Peer Code Review

Peer Code Review Overview

Peer Code Review software is designed to help developers improve software quality. Using these tools, software developers review each other's code before releasing software to QA. The goal is to identify bugs, and encourage encourages, resulting in more maintainable code.
Recent best practices in this area try to find a balance between overly strict processes which can damage morale, and too lax oversight which results in buggy code being sent to QA.

Peer Code Review is essential to businesses that ship more than a little code. When it comes to improving code before or after it is launched, peer review is one of the most effective methods. Peer code review tools help businesses make the peer review process as simple as possible while also documenting it. Additionally, these tools are designed to fit into agile workflows so you can incorporate code reviews into your sprints.

Code review without peer review tools can be time-consuming, and may not be documented, so it is possible for changes to get lost, or for the reviewer to miss important context. Peer code review tools are essential for streamlining the process.

Peer Code Review Products

(1-19 of 19) Sorted by Most Reviews

The list of products below is based purely on reviews (sorted from most to least). There is no paid placement and analyst opinions do not influence their rankings. Here is our Promise to Buyers to ensure information on our site is reliable, useful, and worthy of your trust.


Customer Verified
Top Rated

GitLab is a complete open-source DevOps platform, delivered as a single application, fundamentally changing the way Development, Security, and Ops teams collaborate and build software. From idea to production, GitLab helps teams improve cycle time from weeks to minutes, reduce development…

Perforce Helix Core

Multinational company Perforce, headquartered in Alameda, California offers a version control and peer code review solution. Perforce version control is built around Helix Core with add-on products for code review (Helix Swarm) for free, and add Git support products (Helix4Git and…


Atlasssian Crucible is a peer review tool for finding bugs and defects in version control tools Subversion, Git, Mercurial, CVS, and Perforce.


Codacy automates code reviews and monitors code quality on every commit and pull request reporting back the impact of every commit or pull request, issues concerning code style, best practices, security, and many others. It monitors changes in code coverage, code duplication and…

Code Compare

Code Compare is a compare tool designed to compare and merge differing files and folders. Code Compare integrates with source control systems: TFS, SVN, Git, Mercurial, and Perforce. Code Compare is shipped both as a standalone file diff tool and a Visual Studio extension.


Gitcolony is a peer code review tool which is available in on-premise and cloud versions. It allows teams to merge code, review work with peers and make sure code policies are applied correctly.


SideCI is an automated code review tool for identifying bugs and non-standard code.

Review Board

Review Board is a web-based peer review tool suitable for projects of all sizes. It can connect to all the main code repositories like ClearCase, Mercurial, Perforce, Subversion, etc.


Collaborator is a code review product from SmartBear. It integrates with GitHub, GitLab and Atlassian’s Bitbucket pull request workflows. Every time a pull request is initiated, a Collaborator code review will be created.

Embold (formerly Gamma)

Embold Technologies (formerly Acellere) in Frankfort offers Embold (formerly Gamma), a static code analysis and peer code review tool for developers.

Pluralsight Flow (formerly GitPrime)

Pluralsight Flow (formerly GitPrime) is a software solution designed to increase devops velocity and help teams release products faster with visibility into the engineering workflow. Flow aggregates historical git data into insights and reports to help make engineering teams more…


The vendor states CodeStream helps development teams resolve issues faster, and improve code quality by streamlining code reviews inside an IDE. CodeStream enables asynchronous communication among developers on a team, anywhere. Review changes in the context of the full source…


Sourcegraph Universal Code Search, from Sourcegraph in San Francisco, is designed to let developers focus on solving problems, not struggle to find code, while managing rapidly changing and complex codebases. With it, users can find definitions, references, usage examples, and anything…


Atlantis is an open source self-hosted Terraform pull request automation tool that enables peer review of code and requests, providing comments and approval workflows.


📣 The future of social coding Connect. See when your fellow contributors are online and which repos, branches and files they are working on.Automated. Connect your issue tracker to share what issue you are working on based on your current branch.📣 Resolve conflicts before they…

Atlassian Fisheye

Atlassian Fisheye is a tool used to track code activity in one place where users can view code activity – changesets, revisions, branches, tags, diffs - in one centralized place. Users can search through code using file names, partial paths, wild cards, user names Jira Software issues…


zSecurity, headquartered in Dublin is a provider of ethical hacking and cyber security training. They teach hacking and security to help customers become ethical hackers so they can test and secure systems from black-hat hackers. They state their goal is to educate people and increase…


Phabricator includes capabilities to manage tasks and sprints, review code, host Git, SVN, or Mercurial repositories, It can be installed locally or run in the cloud.

Learn More About Peer Code Review

What is Peer Code Review?

Peer Code Review software is designed to help developers improve software quality. Using these tools, software developers review each other's code before releasing software to QA. The goal is to identify bugs, and encourage encourages, resulting in more maintainable code.
Recent best practices in this area try to find a balance between overly strict processes which can damage morale, and too lax oversight which results in buggy code being sent to QA.

Peer Code Review is essential to businesses that ship more than a little code. When it comes to improving code before or after it is launched, peer review is one of the most effective methods. Peer code review tools help businesses make the peer review process as simple as possible while also documenting it. Additionally, these tools are designed to fit into agile workflows so you can incorporate code reviews into your sprints.

Code review without peer review tools can be time-consuming, and may not be documented, so it is possible for changes to get lost, or for the reviewer to miss important context. Peer code review tools are essential for streamlining the process.

Peer Code Review Features & Capabilities

Below are some of the key features included in most peer code review tools:
  • Version Control Integration
  • Document Peer Reviews
  • Enable Communication Between Developer and Reviewer
  • Incorporate Review into Agile Workflows

Peer Code Review Comparison

The most important factor to consider when choosing a peer code review tool is how it integrates with your version control system. Most peer code review tools offer integrations with various version control platforms like GitHub. Make sure when you choose a peer code review that it will work well with your version control tool.

Another factor to consider is what communication tools are included in the peer code review tool. Many tools include extra features for adding notation to changes on both the developer side and reviewer side. If you value having additional space for notation for your developers, communication features are something to consider.

Peer Code Review Pricing

Peer code review platforms have varied pricing depending on what features are included. Most popular peer code review tools offer a free trial that typically offers limited minutes of use per month. Beyond that, businesses should expect to pay at least $15.00 per month.

Frequently Asked Questions

What businesses benefit most from peer code review tools?

The more code a business ships and the more developers they have, the more valuable peer code review is. Peer code review will help ensure the quality of every release.

Are there free or open-source peer code review tools?

Many peer code review tools offer a free version. For smaller businesses that don’t ship much code, these free versions may be totally sufficient. Larger businesses will likely need more premium options.

How much does peer code review cost?

Peer code review tools typically cost at least $15.00 per user per month, but businesses that want the best features possible may have to pay up to $99.00 per user per month.