has been used in a site name
  • Fixed: Incorrect arrows direction for Alexa index in the SEO widget
  • Fixed: Issue with insecure links
  • Added: cURL & SSL notice in the Sites > Add New page
  • Added: Hooks for the upcoming Extension
  • Updated: Footer bar shows for Admin users and on MainWP pages only
  • Updated: Layout of the Right Now widget
  • Updated: Columns width in the Manage Sites table
  • Updated: Incorrect text on the Sync popup window
  • Updated: CSS Style
  • Removed: Google PR from SEO check
  • Removed: Redundant text from multiple pages

2.0.21 – 7-9-2015

  • Fixed: Bug where extensions updates were failing
  • Fixed: Bug where up to date extensions were showing available updates
  • Fixed: Timeout issue with a blocked request by CloudProxy
  • Fixed: Footer sites menu keyboard shortcut prevented typing of capital S (Keyboard shortcut changed to Shift + Ctrl + S)
  • Fixed: An issue with HTML tags in notes

2.0.20 – 7-6-2015

  • Fixed: An issue with Extension updates
  • Fixed: An issue where lower Alexa Rank has been marked as negative
  • Fixed: An issue with the Available Update filter in Manage Sites list
  • Added: Reconnect child sites bulk action
  • Added: Verify Certificate preset based on OpenSSL version detection
  • Added: Auto retry Extension authentication with Verify Certificate change in case authentication fails
  • Added: Keyboard Shortcut (Shift + S) for toggling the footer sites menu
  • Added: Missing translation support markups
  • Improved: OpenSSL check on the Server Information page
  • Improved: Footer Sites menu filter, after opening the menu, filter filed is auto-focused
  • Updated: CSS style
  • Updated: Layout on the Add New Site and Test Connection page
  • Updated: SEO Widget layout
  • Updated: Security Scan page style
  • Removed: Unused images

2.0.19 – 6-11-15

  • Fixed: issue with some Dashboards not adding new Child sites

2.0.18 – 6-10-15

  • Added: HTTP Auth option when adding Child sites
  • Added: Responsive Mobile Friendly Design
  • Added: Sites menu in the plugin footer
  • Added: Additional links in the footer
  • Added: File System check on the Server Information page
  • Fixed: Extension API activation error notice
  • Fixed: Calculation error for the PHP Memory Limit, PHP Max Upload Filesize and PHP Post Max Size checks
  • Updated: CSS style
  • Updated: Plugin footer layout

2.0.17 – 5-30-15

  • Fixed: Extension activation issue

2.0.16 – 5-23-15

  • Added: Connection Timeout
  • Added: French language files
  • Fixed: Issue where the Security widget disappears if not using default backup option
  • Updated: Extensions Bulk installation process
  • Updated: Quick Jump navigation while working on single sites
  • Updated: Extensions widget layout
  • Updated: CSS Style

2.0.15 – 5-14-15

  • Added: Update Plugs in bulk action on the Manage Sites page
  • Added: Update Themes bulk action on the Manage Sites page
  • Added: Actions column in the Manage Sites table
  • Added: New documents to the Documentation page
  • Added: Support for translation for missed strings
  • Added: Invitation for review on messages
  • Added: New links to the Shortcuts widget
  • Added: New checks to the Server Information page
  • Added: Support for the upcoming Extension
  • Fixed: Multiple PHP Warning
  • Fixed: Multiple spelling errors
  • Fixed: Individual site Require backup before upgrade settings bug
  • Updated: Required values on the Server Information page
  • Updated: Layout of the Server Information page
  • Updated: Layout of the Manage Sites tabletop navigation
  • Updated: Layout of the Install Plugins page (install process screen)
  • Updated: Layout of the Install Themes page (install process screen)
  • Updated: Plugin CSS style
  • Updated: Form fields labels
  • Updated: Layout of the bulk Extension installing process screen
  • Updated: Extensions sub-menu (removed the “MainWP” and “Extension” from menu items)
  • Updated: Individual site Require backup before upgrade setting
  • Removed: Unnecessary checks from the Server Information page

2.0.14 – 4-28-15

  • Added: OpenSSL Notification and the SSL Verify option for Extension site connection
  • Fixed: Issues with some updates on the Extensions page
  • Fixed: Issue deleting Child sites from Dashboard when the Child plugin disabled or removed
  • Fixed: PHP Warning
  • Updated: Plugin install page layout
  • Updated: Theme install page layout
  • Changed: PHP required version on the Server Information page
  • Changed: Various small cosmetic features

