New research: Shifting measurement priorities to drive growth

New research: Shifting measurement priorities to drive growth

Engaging value

Today, there are more opportunities than ever for brands to become a useful and valued part of consumers’ lives. Yet, while this reality can seem overwhelming, leading marketers understand that driving new growth will come from engaging high-value customers. They’re shifting their measurement priorities to support this need.

Leading marketers are unlocking and measuring customer lifetime value rather than prioritizing short-term, transactional gains. This research finds that:

  • Leading marketers are 58% more likely than the mainstream to strongly agree that first-party information is a strategic asset that informs their decision making
  • 73% of leading marketers use proxies to tie media metrics with business outcomes, and are 35% more likely to do so than the mainstream marketer
  • Leading marketers are 36% more likely to agree that their organizations dedicate time and budget to strategic experimentation

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