

Opinionated Kubernetes management. Fully automated. As-a-service.

Offload tedious and repetitive tasks around security, compliance, deployment and on-going lifecycle management.


Automated provisioning and configuration of infrastructure (compute, network and storage), installation and configuration of OpenShift.



Automatic multi-zone deployment in MZRs, including integration with CIS to do cross-zone traffic routing.


Automatic scaling, backups and failure recovery for OpenShift configurations, components and worker nodes.


Automatic upgrades of all components (operating system, OpenShift components, cluster services) and performance tuning and security hardening.


24x7 global SRE team maintains the health of the environment, and uses its OpenShift and Kubernetes expertise to reach faster problem resolution.


Built-in security including image signing, image deployment enforcement, hardware trust, security patch management, and automatic compliance (HIPAA, PCI, SOC2, ISO).


Create an OpenShift cluster

Flowchart showing how an application is deployed through a Red Hat OpenShift cluster on IBM Cloud

Create an OpenShift cluster

Create a standard cluster, open the OpenShift console and access built-in components. Deploy an app using IBM Cloud services in an OpenShift project; expose the app on an OpenShift route for public use.

Deploy scalable web apps

Flowchart showing the deployment of a scalable web application through a Red Hat OpenShift cluster

Deploy scalable web applications

Scaffold a web application, run it locally in a container, push the code to a private Git repository, then deploy it to a cluster. Expose and scale the app, bind a custom domain and monitor the environment.

Renew security certificates

Flowchart showing how to use Red Hat OpenShift to automate Secure Sockets Layer- or Transport Layer Security-certificate renewal

Renew security certificates

This tutorial shows how to use the OpenShift enterprise Kubernetes environment or a serverless approach to automate Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificate renewal.

Deploy a database

Flowchart showing the deployment of a PostgreSQL database in a Red Hat OpenShift 4 environment

Deploy a PostgreSQL database

This tutorial walks through the process of deploying a community operator into an existing Red Hat OpenShift project so you can create instances of the PostgreSQL database.

Automate app deployment

Flowchart showing how to use Tekton to quickly deploy an application in a Red Hat OpenShift cluster

Automate app deployment

In this code pattern, we show you how we used Tekton to reduce the time to deploy an application from 45 minutes of clicking and configuring to 15 minutes and a few commands.

Frequently asked questions

Which OpenShift versions are supported?

Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud supports the following versions of OpenShift. The worker node operating system is Red Hat Enterprise Linux® 7.

Supported versions:

  • Latest: 4.7 (Kubernetes 1.20)
  • Default: 4.6 (Kubernetes 1.19)

Deprecated and unsupported versions:

  • Deprecated: 3.11 (Kubernetes 1.11), 4.5 (Kubernetes 1.18)
  • Unsupported: 4.3 (Kubernetes 1.16), 4.4 (Kubernetes 1.17)


How do I install the OpenShift cli on IBM Cloud?

You can use the Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud command line interface (CLI) plug-in (ibmcloud oc) to create and manage your OpenShift cluster infrastructure, such as creating clusters and worker nodes. Then, you can use the OpenShift CLI (oc) to manage the resources within your OpenShift cluster, such as projects, pods and deployments.

How do I configure OpenShift routes on IBM Cloud?

Expose the services in your Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud cluster on the router’s external IP address by using a route. By default, an OpenShift router is deployed to your cluster that functions as the ingress endpoint for external network traffic.

You can use the OpenShift router to create routes for your apps. Routes are assigned a publicly or privately accessible hostname from the router subdomain that external clients can use to send requests to your app. You can choose to create unsecured or secured routes by using the TLS certificate of the router to secure your hostname. When an external request reaches your hostname, the router proxies your request and forwards it to the private IP address that your app listens on.


Does Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud include a container registry?

Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud clusters include an internal registry to build, deploy and manage container images locally. For a private registry to manage and control access to images across your enterprise, you can also set up your cluster to use IBM Cloud® Container Registry.

Are there additional security measures with Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud?

You can use built-in security features in Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud for risk analysis and security protection. These features help you to protect your cluster infrastructure and network communication, isolate your compute resources and ensure security compliance across your infrastructure components and container deployments.

How do I install Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh alongside microservices in a Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud cluster?

Follow the instructions in this solution tutorial to learn how to install the Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh operator (along with other additional operators), configure an Istio ingress-gateway to expose a service outside of the service mesh, perform traffic management to set up important tasks like A/B testing and canary deployments, secure your microservice communication and use metrics, logging and tracing to observe services.