2.0.13 – 4-22-15

  • Fixed: Security issue with add_query_arg and remove_query_arg
  • Fixed: Additional fixes for displaying favicon
  • Fixed: PHP Warning
  • Added: OpenSSL notification and sslverify option for Extension login

2.0.12 – 4-16-15

  • Fixed: Typo on the Plugins widget
  • Added: Various Notices
  • Added: New Extension in the Available Extensions box on the Extensions page.
  • Tweaked: Layout of the Backup Options box on the Settings Page

2.0.11 – 4-12-15

  • Fixed: Displaying favicon bug

2.0.10 – 4-06-15

  • Added: Display Favicon for child sites feature
  • Added: Support for upcoming Extension
  • Added: New CSS style
  • Fixed: Select sites by group bug in the Team Control Extension
  • Fixed: Multiple PHP Warnings

2.0.9 – 3-01-15

  • Fixed: For some languages titles not displaying correctly in the latest posts/latest pages widget
  • Fixed: Dashboard download permission issue which was causing plugin bulk installation not working properly
  • Tweaked: Better performance (memory usage) and fewer PHP notices
  • Added: Hooks for upcoming extensions – 2-25-15

  • Fixed: PHP Fatal error when hiding warnings – 2-23-15

  • Fixed: Security issue – Unrestricted file upload
  • Fixed: Security issue – Path traversal in file download
  • Fixed: Possible high resource allocation in logger
  • Added: IP address in test connection result

2.0.8 – 2-11-15

  • Fixed: Database issue when removing sites
  • Added: Better log file handling
  • Fixed: One unreachable site-blocking last sync date
  • Fixed: Corrupt backups when backing up via HTTPS
  • Fixed: Backup tasks losing site-configuration
  • Fixed: “No MainWP Child”-error on some hosts when adding new pages/posts/users – 2-03-15

  • Fixed: MySQL error when showing last sync time
  • Fixed: Auto updates not working on some hosts

2.0.7 – 2-01-15

  • Fixed: Bug for Heatmap extension
  • Fixed: WordPress Database error
  • Fixed: Wrong sync-times displayed on Right Now widget
  • Fixed: Email notifications of updates not being sent
  • Fixed: Endless loop causing a lot of error log in our logger
  • Fixed: MySQL Database error when updating from a previous version
  • Added: Available extensions box on the Extensions page
  • Added: Disabled PHP functions check on the Server Information page
  • Tweaked: Test connection now performs a more robust check to verify the connection
  • Tweaked: Backup retry mechanism works better on larger sites
  • Tweaked: CSS on the extensions page
  • Tweaked: “Use MainWP Trigger” option moved to the MainWP Account Information box on the MainWP settings page
  • Tweaked: Removed old code and fixed deprecated PHP calls

2.0.6 – 1-14-15

  • Fixed: Incorrect Dashboard out of sync message
  • Fixed: Hooks for the Google Analytics Extension
  • Fixed: Hooks for the Client Reports extension
  • Fixed: Error messages styling when adding a new child site
  • Tweaked: MainWP Account Information box moved to the bottom of the Settings page.
  • Tweaked: Messages in the MainWP Account Information box
  • Tweaked: Manage Plugins table added static first column
  • Tweaked: Manage Themes table added static first column
  • Removed: Create MainWP Account from the Extensions page

2.0.5 – 1-7-15

  • Fixed: Search issue (not showing all results when searching the sites page)
  • Fixed: Incorrect “Another backup process is running, try again later” message.
  • Added: Enhanced backup fetch to support a broader range of hosts
  • Added: Speed enhancement in the syncing process
  • Added: Action logs (to provide better debugging)

2.0.4 – 12-26-14

  • Added: Hooks for upcoming Team Control Extension
  • Fixed: Issues with very large network Dashboard load times
  • Fixed: MainWP Tips dismiss button not removing the message
  • Fixed: Ignored Updates still showing in the Manage Sites table
  • Fixed: Hooks for some Extensions

