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Journals (42)

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Journal of Aerospace Engineering

Volume 35, Issue 4 / July 2022
Aims & Scope

The Journal of Aerospace Engineering promotes the implementation and development of space and aerospace technologies and their transfer to other civil engineering applications. Topics of interest include aerodynamics, computational fluid dynamics, wind tunnel testing of buildings and structures, aerospace structures and materials, advanced composite materials, dynamics and control, real-time data acquisition, space engineering and construction, lunar base construction, field and remote sensing, and robotics.

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Journal of Architectural Engineering

Volume 28, Issue 2 / June 2022
Aims & Scope

The Journal of Architectural Engineering is a multidisciplinary forum for dissemination of research- based engineering and technical information related to all aspects of building engineering design in the form of peer-reviewed technical papers, technical notes, and case studies. The scope of the journal’s topics include; acoustics, construction, construction management, controls, electrical engineering and systems, indoor environmental quality, lighting and daylighting, mechanical engineering and systems, rehabilitation of existing structures, structural assessment, structural engineering, and sustainable construction/design, in the context of building systems engineering. Innovative and multi-disciplinary studies promoting an integrated approach to planning, design, construction and operation of buildings are especially encouraged. The journal also welcomes papers on the topic of architectural engineering education.

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Journal of Bridge Engineering

Volume 27, Issue 5 / May 2022
Aims & Scope

The Journal of Bridge Engineering publishes papers about all aspects of the art and science of bridge engineering. The journal publishes research that advances the practice and profession of bridge engineering and papers about issues, projects, materials, design, fabrication, construction, inspection, evaluation, safety, performance, management, retrofitting, rehabilitation, repair, and demolition.

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Journal of Civil Engineering Education

Volume 148, Issue 3 / July 2022
Aims & Scope

The Journal of Civil Engineering Education seeks to help grow and develop all aspects of civil engineering education and related disciplines (construction, architecture, and environmental engineering). ASCE Journals accept several different article types. Click here for the general requirements. Papers examine research on effective methods to teach civil engineering principles and prepare students through formal education, mentoring, and self-development to succeed in practice, with attention towards the engineer’s and constructor’s professional obligations and responsibilities. Topics include civil engineering education from the undergraduate to continuing education levels, teaching practice issues, ethics education, case studies of pedagogy, and lessons learned unique to the civil engineering practice.

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Civil Engineering Magazine

Volume 92, Issue 2 / March 2022
Aims & Scope

The Civil Engineering Magazine provides a record of civil engineering achievements and professional issues published in Civil Engineering Magazine, the official publication of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Feature articles describe pivotal civil engineering projects and structures that highlight innovation. The archive also includes thought-provoking columns on legal issues, technology, ethics, and historical accomplishments.

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Journal of Cold Regions Engineering

Volume 36, Issue 2 / June 2022
Aims & Scope

The Journal of Cold Regions Engineering publishes practice- and research-oriented articles from any area of civil engineering that is substantially related to cold regions. Topics include ice engineering, ice force, construction on permafrost and seasonal frost, cold weather construction, environmental quality and engineering in cold regions, snow and ice control, cold regions materials, and surveying and planning in cold regions.

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Journal of Composites for Construction

Volume 26, Issue 3 / June 2022
Aims & Scope

The Journal of Composites for Construction publishes original research papers, review papers, and case studies on the use of fiber-reinforced composite materials in construction. Of special interest to the Journal are papers that bridge the gap between research in the mechanics and manufacturing science of composite materials and the analysis and design of large civil engineering structural systems and their construction processes. The Journal publishes papers about composite materials consisting of continuous synthetic or natural fibers and matrices for use in civil engineering structures and subjected to the loadings and environments of the infrastructure. The Journal publishes papers about composite materials in stand-alone forms (e.g., structural shapes) or used in conjunction with traditional construction materials such as concrete, masonry, metals and timber, either as reinforcing elements or in hybrid systems, for new construction and for strengthening, repair and retrofit of existing structures. The Journal also publishes papers about codes and standards related to fiber-reinforced composites for construction.

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Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering

Volume 36, Issue 4 / July 2022
Aims & Scope

The Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering serves as a resource to researchers, practitioners, and students on advances and innovative ideas in computing as applicable to the engineering profession. Many such ideas emerge from recent developments in computer science, information science, computer engineering, knowledge engineering, and other technical fields. Some examples are innovations in artificial intelligence, parallel processing, distributed computing, graphics and imaging, and information technology. The journal publishes research, implementation, and applications in cross-disciplinary areas including software, such as new programming languages, database-management systems, computer-aided design systems, and expert systems; hardware for robotics, bar coding, remote sensing, data mining, and knowledge acquisition; and strategic issues such as the management of computing resources, implementation strategies, and organizational impacts.

