ENGL220 Technical Writing (3 semester hours)

ENGL220 introduces students to several different forms of technical writing while challenging them to engage regularly with the field at a scholarly level. Major concepts include collaboration, audience, document design, persuasion, the use of mobile technologies, and revision. In this course, readings are discovered by students in relevant technical writing journals in the AMU/APUS Trefry Library. As students hone their academic research skills, they are tasked with reporting back to their peers regarding the found articles that are relevant to that week’s writing objectives. Weekly class discussions are set up to simulate the technical writing work groups that are routinely found in companies and organizations, and should offer students a place to brainstorm and refine ideas for their larger assignments. Students will compose product proposals, instructions, labels, and a final web-based product manual. These assignments are designed to build on one another and culminate in the final project which can be included in a professional portfolio. (Prerequisites: ENGL101 or ENGL110)