2.0.3 – 12-11-14

  • Fixed: Empty sites list issue on some hosts

2.0.2 – 12-10-14

  • Fixed: Support for big networks with a low MAX_JOIN_SIZE setting in MySQL

2.0.1 – 12-10-14

  • Added: Support for SQL users without CREATE VIEW privilege

2.0 – 12-09-14

  • Added: Tar GZip as a backup file format
  • Added: Tar Bzip2 as a backup file format
  • Added: Tar as a backup file format
  • Added: Feature to resume unfinished or stalled backups
  • Added: Feature to detect is backup is already running
  • Added: New Feature for the Post Plus extension – Autosaving drafts in case posting fails
  • Added: Support for the Team Control extension
  • Added: IP check to the Test Connection feature
  • Added: Tips bar on the All Dashboard, Sites, Posts, Pages, Manage Themes, Install Themes, Manage Plugins, Install Plugins, Settings, and Offline Checks page
  • Added: Breadcrumbs system in the Individual Site screen
  • Added: Better search mechanism for plugin auto-updates
  • Added: Better search mechanism for theme auto-updates
  • Added: Ability to change Auto Update trust status for Inactive plugins
  • Added: Ability to change Auto Update trust status for Inactive themes
  • Added: Quick Jump drop-down list for quicker navigation between Individual Dashboard
  • Added: Bulk Actions for the Manage Sites table (Sync, Delete, Test Connection, Open WP-Admin, and Open Front Page)
  • Added: Feature for saving the last Manage Sites table sorting
  • Added: Ability to edit the Child Site Security ID in Dashboard
  • Added: Ability to search All (active and inactive) Plugins
  • Added: Ability to search All (active and inactive) Themes
  • Added: Filters and select helpers for sites and groups in the Manage Groups page
  • Added: Extensions API Management
  • Added: Bulk Install purchased extensions
  • Added: Bulk Grab extensions API keys
  • Fixed: Post and Page search mechanism to search content body and title
  • Fixed: Client Reports bug not recording scheduled backups
  • Fixed: Issue of backup not running if the site is in two groups trying to backup at same time
  • Tweak: Groups page removed from the main navigation and added under the Sites menu
  • Tweak: Offline Checks removed from the main navigation and added under the Settings menu
  • Tweak: “All Sites” menu item renamed to “Manage Sites.”
  • Tweak: “All Posts” menu item renamed to “Manage Posts.”
  • Tweak: “All Pages” menu item renamed to “Manage Pages.”
  • Tweak: “All Users” menu item renamed to “Manage Users.”
  • Tweak: “Backups” menu item renamed to “Schedule Backup.”
  • Tweak: “All Backups” menu item renamed to “Manage Backups.”
  • Tweak: Email Template updated to call images from user’s dashboard site
  • Tweak: Individual Sync Now action syncs on the Manage SItes page
  • Tweak: MainWP Account login on the settings page encryption
  • Tweak: “Auto Update Trust” menu item renamed to “Auto Updates.”
  • Tweak: “Child Unique Security Id” field moved to the Advanced Options field
  • Redesign: Warning message on the Sites > Add New page
  • Redesign: Warning message from the Settings page removed and added as an admin notice after the dashboard plugin activation.
  • Redesign: The Advanced Settings options separated in different boxes
  • Redesign: New form field style
  • Redesign: New Search Posts, Search Pages, Search Themes, Search Plugin and Search Users form style
  • Redesign: New Upload Themes and Plugins from layout
  • Redesign: The redirection page style updated
  • Redesign: Update Admin Passwords page style updated
  • Refactor: Site Backup page added as a separate tab
  • Refactor: Site Security Scan tab added including Security issues box, WordFence box, and Sucuri box
  • Refactor: MainWP Database table split into two tables, mainwp_wp_option and mainwp_wp_sync
  • Removed: jsapi link to Google

1.2.1 – 09-02-14

  • Added Auto-detection of allowed File Descriptors during backups
  • Added Hide Dashboard from non-admins on Dashboard site
  • Fixed issue with some links in posts

1.2 – 09-02-14

  • Added Tooltips on the server information page
  • Added auto save login after a successful test
  • Added Additional tweaks for fewer Backup timeouts
  • Added new option to enable more IO instead of memory approach for Backups
  • Fixed Dropbox error when directory ends with space
  • Fixed “current running” that is stuck (not continuing backups)
  • Fixed deprecated theme calls
  • Fixed contacting disconnected child sites
  • Fixed non-https on https host for extensions
  • Fixed issues with self-signed SSL certificates (added option in Advanced section)
  • Removed possibility to query disconnected childs
  • Removed link to Google URL for jquery to prevent possible tracking
  • Removed old code references

