
Too long memory check



16Gb RAM was always checked for a few minutes, situation has changed due to recent Windows update to Windows 10 21H1 x64 to version 10.0.19043.1110 .

At the same time in VirtualBox guest Windows 10/11 there is no such problem.


16 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +3


Please provide traces https://support.kaspersky.com/15677

No traces, dir is empty.


Please provide traces https://support.kaspersky.com/15677

It would be nice to have automated telemetry in the tool.

The size of traces is huge 1.5Gb , though it is 7zipped into 9 volumes by 5Mb allowed here per attachment and zipped as .7z is prohibited.

And there is another strange behaviour of KVRT - it tends to write access to \Device\Harddisk0\DR0 and is blocked by Windows Defender.

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

Please run the console under administrator and call “bitsadmin /list /allusers /verbose > C:\bits.log” command. It will probably take a long time like scanning of KVRT “System memory”. And send the resulting C:\bits.log file.

Please run the console under administrator and call “bitsadmin /list /allusers /verbose > C:\bits.log” command. It will probably take a long time like scanning of KVRT “System memory”. And send the resulting C:\bits.log file.


Userlevel 5
Badge +3


Please send to me a personal message with this files in the password protected archive.


Please send to me a personal message with this files in the password protected archive.

They absent, the only files are:



Userlevel 5
Badge +3

They absent, the only files are:



Ok, send them.

They absent, the only files are:



Ok, send them.

It’s impossible to attach files to personal message. 

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

Seems bug in Microsoft MapsBingGeo service. Under this service was created 67000 the same BITS tasks. To delete these tasks you need to call “bitsadmin /reset”.

Seems bug in Microsoft MapsBingGeo service. Under this service was created 67000 the same BITS tasks. To delete these tasks you need to call “bitsadmin /reset”.

Looks like it barely helps? :

C:\WINDOWS\system32>bitsadmin /reset

BITSADMIN version 3.0
BITS administration utility.
(C) Copyright Microsoft Corp.

0 out of 0 jobs canceled.

C:\WINDOWS\system32> bitsadmin /list /allusers /verbose



        125296 / 125296 WORKING https://t0.ssl.ak.dynamic.tiles.virtualearth.net/odvs/gd?pv=1&r=10,1133,9898045,0 -> C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\MapData\\mapscache\BitsTemp\{B30C3DA0-C5DF-4E46-9978-C71C2A8464AA}.tmp
        77213 / 77213 WORKING https://t0.ssl.ak.dynamic.tiles.virtualearth.net/odvs/gd?pv=1&r=10,1133,39592177,0 -> C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\MapData\\mapscache\BitsTemp\{4C6476AD-9F67-4074-965A-B248C5C0FE5C}.tmp
        79610 / 79610 WORKING https://t0.ssl.ak.dynamic.tiles.virtualearth.net/odvs/gd?pv=1&r=10,1133,39592179,0 -> C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\MapData\\mapscache\BitsTemp\{E5B48F9C-529E-4AE5-B021-F808E2BA84E9}.tmp
        72212 / 72212 WORKING https://t0.ssl.ak.dynamic.tiles.virtualearth.net/odvs/gd?pv=1&r=10,1133,39592182,0 -> C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\MapData\\mapscache\BitsTemp\{F14CE86F-DF51-48AD-B312-DF39114E62B4}.tmp
owner MIC integrity level: SYSTEM
owner elevated ?           true
This job is read-only to the current CMD window because the job's mandatory
integrity level of SYSTEM is higher than the window's level of HIGH.
Peercaching flags
         Enable download from peers      :false
         Enable serving to peers         :false


Listed 1 job(s).


Seems bug in Microsoft MapsBingGeo service. Under this service was created 67000 the same BITS tasks. To delete these tasks you need to call “bitsadmin /reset”.

Additionally BITS service should be restarted to remove all jobs.

C:\WINDOWS\system32>bitsadmin /list /allusers /verbose

BITSADMIN version 3.0
BITS administration utility.
(C) Copyright Microsoft Corp.

Listed 0 job(s).

Seems bug in Microsoft MapsBingGeo service. Under this service was created 67000 the same BITS tasks. To delete these tasks you need to call “bitsadmin /reset”.


Thank you for development & support!

It helped, but I wonder why does it affect KVRT so dramatically?
And I wish you integrate automated telemetry and recovery (like ‘Waas Medic Agent‘ tends to be).

Userlevel 5
Badge +3


It helped, but I wonder why does it affect KVRT so dramatically?
And I wish you integrate automated telemetry and recovery (like ‘Waas Medic Agent‘ tends to be).

Too many tasks, usually several pieces. We'll think how we can improve.

Thanks for the report!

\Microsoft\Windows\Maps MapsUpdateTask via Scheduler might be temporary disabled, until ongoing MicroSoft patch.
