Oleg Haslavsky

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Oleg Haslavsky
Haslavsky Taganrog 2012.jpg
Born Oleg Lvovich Haslavsky
(1948-07-08)8 July 1948
Taganrog, Soviet Union
Occupation poet, translator
Nationality Russian

Oleg Haslavsky (born 8 July 1948 in Taganrog, Soviet Union) is a Russian poet and translator.


Was born 8 July 1948 in Taganrog, Russia.[1] Till 7 years old was living with his parents in Lviv. During his school years was studying painting in Taganrog’s Art Studio under the supervision of Valentina Russo.[1]

In 1964, after graduating from the secondary school nr. 10, Oleg entered the French-German department of the faculty of foreign languages of the Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute (TGPI; now: Taganrog State Pedagogical University, TGPU).[1] During his university studies, Oleg’s views and interests (particularly regarding the French poetry) were greatly appreciated by the docent Jury Felichkin who was teaching French in the pedagogical institute at the time. After Felichkin has left the TGPI, Oleg Haslavsky was expelled from the Taganrog’s Pedagogical Institute. In 1972 Oleg graduated from the faculty of foreign languages of the Colomna’s Pedagogical Institute.[1]

In the period of 1974 till 1986 Oleg was working as a clinical psychologist in the Taganrog’s psychiatric clinic. From 1980 till 1982 he was working in the R&D Institute of the Taganrog State Radio-technical Institute (OKB "RITM"). In 1986 he became a project director in the international research centre "Delta-Inform". 1990 till 1992 he spent in Bulgaria for research purposes. From 1999 till 2003 Oleg was living in Israel.[2]

Oleg speaks and translates from French, English, Bulgarian, Polish and Ukrainian. Also, he has a good knowledge of German and Italian.

Translated various poems of François Villon, Arthur Rimbaud, Paul Verlaine, Charles Baudelaire, Guillaume Apollinaire, Maurice Maeterlinck, Konstanty Ildefons Gałczyński, Cyprian Kamil Norwid, Bolesław Leśmian, Taras Shevchenko, poetry and prose of Tadeusz Borowski, as well as Edmond Rostand’s comedy "Cyrano de Bergerac".

In 2002 translated Lewis Carroll’s "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland".[3][4]

Oleg was never seeking publication of his poetry. The first representative publication took place only in 2008 in the Moscow Journal "Corostel. Provincial letters".[5] The first book, published in 1998, was called "Selected works".

Lives and works in Taganrog, Russia.

Books of Oleg Haslavsky[edit]

  • Олег Хаславский. Избранное. — Таганрог: Антон, 2009. — 196 с. — ISBN 978-5-88040-065-2.
  • Олег Хаславский. Трилистник таганрогский. — Измаил: Чеширский Кот, 2010. — 32 с.
  • Олег Хаславский. На пышном берегу. — Красный Сулин: Сулинполиграфсервис, 2014. — 248 с.


  • «A poet is a surreal entity who attempts at achieving indescribable results with means unknown to himself»[3]Oleg Haslavsky, 2009.
  • «Living in a multi-language environment (not taking into account variations of one’s own native language) denunciates consciousness to literary existence, to a literary title, even when no single line has been written. Oleg Haslavsky is a literature figure with the initial advantage, I would even say a littérateur by default. A writing litterateur. I consciously use this definition, ‘littérateur’, though essentially one would need to talk about Haslavsky as a poet, a prose-writer, a translator (a fortiori since Oleg often works with literature pieces previously translated by very big names), and perhaps also as personality, and all of those may be referred to separately by using superlatives. But I say ‘littérateur’ referring to such an exact realisation, nowadays being so rare, of the means of consciousness existence in the language. And I would emphasize it: in the language»[6]Igor Burenin, 1989.

External links[edit]


  1. ^ a b c d Ильич С. Олег Хаславский: «Всё, что я пишу — это о Таганроге…» // Новая таганрогская газета. — 2012. — 3 ноября. — С. 4.
  2. ^ Вовк Е. Олег Хаславский — художник и поэт // Таганрогская правда. — 2012. — 7 дек.
  3. ^ a b Олег Хаславский. Избранное. — Таганрог: Антон, 2009. — 196 с. — ISBN 978-5-88040-065-2.
  4. ^ Борисов К. Двойной дебют // Таганрогская правда. — 2009. — 14 июля.
  5. ^ Хаславский О. Стихи // Коростель. Письма из провинции. — 2008. — № 1.
  6. ^ Буренин И. Олег Хаславский // Комсомолец. — 1989. — 18 ноября.