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Journal of Construction Engineering and Management

Volume 148, Issue 5 / May 2022
Aims & Scope

The Journal of Construction Engineering and Management publishes quality papers that aim to advance the science of construction engineering, harmonize construction practices with design theories, and further education and research in construction engineering and management. Topics include, but are not limited to, the following: construction material handling, equipment, production planning, specifications, scheduling, estimating, cost control, quality control, labor productivity, inspection, contract administration, construction management, computer applications, and environmental concerns.

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Journal of Energy Engineering

Volume 148, Issue 3 / June 2022
Aims & Scope

The Journal of Energy Engineering reports on the scientific and engineering knowledge in the planning, development, management, and finances of energy-related programs. The journal is dedicated to civil engineering aspects of the issues, sources, and programs that are either directly related to, or can ultimately contribute to, the production, distribution, and storage of energy. Multidisciplinary subjects are especially encouraged.

Original contributions are encouraged in, but not limited to, the following areas: generation of electric power; nuclear power issues; energy planning (planning for generation capacity expansions, hydropower planning, network and transmission planning, reliability); energy policy and economics (financial and customer markets, regulatory and financial issues); energy development (solar power, renewable energy, waste-to-energy systems); energy systems operation (thermal and hydropower operation and optimization, scheduling, load forecasting, demand-side management); energy efficiency, reducing consumption of or conservation of energy; energy sustainability as related to energy and power production, distribution, and usage; waste management and environmental issues; and energy infrastructure issues (power plant safety, security of infrastructure network).

Prior to submission, please check the Procedures for Submission to the Journal. Below, you will find the Area Codes listed with the name of each Associate Editor.

Paper Area Codes

(ESP) Energy system planning, economic analysis and policies (e.g., resource adequacy, transmission and capacity expansion, energy markets and trading, emission policies, and renewable portfolio standards)
(FOS) Advances on fossil energy technologies (e.g., clean coal technology, coal combustion, and coal gasification technology), carbon capture and storage, and biomass combustion/
(COM) Advances on combustion engine technologies (e.g., combustion chambers, fuel induction and injection, emissions control, biofuels and alternative fuels)
(ALT) Alternative energy systems and integrated energy systems (e.g., renewables, nuclear, natural gas, hydrogen energy systems, and integration of electric vehicles)
(STO) Energy conversion efficiency, advanced technologies on energy harvesting and energy storage (e.g., battery systems, fuel cells, pumped-storage systems, and flywheel)
(INF) Civil and cyber infrastructure for energy management systems (e.g., smart grids, indoors heating and cooling, energy efficiency of buildings)
(SUS) Energy sustainability, energy waste management, and environmental systems
(SEE) Subsurface energy resources (e.g., theoretical, numerical and experimental methods for extraction of subsurface energies, underground fluid flow simulation, reservoir characterization and simulation, rock and fluid interactions)
(FED) Forums and editorials
(OTH) Others

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Journal of Engineering Mechanics

Volume 148, Issue 5 / May 2022
Aims & Scope

The Journal of Engineering Mechanics covers activity and development in the field of applied mechanics as it relates to civil engineering. Research on bioengineering, computational mechanics, computer-aided engineering, dynamics of structures, elasticity, experimental analysis and instrumentation, fluid mechanics, flow of granular media, inelastic behavior of solids and structures, probabilistic methods, properties of materials, fracture mechanics, stability of structural elements and systems, and turbulence is reported. Typically, published papers describe the development and implementation of new analytical models, innovative numerical methods, and novel experimental methods and results.

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Journal of Environmental Engineering

Volume 148, Issue 5 / May 2022
Aims & Scope

The Journal of Environmental Engineering presents broad interdisciplinary information on the practice and status of research in environmental engineering science, systems engineering, and sanitation. Papers focus on design, development of engineering methods, management, governmental policies, and societal impacts of wastewater collection and treatment; the fate and transport of contaminants on watersheds, in surface waters, in groundwater, in soil, and in the atmosphere; environmental biology, microbiology, chemistry, fluid mechanics, and physical processes that control natural concentrations and dispersion of wastes in air, water, and soil; nonpoint-source pollution on watersheds, in streams, in groundwater, in lakes, and in estuaries and coastal areas; treatment, management, and control of hazardous wastes; control and monitoring of air pollution and acid deposition; airshed management; and design and management of solid waste facilities. A balanced contribution from consultants, practicing engineers, and researchers is sought on engineering solutions, and professional obligations and responsibilities.

