Thebaid (Greek poem)

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Thebaid (Greek poem)

The Thebaid or Thebais (Greek: Θηβαΐς, Thēbais), also called the Cyclic Thebaid, is an Ancient Greek epic poem of uncertain authorship (see Cyclic poets) sometimes attributed by early writers to Homer, for example, by the poet Callinus and the historian Herodotus (see West, Translations below, at p. 8) to Homer (8th century BC or early 7th century BC). It told the story of the war between the brothers Eteocles and Polynices, and was regarded as forming part of a Theban Cycle. Only fragments of the text survive.

See also[edit]

Select editions and translations[edit]

Critical editions[edit]

  • Kinkel, G. (1877), Epicorum Graecorum fragmenta, vol. 1, Leipzig.
  • Allen, T.W. (1912), Homeri opera. Tomus V: Hymni, Cyclus, Fragmenta, Margites, Batrachomyomachia, Vitae, Oxford, ISBN 0-19-814534-9.
  • Bernabé, A. (1988), Poetae epici Graecae, vol. pars i, Leipzig, ISBN 978-3-598-71706-2.
  • Davies, M. (1988), Epicorum Graecorum fragmenta, Göttingen, ISBN 978-3-525-25747-0.

