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U.S. Army Medical Service Corps

19th Chief, Medical Service Corps 

MG LeMaster

MG Dennis P. LeMaster Biography

Mission and Vision


Our mission is to provide agile, adaptable, doctrinally grounded, and leader developed Medical Service Corps (MSC) Officers focused on operational medicine, supporting the warfighters, and strengthening the military health system.


The MSC of 2028 fully supports the Army’s mission to deploy, fight, and win decisively against any adversary anytime and anywhere in a joint, multi-domain, and large scale combat operations to preserve Soldier lethality and survivability.


About the Medical Service Corps

The MSC consists of four multi-functional areas (MFAs) comprised of twenty-three areas of concentration (AOC), and four Additional Skill Identifiers (ASI). MSC Officers serve within the areas of Administrative Health Services, Medical Allied Sciences, Preventive Medicine Sciences, Behavioral Health Sciences, Pharmacy, Optometry, Podiatry, Aeromedical Evacuation, or Health Services Maintenance Technicians (e.g. Warrant Officers).

The entry level Administrative Health Services officer typically serves as a medical platoon leader in an operational unit (AOC 70B). The course of the officer’s career will typically include various operational assignments, institutional training, and advanced civilian education to prepare the 70B MSC Officer for selection into a specialized Administrative Health Services AOC at the field grade ranks (e.g. Healthcare Administration, Comptroller, Information Management, Operations, Logistics, Human Resources, Patient Administration). In this capacity, MSC Officers may perform staff officer functions on Battle Staffs from Battalion to Regional combatant command levels.

Aeromedical Evacuation Officers (AOC 67J) are aviators and must develop technical proficiency in their aviator skills. They must master the aviation platform as they gain experience in both Aviation and AMEDD operations. These officers generally remain in operational positions for up to eight years to develop their competency in aviation technical and tactical skills as well as medical evacuation operations. At the field grade level, many 67J officers will transition to a specialized Administrative Health Services AOC as previously described above.

Medical Allied Science, Preventative Medicine, Behavioral Health, Pharmacy, Optometry, and Podiatry officers typically serve as a specialist in their respective field and progress to increased levels of leadership responsibility at the field grade ranks. These officers may be assigned to serve as staff officers, provide direct patient care, or conduct research in a variety of facilities around the world. MSC Officers serving in any AOC (with the exception of Warrant Officers) may choose to compete for MFA/AOC immaterial command opportunities at both the company and field grade levels.

Careers in the Medical Service Corps

CAC Users (click above to visit the MSC MilSuite)

Medical Service Corps Leaders

Office of the Chief, Medical Service Corps

Medical Service Corps Retirement Recognition (Click here)


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AMEDD Civilian Corps announcements are located on the AMEDD Civilian Corps website (click here) under WHAT’S NEW and ANNOUNCEMENTS.