1.1 – 8-08-14

  • Added: Option to automatically exclude common backup locations from Backups
  • Added: Option to automatically exclude common cache locations from Backups
  • Added: Option to automatically exclude non-WordPress folders from Backups
  • Added: Option to automatically exclude Zip Archives from Backups
  • Added Several new subtasks to increase performance and reduce timeouts on Backups
  • Added New Hooks for Extensions
  • Fixed Backups allowing special characters that caused backups to fail
  • Fixed Text on Backup popup
  • Fixed Issue in how categories tree displayed
  • Fixed Exclude folders and categories duplicated in the select list when selecting child sites fast
  • Fixed Error on the first install that occurred on some Dashboards
  • Fixed Issue where the upper sync button did not activate when there are posts/pages with HTML tags in the title
  • Additional CSS and Cosmetic Tweaks – 7-10-14

  • Added support for servers blocking curl_multi_exec calls

1.0.9 – 7-08-14

  • Added additional pings to decrease Backup timeouts on slower servers
  • Added enhancement for sites having a timeout stuck while performing a backup
  • Added enhancement to decrease server load when searching for or posting posts/pages/users
  • Tweaked CSS for Dashboard boxes mobile devices – ht phalancs – 7-02-14

  • Added redirect for a user to add first site on activation
  • Cleaned up messages to the user on initial activation
  • Fixed forms to move to the top and show messages on submit
  • Changed Backups to show excluded folders by default
  • Fixed PHP Strict Error
  • Fixed Page and Post scheduling – 6-18-14

  • Fix for backups (database backups deleted incorrectly)
  • Fix to reduce timeouts on sync – 6-17-14

  • Tweak for Backup file dates to match the set timezone
  • Fix for uploads path outside the conventional path for backups
  • Fix for created category name and slug not handling spacing correctly
  • Fix for declaring wp_mail causing conflict with Mandrill
  • Added new hooks for upcoming extensions – 6-10-14

  • Added ping from Dashboard during backups, to reduce timeouts and add better error reporting
  • Added intelligent checks to increase backup speed
  • Install New Extension button added to the Extensions page
  • Extension names tweaked to link to open the extension page
  • Notes widget added to Site Individual Dashboard
  • .htaccess file tab added to the server information page
  • CSS changes for a cleaner look
  • Hooks added for the upcoming Extension – 5-29-14

  • Fixed warning with open basedir restriction in place
  • Added zip support to database backups
  • Added new hooks for upcoming extensions – 5-22-14

  • Now compatible with WPEngine-hosted child-sites
  • Added new hooks for upcoming extensions – 5-08-14

  • Fixed issue with some missing images
  • Fixed issue with Comments extension redirect
  • Fixed PHP Notice on Sync Now when using strict
  • Updated Test Connection to show the hostname
  • Added new German translations – 5-07-14

  • Fixed invalid link on Extensions Page
  • Fixed screen layout saving on the manage sites page
  • Fixed various other CSS Layout issues – 4-29-14

  • Fixed default values for minimum delays between requests
  • Fixed issue that prevented 0 as values for minimum delays between requests

1.0.8 – 4-28-14

  • Added Minimum delay between requests to Settings Advanced Options
  • Added Minimum delay between requests to the same IP Settings Advanced Options
  • Fixed issue with some premium plugins showing as Trusted in the email when not Trusted
  • Added Wp-Config Page Viewer to Server Information
  • Added new German translations
  • Changed Max Request Error Message to provide a link to more information

1.0.7 – 4-14-14

  • Fix menu position, so menus created by extensions will be below Extensions menu item
  • Fix for Favorites Extension: bug upload long filename
  • Added support for custom crontab settings (may reduce timeouts on bigger sites)
  • Optimized the delay settings between requests and requests to the same IP to reduce timeouts

1.0.6 – 3-31-14

  • Code changes for WP 3.9 Compatibility
  • Added Plugin Widget to Individual Dashboard screen
  • Added Theme Widget to Individual Dashboard screen
  • Moved Bulk Update Admin password to the Users screen
  • Changed Extension Menu Layout

1.0.5 – 3-16-14

  • Minor fix for heatmap extension

1.0.4 – 3-12-14

  • Fix for premium plugins

1.0.3 – 3-10-14

  • Added possibility to disable basic SEO stats
  • Codex Issue Fixed for displaying header and footer
  • Added support for premium plugins
  • Extended server information with CURL requirement
  • Added Sync, Add Sites and Extension to the plugin footer for easy access

1.0.2 – 2-27-14

  • Fixed issue with adding new posts/pages

1.0.1 – 2-26-14

  • Internal version

1.0.0 – 2-23-14

  • Initial version