Twitter Ads targeting

Twitter Ads targeting

Ready to launch your Twitter Ads campaign?

Reach the most influential and engaged audiences on Twitter

Reach the right people at the right time with Twitter's targeting tools

People on Twitter drive what's happening in the world. Our platform shows people relevant ads based on how likely they are to engage with the ad and the brand's goals. Further hone in on your audience by using our powerful targeting tools to get your brand and message in front of the right people, when they're most receptive.

From our exclusive conversation and event targeting capabilities, to remarketing campaigns and more, we'll help you connect with the people that matter the most to your business. Explore all of our offerings below and remember, you can use some, none, or all of the options from each section. Don't forget to experiment with different targeting approaches to find your best fit. 



Use demographic targeting to reach people based on location, language, device, age, and gender.

Location targeting

Reach people in the countries, regions, metro areas, cities, or postal codes that matter most to your brand.

Language targeting

Speak to your audience in their primary language based on their own Tweets and those they engage with.

Device, platform, & Wi-Fi targeting

Layer in additional targeting based on phone model, new devices or carriers, or Wi-Fi connected devices.

Age targeting

Focus on reaching people in specific age ranges using broad (e.g. 18+) or narrow (e.g. 18-24) age targeting.

Gender targeting

Exclusively target males or females, or reach people of all genders.


Audience types

Use audience targeting to serve ads based on conversations, events, interests, movies and TV shows, keywords, follower look-alikes, and engagement.

Conversation targeting

Reach people based on the content of their everyday conversations across 25+ categories and 10,000+ topics.

Event targeting

Use event targeting to join the conversation around the biggest online and offline events in the world.

Tweet Engager targeting

Remarket to people who've already seen or engaged with your previous campaigns or your organic Twitter presence.

Keyword targeting

Target or exclude people who searched for, Tweeted, or engaged with specific keywords.

Movies & TV targeting

Target people who Tweet about or engage with movies & TV shows in a specific market.

Interest targeting

Reach people interested in any of our 350+ pre-set interests across 25 categories.

Follower look-alikes targeting

Target people who behave similarly to another account's followers.


Your audiences

Target ads to your known audiences, such as your followers and Custom Audiences.

Follower targeting

Include followers of your account @name to your target audience.

Custom Audiences

Message your most valuable audiences using a variety of secure data-sharing capabilities. 

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