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  1. Video content

    Video caption: Ukraine War: Theresa May on human trafficking and slavery

    Theresa May calls for UK and international authorities to work together to stop the trafficking of children fleeing Ukraine and heading west.

  2. Video content

    Video caption: Lord Young barred from debate after falling asleep in Parliament

    A Labour member of the House of Lords has been told off for falling asleep in the debating chamber.

  3. Video content

    Video caption: Ukraine war: Lisa Nandy on Homes for Ukraine sponsorship scheme

    The scheme for Ukrainians should keep essential checks but drop the “excessive bureaucracy” says Lisa Nandy.

  4. Video content

    Video caption: Michael Gove announces Homes for Ukraine scheme

    The housing and communities secretary sets out how British sponsors can take in Ukrainian refugees.

  5. Video content

    Video caption: Saudi Arabia executions: Lucas warns against oil deals

    The UK is stepping back its links to Russian fuel but must not go “cap-in-hand to another murderous tyrant” an MP has told the Commons.

  6. Video content

    Video caption: International Women's Day: Jess Phillips names UK women killed by men

    Labour MP Jess Phillips names all the women who have been killed in the UK by men over the last 12 months.