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How can I transfer money?

Open or start a chat with the person to whom you would like to transfer money and click the paperclip icon (Attach button). Select Money, enter the sum and any comments, use a bank card, and confirm the transfer. The recipient will receive a message with the transfer, and they then will choose which card they want to receive the money on. Read more about money transfers here: vk.com/landings/moneysend.

You can also collect money in group chats. All you have to do is enter the goal amount, and check the appropriate box if you’re also contributing. The system will handle all the necessary calculations.

Money can be transferred from and received on Mastercard, Maestro and Visa cards issued by Russian banks. Money can also be received on Mastercard and Maestro cards issued in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Germany, Georgia, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Romania, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, France, Czech Republic, and Estonia.
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