
My Kaspersky Portal Support/Ticket History

  • 15 January 2022
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 2

Hey guys, 

Within the My Kaspersky Portal there used to be a section were you where able to see all your previous support tickets and requests. However this feature is now missing and has since been removed after Nov. 


Did anyone else find this useful or use it.

I know I myself would always reference and look through my old previous support tickets. It often saved me so much time. Now I’m just going to have to keep creating a new support ticket for questions or support issues I’ve already been given the answer to for my specific situation. 


Would be interesting to hear others thoughts. 

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hello @new11

Welcome back!

Much to the dismay of many Kaspersky subscribers, Kaspersky have removed the incident management feature from the MyKaspersky portal, the issue has been discussed in detail in a topic raised by @JPEKasperskyMy Kaspersky , the support link no longer takes me to the previous configuration where I could even consult my previous requests.

Thank you:pray_tone3:

Flood:whale: +:whale2:

Userlevel 2

Hello @new11

Welcome back!

Much to the dismay of many Kaspersky subscribers, Kaspersky have removed the incident management feature from the MyKaspersky portal, the issue has been discussed in detail in a topic raised by @JPEKasperskyMy Kaspersky , the support link no longer takes me to the previous configuration where I could even consult my previous requests.

Thank you:pray_tone3:

Flood:whale: +:whale2:

oh I missed that one. Its interesting to read others thoughts. 

Thanks again @Flood and Flood's wife,

