Worker Wellbeing

People: Worker Wellbeing

We want people who work in our supply chain to live better lives because of their connection with VF.

VF Goal

Improve the lives of 1 million workers and their communities by 2025 and 2 million workers and their communities by 2030.

Visit Reporting & Data for Progress

Worker & Community Development

In 2017, VF launched the Worker & Community Development (WCD) program with the goal of using its scale, influence and insight to help establish safe, stable working environments in supplier factories producing products for VF’s family of brands, while simultaneously improving the lives of those in local communities beyond its factory walls. 

We carried out a unique needs assessment to determine our areas of impact, engaging directly with thousands of workers to determine localized, community-specific needs. The results drove the development of the three focus areas.

Water & Sanitation

Health & Nutrition

Childcare & Education

We work to demonstrate the returns to our suppliers business by investing in worker well-being with the aim that they see the value of investing in the program themselves to drive continued long-term impact. Our comprehensive Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) framework is guided by our Framework for Change.

Framework for Change

WCD focuses on providing workers with the resources needed to consistently improve their lives. By working directly with communities to examine local needs and priorities, we’re able to operate respectfully in host communities and therefore conduct our business in a genuinely responsible manner. We’re able to measure the effectiveness of WCD in a way that’s unique to our industry, assessing output, outcome, and overall impact. 

The productivity case for WCD is compelling: when our workers feel safe, healthy, and protected, we find the workplace environment leads to enhanced productivity.

Supporting Workers Beyond the Factory Walls

With nearly one million people making, moving or selling VF products every day via a complex supply chain spanning across 40 countries worldwide, that commitment is, well…ambitious. Especially when you consider that many workers are located in countries where the laws, regulations, standards and infrastructure needed to support safe and empowering working environments may not necessarily be in place.

That’s where VF’s innovative WCD program comes into play. Through WCD, VF is using its scale, influence and insight to help establish safe, stable working environments in factories producing VF’s products, while simultaneously improving the lives of those in local communities beyond its factory walls.

Pivoting in a Pandemic

In Cambodia, citizens are battling the pandemic, food shortages and loss of income. In an effort protect the health of workers and keep the supply chain steady, VF is supporting the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines. VF’s Worker and Community Development program partnered with the nonprofit WaterAid to support the rollout of the Cambodian government’s COVID-19 response plan.

More than 20,000 factory workers and 300,000 citizens have been vaccinated and over 100,000 people across five provinces have received vital hygiene supplies. Watch now and be inspired.

Reuniting Families

Community Development (WCD) program set out to change that. The WCD program was designed to help better the lives of our workers and their families around the world and aspires to positively impact one million people annually by 2025.

VF and the Centre for Children’s Rights and Business joined forces to create the WeCare program at VF facilities in China. The program, which began in 2018, is currently thriving at five factories in China, serving 1,000 migrant parents and children.

A range of customizable activities and support services are available at each factory, designed to help parents bond with their children, communicate with each other effectively, assist with remote learning and celebrate more time together.

Plans are in place to scale this program across all VF factories in China. See how this inspiring program is helping children grow closer to their parents, while reducing the stress and anxiety of migrant workers as they provide essential income to their families.