Job opportunity: APC is looking for a convenings coordinator 10 March 2022 By APC

We're looking for a convenings coordinator to join our team and help us hold our meetings in combinations of physical and virtual formats for today and tomorrow. The deadline for applications is 30 March.

Lawsuit calls for ban on use of facial recognition technologies by São Paulo subway system 08 March 2022 By Intervozes

The Brazilian civil society society organisations and public defenders who filed the suit stressed that the facial recognition system currently in use violates the legal requirements established in Brazilian legislation and international treaties.

Community Networks and Local Access Monthly Newsletter - Number 44 24 February 2022 By APCNews

Welcome to the 44th monthly round-up of developments impacting your local access networks and community-based initiatives. Meet the first ever community network national school in South Africa, Indonesia, Nigeria, Kenya and Brazil.

Encounters, coffees and conflicts: Reflections from action-research on a feminist autonomous network


Encounters, coffees and conflicts: Reflections from action-research on a feminist autonomous network

A group of women set up a community network in an area without internet connectivity in Brazil – the Terra Seca quilombo community. These are their reflections while conducting a participatory research process on community networks through an intersectional feminist lens.

International coalition to support filing of a suit to stop South Korea’s shutdown of

Joint statement

International coalition to support filing of a suit to stop South Korea’s shutdown of

In December 2020, the Korea Communication Standards Commission issued a ruling to block access to, a website that provides information on women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights. The undersigned organisations support Open Net’s filing of a suit to cancel this ruling.

HRC 49: Oral statement on online hate speech targeting religious minorities

Oral statement

HRC 49: Oral statement on online hate speech targeting religious minorities

APC welcomes the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief's focus on the use of hateful rhetoric in digital spaces to incite violence against religious minorities, which is of particular concern in India, where women especially are subjected to hate speech and threats online and offline.

HRC 49: Joint oral statement on privacy and data protection

Oral statement

HRC 49: Joint oral statement on privacy and data protection

This joint statement to the Special Rapporteur on privacy during the 49th session of the Human Rights Council expresses the concerns of APC, Derechos Digitales and Intervozes around three aspects related to data protection regulation, with a particular focus on Latin America. 

BlueLink: Solidarity with the victims of aggression and the values ​​of a united Europe


BlueLink: Solidarity with the victims of aggression and the values ​​of a united Europe

This statement of solidarity with the Ukrainian people from APC member BlueLink was delivered by Pavel Antonov, managing editor of the organisation, live from a civic demonstration in front of the Embassy of Ukraine in Bulgaria.

"Hated Speech" and the Costs of Freedom in India


"Hated Speech" and the Costs of Freedom in India

This research report seeks to draw out the analytical category of "hated speech" by looking at experiences and observations of what it means to speak truth to power and receive hate as it is manifested through varying degrees of violence, across a variety of instances.

International organisations call for withdrawal and reconsideration of the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission Regulation for Digital, Social Media and OTT Platforms

Joint open letter

International organisations call for withdrawal and reconsideration of the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission Regulation for Digital, Social Media and OTT Platforms

APC and other organisations believe the draft regulations are inconsistent with the international human rights framework, imperil people’s freedom of expression and right to privacy, and could put journalists, dissidents, activists and vulnerable communities, in particular, at greater risk.

HRC49: Open letter to states on the draft resolution on human rights defenders

Open letter

HRC49: Open letter to states on the draft resolution on human rights defenders

The UN Human Rights Council will be discussing a draft resolution on human rights defenders operating in conflict and post-conflict situations. Our organisations call on the Council to ensure that the resolution clearly reflects the gravity and the reality of the situation defenders face daily.

Policy explainers

Inside the Digital Society: Three questions about our digital assumptions at a time of war 08 March 2022 David Souter

I’ve thought long and hard about what it’s possible to write as war rains down on the heart of Europe. I’ve decided to revisit three fundamental questions about the internet and digital development, and ask if we need to reconsider what we mean by them.

Seeding change: Environmental sustainability and the need to strengthen female leadership 04 March 2022 APCNews

How are APC members improving their communities’ lives with the support of APC subgranting? In Central America, the intersection between digital transformation and environmental justice has been a priority for Sulá Batsú for many years.

Interview with Carlos Afonso: "I keep saying we need to advocate for a public plan seeking universal connectivity and the means of access for everyone" 03 March 2022 APCNews

In its 10th anniversary, the Internet Hall of Fame recently inducted APC co-founder Carlos Afonso. We interviewed Afonso about this honour, his hopes for the internet in Brazil and beyond, radical interventions needed in the word of ICTs, and more.


In this weekly column, longstanding associate of APC David Souter looks at different aspects of the digital society. Issues covered include internet governance and sustainable development, human rights and the environment, policy, practice and the use of ICTs.

How are APC members improving their communities' lives? In this section we're highlighting stories of impact and change by our members, supported by APC sub-granting.

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