
Solutions → For PartnersCreate Stronger Partnerships By Better Educating Your Partners

Channel partner programs have the potential to become incredibly successful growth engines.
Yet companies often overlook education as the key to developing and scaling highly successful partnership programs.

UI example of Partner programs using the Intellum Platform. Highlighting Mailchimp's partner program using the Intellum Platform.

Build Brand Ambassadors

When structured and managed correctly, partner programs improve brand awareness, help you break into new markets and verticals, and drive significant revenue. Mature partner programs can lead to:

  • 2x revenue growth
  • 28% of company revenue

Turn your partners into your strongest brand ambassadors by teaching them how to successfully deliver for your joint clients.

Illustration of a megaphone

The Smartest Way to Educate Partners

We’ve worked with a wide range of successful partner programs - from SaaS to Ad Tech to Retail - and we’ve developed a framework that guides how we apply our award-winning technology and our consultative expertise to partner enablement initiatives.

Connect To Broader Business Goals

We can help you put education at the center of your partner initiative and confidently tie your channel partner program to broader business goals like brand awareness, partner performance, and revenue growth.

Expand The Concept of Certifications

Create simple training initiatives to certify partners or develop extensive, legally-defensible certification programs.

Take advantage of integrations and partnerships with proctoring providers. Encourage partners to share their accomplishments through public profiles and on social media.

Build For Partner Personas

Much like customer audiences, your partners have clearly identifiable personas, too. Gear live and on-demand education and certification experiences to individual partners based on persona.

Onboard new program participants, while providing more experienced partners with advanced skills development.

Engage Partners In New Ways

Create a partner ecosystem that encourages community building and best practice sharing through social activity streams and one-on-one or group chat.

Introduce gamified experiences like leaderboards, challenges, badges, and performance awards. Stay top-of-mind with in-platform, email, and mobile push notifications.

Track Partner Performance

Organizations sometimes struggle to connect partner education initiatives to real business outcomes. We can help you determine what to measure and how best to track and report on it.

Identify the content that makes the biggest impact at the persona level, and correlate the consumption of that content to partner performance.

Let’s build better partner experiences together.