Behdad Esfahbod

Photo: Behdad Esfahbod, 2010

Update 2020-08-17: "If you read one thing from me, please be this".

Update 2020-08-16: I have been talking about my current activism on my Twitter mostly, and Medium occasionally. The rest of this website and my old blog are out-dated and currently obsolete.

My name is Behdad. It's roughly pronounced as [beh da:d] [es f@h bo:d] in IPA ASCII transcription. It is a Persian name, natively written as بهداد اسفهبد. I was born and grew up in Iran, and moved to Canada in 2003.

Previous, I was a Software Engineer at the Facebook internationalization team in Seattle. Before that, Senior Staff Software Engineer at Google, leading fonts and text rendering, in Mountain View, Toronto, and Waterloo. Before that I was part of the Red Hat's desktop team, working from Toronto. And before I was at FarsiWeb in Iran.

I am a huge Free Software enthusiast, and previously worked on the GNOME Project. My long-term goal since late last century has been to make Persian work great in computer software, in particular, in Free Software, though these days my focus is not limited to Persian anymore.

I'm best known as the author of HarfBuzz, which makes it possible to read every language of the world on software like Firefox, Google Chrome, Android, Linux desktop, and elsewhere.

More about me:

My PGP key fingerprint is 2277 650A 4E8B DFE4 B7F6 BE41 9FEE 04E5 D353 1115 and the public key is available here.

I wonder if you find what you are looking for here, so feel free to contact me. Contact information is at the end of this page.

It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.
	— some dude

Whitepapers and presentations:

Persian stuff:

Here are a few websites that are long dead now, but I maintain an archive:

Projects I develop / maintain:

Projects I contribute to, in alphabetical order:

(and the combinations of all above)


Friends and Family on the Web:


Email me to behdad at behdad dot org.