How to download the SIEM connector for Splunk


Kaspersky Threat Data Feeds


How to download the SIEM connector for Splunk

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Latest update: November 11, 2021 ID: 13853

Kaspersky CyberTrace for Splunk (SIEM connector) allows you to check URLs, file hashes, and IP addresses contained in events that arrive in Splunk. The URLs, file hashes, and IP addresses are checked against threat data feeds from Kaspersky Lab, or from other vendors or sources loaded to CyberTrace. During the matching process, Kaspersky CyberTrace determines the indicator category and generates an event supplemented with actionable context.

To install SIEM connector for Splunk:

  1. Download Kaspersky CyberTrace for Splunk. 
  2. Follow the instructions in the product documentation to install the package. 

Download Kaspersky CyberTrace for Splunk:

  • The .exe file for Windows can be downloaded here.
  • The .rpm file for Linux can be downloaded here.
  • The .deb file for Linux can be downloaded here.
  • The .tgz file for Linux can be downloaded here.

Please note that SIEM connector for Splunk has been tested with Splunk 8.0 and later. 

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