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International Journal of Geomechanics

Volume 22, Issue 5 / May 2022
Aims & Scope

The International Journal of Geomechanics (IJOG) focuses on geomechanics with emphasis on theoretical aspects, including computational and analytical methods and related validations. Applications of interdisciplinary topics such as geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering, mining and geological engineering, rock and blasting engineering, underground structures, infrastructure and pavement engineering, petroleum engineering, engineering geophysics, offshore and marine geotechnology, geothermal energy, lunar and planetary engineering, and ice mechanics fall within the scope of the journal. Specific topics covered include numerical and analytical methods; constitutive modeling including elasticity, plasticity, creep, localization, fracture and instabilities; neural networks, expert systems, optimization and reliability; statics and dynamics of interacting structures and foundations; liquid and gas flow through geologic media, contaminant transport and groundwater problems; borehole stability, geohazards such as earthquakes, landslides and subsidence; soil/rock improvement; and the development of model validations using laboratory and field measurements.

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Volume 25, Issue 6 / December 2021
Aims & Scope

Focusing on geotechnical projects that use unique techniques and innovative processes, the magazine provides the everyday, real world details that geotechnical professionals need to know. Geo-Strata is a forum through which geo-professionals -- whether educator, designer, manufacturer or constructor -- can express and exchange ideas and opinions on business trends and issues affecting the practice of geotechnical engineering.

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Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering

Volume 148, Issue 5 / May 2022
Aims & Scope

The Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering covers the broad area of practice known as geotechnical engineering. Papers are welcomed on topics such as foundations, retaining structures, soil dynamics, engineering behavior of soil and rock, site characterization, slope stability, dams, rock engineering, earthquake engineering, environmental geotechnics, geosynthetics, computer modeling, groundwater monitoring and restoration, and coastal and geotechnical ocean engineering. Authors are also encouraged to submit papers on new and emerging topics within the general discipline of geotechnical engineering. Theoretical papers are welcomed, but there should be a clear and significant potential for practical application of the theory. Practice-oriented papers and case studies are particularly welcomed and encouraged.

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Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste

Volume 26, Issue 3 / July 2022
Aims & Scope

The Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste publishes peer-reviewed original articles on all aspects of research, planning, development and management of hazardous, toxic, and radioactive waste (HTRW). These include the traditional areas of research, design, control, restoration/remediation, construction, planning, detection/analysis, oversight, operations, regulations and policy. The Journal offers articles with both fundamental research and practical approaches/solutions to the problems and challenges faced by engineers, scientists, process managers, practicing professionals, researchers, contractors, and government policymakers.

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Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development (English Edition)

Volume 15, Issue 4 / December 2021
Aims & Scope

The Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development includes road and transportation related R&D; academic papers and activities. Topics covered include: road engineering, bridge engineering, tunnel engineering, ITS and traffic engineering, automobile engineering, environmental engineering, and transport economics. The journal includes the latest practical and theoretical achievements and in-depth features as well as news and product roundups. This online edition features select papers translated into English and released quarterly.

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Journal of Hydraulic Engineering

Volume 148, Issue 5 / May 2022
Aims & Scope

The Journal of Hydraulic Engineering accepts original contributions that describe the analysis and solutions of problems in hydraulic engineering. Technical Notes may present a problem, without solution, of common interest. Topics range from flows in closed conduits to free-surface flows (canals, rivers, lakes, and estuaries) to environmental fluid dynamics. Topics include transport processes involving fluids (multiphase flows) such as sediment and contaminant transport, and heat and gas transfers. Emphasis is placed on the presentation of concepts, methods, techniques, and results that advance knowledge and/or are suitable for general application in the hydraulic engineering profession.

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Journal of Hydrologic Engineering

Volume 27, Issue 5 / May 2022
Aims & Scope

The Journal of Hydrologic Engineering disseminates information on the development of new hydrologic methods, theories, and applications to current engineering problems. The journal publishes papers on analytical, numerical, and experimental methods for the investigation and modeling of hydrological processes.

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Journal of Infrastructure Systems

Volume 28, Issue 2 / June 2022
Aims & Scope

The Journal of Infrastructure Systems publishes cross-disciplinary papers about managing, sustaining, enhancing, and transforming civil infrastructure systems. Papers are expected to contribute new knowledge through development, application, or implementation of innovative methodologies or technologies.

Civil infrastructure systems enable thriving societies and healthy ecosystems. Civil infrastructure systems support transportation; energy production and distribution; water resources management; waste management; civic facilities in urban and rural communities; communications; sustainable resources development; and environmental protection. These physical, social, ecological, economic, and technological systems are complex and interrelated.

Increasingly, inter- and multidisciplinary expertise is needed not only to design and build these systems, but to manage, sustain, enhance, and transform them as well. Typical management problems are fraught with uncertain information, multiple and conflicting objectives, and sometimes numerous and conflicting constituencies. Solutions are both complex and cross-disciplinary in nature and require the thoughtful integration of sound engineering judgment, economic flexibility, social equity, and institutional forbearance.

Papers considered for publication must contain a well-defined engineering component and articulate a clear contribution to the art and science related to infrastructure systems. Potential authors should consult the ASCE Author Guide for acceptable paper formats and article types.

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